               �      INTEL FAXMODEMS NOW OFFERED      �
               �           IN SYSOP PROGRAM!           �

After PC Magazine's most intensive modem evaluation in years, the Intel
14.4EX tied for "Editors Choice" honors with AT&T.  The AT&T modem is more
than double the price of the Intel 14.4EX, making Intel's modem the clear
winner.  Intel has combined this technology with our award winning
SatisFAXtion modems to bring you a new line of faxmodems.  The best of the
bunch will be offered at special pricing to Sysops.

1) SatisFAXtion Modem/400 - an internal V.32bis, coprocessed
  faxmodem with a V.32bis modem, Smart Line sharing and
  Smart UART.  Supports CAS compatible applications.

2) SatisFAXtion Modem/400e; an external V.32bis faxmodem.
  Supports CAS and Class 1 fax interfaces.

  [For more informaton, download the appropriate online

  Common features of the 14.4EX, SatisFAXtion Modem/400 and 400e:
  -V.32bis/V.32 speeds of 14.4K, 12K, 9.6K, 7.2K and 4.8Kbps.
  -V.42bis, V.42 and MNP 5 data compression and error control.
  -Automatic speed optimization.  The modem monitors line
   noise and falls back and/or forward to insure the maximum
   throughput.  These speed changes happen in less than 200ms!
  -Adaptive handshaking.  The 14.4EX samples the phone line
   BEFORE the connection is made to maximize throughput.
  -Quick connection option.  The modem can be configured to
   connect with other Intel modems in as little as six
   seconds (vs the normal 12-16 seconds).  Even if you're
   connecting to a non-Intel modem, the connection time can be
   cut to eight seconds.  (NOTE: noisy phone lines will affect
   the performance of this option).
  -Automatic leased line restoration.  In the event of carrier
   loss on a leased line, the modem can be setup to automatically
   attempt to re-establish the connection.
  -Small form factor.  Our external high speed modems are
   packaged in the same metal case as our 2400bps modem,
   reducing space requirements.
  -Free communications software from Crosstalk.  Each modem
   comes with a free copy of "Communicator by Crosstalk".
   This is the full $99 retail package which includes 13
   terminal emulators and 8 file transfer protocols - including
  -Status lights display connection speeds between 1200 and
   14,400bps and when error control and data compression
   connections have been made (externals only)
  -Maximum DTE rate = 115.2Kbps

         []  You must currently be operating a bulletin board system.
         []  Purchase is for bulletin board use only  -- not for resale.
         []  The modem must be used on the BBS at least one year
             before removal.
         []  Bulletin board must display a message on user sign
             on declaring an Intel 14.4EX or SatisFAXtion Modem/400
             (or 400e) in use.

          o  Due to local market approval requirements, this
             offer is only available in North America.
          o  This is a special limited offer from Intel.  Intel
             reserves the right to discontinue or alter the offer
             at any time.

         We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cashier
         check or money order.

    SHIPPING AND HANDLING (please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery): $15/unit

         State sales tax must be included where applicable (or
         provide a tax exemption number).


                    SYSOP ORDER FORM -- INTEL MODEMS
                         (Effective: 7/31/92)

         NAME _____________________________________

         COMPANY __________________________________

         MAIL SLOT_________________________________






         Voice phone number:

         BBS phone number(s):




         Name and address of your BBS:



         How long has your BBS been in operation?

         Hours of BBS operation:

         If you are a member of a network (eg. FidoNet,
         Usenet, etc.) list addresses:


         Average number of calls per month:

         BBS software used:

         Processor used on BBS computer:

         Brands and speeds of modems you now use:



         Account number, name and password for Intel (so we can
         log into your system for verification):




         MODEL                          LIST      SYSOP     TOTAL
                                        PRICE     PRICE

         14.4EX (ext)                   $549       $269    ________
       * SatisFAXtion Modem/400e (ext)  $549       $279    ________
         SatisFAXtion Modem/400 (int)   $499       $249    ________

                       SUB TOTAL (Quantity X Price)        ________
                              (Limit 4)
*Available the end of August

         STATE SALES TAX (Subtotal X State Tax %)          ________
           (or enter tax exemption number here)

         SHIPPING & HANDLING ($15/unit)                    ________
         (Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery)

                       TOTAL                               ________

         CREDIT CARD NUMBER:                   VISA:_______________
                                   AMERICAN EXPRESS:_______________
                                    EXPIRATION DATE:_______________

         My signature below shows that I have read and
         understand the terms of this agreement.

         []  You must currently be operating a bulletin board system.
         []  Modem purchased is for bulletin board use only  -- not for
         []  The modem must be used on the BBS at least one year
             before removal.
         []  Bulletin board must display a message on user sign
             on declaring an Intel 14.4EX of SatisFAXtion Modem/400
             (or 400e) in use.

         PURCHASER SIGNATURE:__________________________


         at (503) 228-9707



                           INTEL SYSOP PROGRAM
                           PO BOX 10723
                           PORTLAND, OR  97210