FIRE ESCAPE'S  St. Louis BBS Directory: APRIL 1994


      All PREVIOUS "Directories" are now outdated, please delete them!
           The Legends and Directory Information are at the End.


============================ == = ======== === ============= ===== ====== ====
$200.00 Doorstop BBS         -- - 861-2937 NR  Brian         24    14.4-B WCAT
Absolute Value               02 - 731-7935 P   Art Hebbeler  24     2.4-N MISC
Absolute Value               -- - 731-7934 P   Art Hebbeler  24    14.4-N MISC
Absolute Value               -- - 895-2616 P   Art Hebbeler  24     2.4-N MISC
Access Denied: MAC BBS       -- - 846-5565 --- Skip          24    14.4-B HERM
Access Imaging               -- - 664-8220 --- ?             24    14.4-B MISC
Adults Unlimited             -- - 481-7101 C   Dirty Old Man 24    14.4-B TLGD
Aerovista BBS                -- - 638-5204 --- Crystal       24    14.4-B WWIV
Affinity ADULT Multiline BBS 19 - 771-6800 --- Aqualung      24    14.4-B MISC
After Dark, The              -- - 946-4050 --- Beamer        24    14.4-B WWIV
After Shock Sushi Bar, The   -- - 772-3428 --- The Jap       24    v.FC-B WWIV
After Thought                -- - 423-6312 --- Shade Tree    24     9.6-B WWIV
Alien's                      -- - 349-5179 --- Alien         24     2.4-N C-64
Alpha Centauri BBS           -- - 441-2566 --- Cmdr Virus C. 24     2.4-N WWIV
Alternative Factor, The      -- - 647-4084 --- Bird Thing    24    14.4-B WWIV
Amazon, The                  -- - 846-8758 --- Audiophile    24     DSH-B WWIV
American Liberator, The      -- - 343-4759 --- ?             24    14.4-B WWIV
Amiga Only                   -- - 428-4737 --- Mike Kraml    24     DSH-B OPUS
Andromeda II                 -- - 869-5171 --- Linus         24     9.6-B TLGD
Arena, The                   L1 - 845-6849 --- Jake Blues    24    14.4-B VBBS
Arena, The                   L2 - 845-6859 --- Jake Blues    24    14.4-B VBBS
Asgardian Realm, The         -- - 291-6762 --- Lancer        24     DSH-B WWIV
Asylum II                    -- - 846-8412 --- The Billiken  24    14.4-M WWIV
Atlantis BBS                 -- - 426-7873 --- Raven         24    14.4-L WWIV
Audio Lab BBS, The           -- - 830-1101 --- Shock G.      24     2.4-L RENG
Auto Reverse                 -- - 921-2217 --- Zebra         24     2.4-N WWIV
Aviary, The                  -- - 544-2569 --- FlyBoy        24    14.4-B WWIV
Banana Republic, The         -- - 282-3337 C   Dr. Spine     24    14.4-B MISC
Barb's Lookout Window        -- - 894-0919 --- Barb C.       24    14.4-B TAG
Bard's Keep (#,,2222)        -- - 845-7840 C   Bard          24    14.4-B VBBS
Big Mac Attack II            -- - 776-6711 --- R. Chiu       24    14.4-B HERM
Bingo Hall, The              -- - 846-4031 ?   Bob #1        24    14.4-B WWIV
Black Diamond Computer Serv. -- - 938-9616 --- Ski Bum/Freak 24    14.4-B WWIV
Black Sun, The               -- - 230-7139 R   The Renegade  24    14.4-B RENG
Black Sunday BBS             -- - 343-8606 C   Menace/WarPig 24    v.FC-B RENG
Black Triangle, The          -- - 453-0662 --- Tracker       24    14.4-B WWIV
Blue Lagoon, The             -- T 447-2913 C   Giddemyer     24     2.4-N WWIV
Bob & Joe's BBS              -- - 351-3551 C   Frog          24     2.4-N WWIV
Bobber Board, The            -- - 441-0842 C   Bobber        24    14.4-B TLGD
Bog BBS, The                 -- - 831-1736 *   Mud Duck      24    14.4-B WWIV
BS Box                       -- - 861-3902 --- PC Guru       24     9.6-B WWIV
Buckskin                     -- - 776-2482 --- Dennis        24    14.4-B RENG
Buffy's Playhouse            -- - 664-9250 --- Buffy         24    14.4-B WWIV
Buried Alive                 -- - 532-5013 *N  David Huneke  24     2.4-N WWIV
Cafe Chaos                   -- - 773-3106 --- Captain Chaos 24    14.4-B WWIV
Cajun Aquarium, The          -- - 993-1710 --- Zinc          24    14.4-N WWIV
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon  -- - 939-4113 --- Prnc. Kheldar 24     DSH-B WWIV
Candi Shoppe, The            -- - 838-9679 --- Candi         24     2.4-N WWIV
Captive BBS, The             -- - 576-9674 N   Vikram Hedge  24    14.4-B HERM
Castle Roogna, The           -- - 427-0669 C   Dor           24    14.4-B WWIV
Cat Box, The                 -- - 965-0477 --- Jerry K.      24    14.4-B WWIV
Cave Echoes BBS              -- - 355-4439 --- Joel Laws     24    14.4-M TRI
Cave of the Golden Dragon    -- - 256-8533 --- Gold Dragon   24    14.4-B WWIV
CD-Source BBS, The           -- - 869-4421 --- C. Timmerberg 24    14.4-B MISC
Changewinds BBS (New #)      -- - 426-8775 C   Stormie       24    14.4-B WWIV
Chaotic Disorder BBS, The    -- - 647-5466 --- Berman        24     9.6-B WWIV
Cheswick's International BBS L1 - 965-1385 $R  Chelsea C.    24    v.FC-B WCAT
Cheswick's International BBS L2 - 965-5296 $R  Chelsea C.    24     DSH-B WCAT
Christian Connection, The    -- - 353-3460 NA  Ron Burkett   20-07 14.4-B WWIV
Cindex Support BBS           -- - 837-5422 --- John Furniss  24    14.4-B REMT
CompUSA BBS                  01 - 579-3072 --- Michael Arthr 24     DSH-B WCAT
Computer Addict BBS, The     -- - 274-8896 N   Ron Hill      24    14.4-B WCAT
Computer Assistance Network  -- - 298-8363 --- Martin Walker 24    14.4-B PCBD
Computer Information Access  -- - 878-2910 --- Deep Thought  24     9.6-N WWIV
Computers Plus               L1 - 349-9144 --- Chris Johnson 24     DSH-L WCAT
Computers Plus               L2 - 349-9145 --- Chris Johnson 24     DSH-B WCAT
Computers Plus               L3 - 349-9146 C   Chris Johnson 24     DSH-B WCAT
Concert Connection, The      -- - 349-6099 --- Harmony       24    14.4-B WWIV
Cosmic Zodiac, The           -- - 428-8076 P   Sweetness     24    14.4-L RENG
CUGSL                        -- - 837-5757 $   Bruce D.      24    14.4-B WWIV
Danger Room, The             -- - 481-8754 N   Martin D.     24    14.4-B WCAT
Dangerous Kitchen, The       -- - 727-3511 --- Hizrone       24    14.4-M WWIV
Danl's Midnite Chat Wave     -- - 349-0978 --- Danl          24     2.4-N WWIV
Dark Dungeon, The            -- - 296-6889 --- The Slayer    24    14.4-B WWIV
Dark World BBS               -- - 271-2037 N   Matt Mann     24    14.4-N TLGD
Darkwell, The                -- - 271-8442 N?  ?             24     2.4-N UNKW
Datastorm Tech. Support BBS  L1 T 875-0503 --- Chambers      24     2.4-M TBBS
Datastorm Tech. Support BBS  L2 T 875-0520 --- Chambers      24     2.4-M TBBS
Datastorm Tech. Support BBS  L3 T 875-0523 --- Chambers      24     9.6-B TBBS
Datastorm Tech. Support BBS  L4 T 875-0476 --- Chambers      24     9.6-B TBBS
Datastorm Tech. Support BBS  L5 T 875-0532 --- Chambers      24     9.6-B TBBS
Datastorm Tech. Support BBS  L6 T 875-0249 --- Chambers      24     9.6-B TBBS
Dawn of Time BBS, The        -- - 946-9663 N   ?             24    14.4-B RENG
Dawna's Zoo                  -- - 921-1820 --- Dawna         24     2.4-N MTAB
Days of Swine and Roses BBS  -- - 469-0806 ?   Panama Joe    24    14.4-B WWIV
DBUG's The Library           -- - 821-0638 --- Ken Seger     24    14.4-B TBBS
Dead On Arrival              -- - 349-1566 --- MeGaDeTh      24    14.4-B MISC
Dead Zone, The               -- - 731-3914 --- Sleeper       24    14.4-B WWIV
Death's Lair                 -- - 432-8031 --- Iranian Mob.  24    14.4-B WWIV
Deja Vu                      -- - 894-9271 --- ParaPsykotic  24     2.4-N C-64
Demented Playground, The     -- - 731-5551 N   Bad Child     24     2.4-N WWIV
Den of Happiness, The        19 - 432-4411 --- Kelly Sleeper 24    14.4-B GLTC
Depeche Mode 101             -- - 939-3325 N   ?             24    14.4-B WWIV
Design 2 Art                 04 - 926-3367 $   Design Team   24    14.4-B WCAT
Destructo's Domain           -- - 965-5258 A   Vindicator    07-22 14.4-B RBFX
Dew Drop Inn, The            -- - 282-2322 --- Music Man     24    14.4-B TLGD
Dibble's Place               -- S 278-8667 --- Dibble        24    14.4-B TRI
Dick's Last Resort           -- - 441-5654 --- Timmy         24    14.4-B WWIV
Diddle's Diggs               -- - 867-3457 --- Mr. Diddles   24    14.4-B WWIV
Digital Bellbottoms          -- - 427-4152 ?   B. Penberthy  24    14.4-B WCAT
Digital Empire               -- T 789-4014 --- Hawk          24    v.FC-B VBBS
Digital Future BBS           02 - 532-9711 --- T. O.         24     DSH-B VBBS
Digital Future BBS           01 - 532-5997 --- T. O.         24     2.4-N VBBS
Digital Future BBS           -- - 532-9285 --- T. O.         24    14.4-B VBBS
Dinosaur Den BBS, The        -- - 631-3116 --- Dijisaurus Rx 24     9.6-B WWIV
Director's Chair, The        -- - 638-5314 --- The Director  24    14.4-B WWIV
"Ditto" BBS                  -- T 327-7702 R   Larry C.      24    14.4-B RENG
Dog Pound Too, The           -- - 878-8816 --- Sly Old Dog   24    14.4-B WWIV
Donut Hole, The              -- - 947-6326 --- The Droid     24    14.4-B MISC
Dragon's Flight/Shady's Plc. -- - 423-3166 CN  Shadowhand    24    14.4-B WWIV
Dragon's Lair, The           -- - 271-8523 N   Dragon        24    14.4-B TLGD
Dragon's Nest, The           -- - 423-3949 R   Andy Edwards  24    14.4-B TRI
Dragonspear Castle, The      -- - 894-7539 --- Shadow Lord   24    14.4-B WWIV
Driftwood Sanctuary, The     -- - 921-1745 --- Rude          24     2.4-N WWIV
Eagle's Gift BBS             -- - 647-4599 NA? SoarDog       07-12  9.6-B GLTC
Eagle's Nest                 -- - 544-3226 --- Bald Eagle    24    14.4-M WWIV
East-West Gateway BBS        -- - 231-6121 --- ?             24     2.4-N WCAT
Edge Of Sanity, The          -- - 481-3846 A?  ?             21-09  2.4-N UNKW
Elec Fence-Cavern of Despair -- - 938-6018 --- Elly/Dispair  24    14.4-B WWIV
Electric Mayhem BBS, The     -- - 770-9344 N   Capt'n Snow   24    14.4-B WCAT
Electric Mayhem BBS, The     01 - 770-9340 $   Capt'n Snow   24    14.4-B WCAT
Electronic Realm, The        -- - 230-6929 *   BigFOOT       24    14.4-B UNKW
End of the Rainbow           -- - 921-8940 --- Nite Rider    24    14.4-B WWIV
Enter Quest BBS              04 - 741-4200 R   The Warden    24     2.4-N GLTC
Enter Quest BBS              -- - 741-9875 R   The Warden    24    14.4-B GLTC
Enter Quest BBS              -- - 741-9876 R   The Warden    24    14.4-B GLTC
Epson News Line              01 - 961-2242 $   Jerry Queen   24    14.4-B PCBD
Epson News Line              -- - 961-4594 $   Jerry Queen   24    14.4-B PCBD
Fail Safe                    -- - 861-1797 --- Alex Stangl   24    14.4-B WWIV
Fallen Angel                 -- - 895-1081 N   Burrhead      24    14.4-B TLGD
Family Connection, The       -- - 544-4628 R   Audi          24    14.4-B TRI
Farside, The                 -- - 921-4269 --- Lefty         24     1.2-N C-64
Fellowship, The              -- - 644-5777 --- Tolkien       24     DSH-B WWIV
File Cabinet III, The        -- - 984-8958 *   King TJ       24    v.FC-B RENG
File Exchange, The           -- - 296-2348 --- Michael B.    24    14.4-B SLGT
Final Excursion              -- T 536-2644 --- Death Surge   24    14.4-B WWIV
Fire Escape's BBS Directory  01 - 741-9505 R   Fire Escape   24    14.4-B TRI
Fire Escape's BBS Directory  01 - 741-0341 R   Fire Escape   24    14.4-B TRI
Flash                        -- - 275-2040 --- Dick Pederson 24     DSH-B FORM
Flash, The                   01 - 878-6599 --- Camera Bug    24    14.4-B SLGT
Forbidden Tower, The         -- - 522-3127 --- Rook          24     2.4-N WWIV
Forest Park ATC BBS          -- - 644-9098 --- Rich Grace    24     2.4-N WCAT
ForPlay BBS                  -- - 481-4821 *C  Red Sector    24     2.4-N A-64
Free Fall X-Press, The       -- - 298-7066 C   Mad Mike      24    14.4-B TLGD
Freedom Station              -- - 677-8284 --- Bob Kleist    24    14.4-B TAG
Fritz' Place                 -- - 822-5493 --- Fritz         24    14.4-B WWIV
Froon's Cocoon [need a NUP]  -- - 963-9658 CN  Sir Froon     24    14.4-B WWIV
Future, The                  -- - 921-6867 --- Rick Eben     24     2.4-N C-64
GamesTown U.S.A.             -- - 296-1435 R   GamesMaster   24     2.4-N TRI
GateKeeper, The              -- - 770-0596 --- Blade #1      24     9.6-B WWIV
Gateway/2 OS/2               -- - 771-9280 --- Ron Gines     24     9.6-B MAXI
GateWay Amiga/Mo Amiga Disp. L1 - 381-7504 --- Kenneth Brill 24     DSH-B EXCL
GateWay Amiga/Mo Amiga Disp. L2 - 381-5507 --- Kenneth Brill 24     DSH-B EXCL
GateWay Amiga/Mo Amiga Disp. L2 - 381-5878 --- Kenneth Brill 24     DSH-B EXCL
Gateway City BBS             -- - 647-3290 C   Gateway*Shoe  24     2.4-N FORM
Gateway News Network II      -- - 231-5175 --- Scott/Spencer 24     2.4-N MISC
Gateway Quick Connect        -- - 861-2105 --- B Dickherber  24    14.4-L WWIV
Gathering, The               -- - 839-2978 --- Chris Byrd    24    14.4-B RENG
Get A Grip @1                -- - 838-9970 --- SHiPHER       24    14.4-B WWIV
Get A Grip @2                -- - 831-0265 N   Lucifer       24    14.4-B WWIV
Ghostwheel, The              -- - 427-4119 --- Jenneman      24    14.4-B FIDO
Glass Menagerie, The         -- - 423-5787 --- Topgun        24     1.2-N C-64
Grand Illusion, The          -- - 434-7260 C   Snaggelpuss   24     DSH-B TLGD
GrapeVINE BBS, The           -- - 481-7600 --- ?             24     9.6-B WCAT
Great Void, The              -- - 862-0641 *   Mira          24    14.4-B WWIV
Happy Hour BBS               -- - 458-6956 --- Dustin        24    14.4-B WWIV
Hard Times BBS, The          01 - 355-5371 --- The Master    24     DSH-B PCBD
Hard Times BBS, The          -- - 355-5472 --- The Master    24     DSH-B PCBD
Harris Stowe College         -- - 340-3540 --- Les           24     9.6-B TBBS
Hartz Foundation, The        -- T 281-4362 --- Nick Hartz    24    14.4-B PCBD
Hat Trick BBS, The           -- - 227-9467 N   Zeos          24     2.4-N RENG
Hawk's Nest                  -- - 831-4501 --- ?             24    14.4-B WWIV
Hide Away BBS, The           -- - 530-7612 A   Raven         19-08 14.4-B RENG
Hobby Shop BBS, The          -- - 429-2456 --- Todd Young    24    14.4-B HERM
Holodeck III                 -- - 947-7827 --- Chris Ivorey  24    14.4-M WWIV
Home Alone BBS, The          -- - 638-5132 --- Scheron       24    14.4-B WWIV
Hospital, The                -- - 256-7135 --- Dr. Feelgood  24    14.4-B WWIV
Hotflash Bi & Gay/System IV  16 - 771-6060 C$  John Williams 24     2.4-N MISC
Hotflash Bi & Gay/System IV  -- - 771-7104 $   John Williams 24    14.4-B MISC
House of Cards BBS           -- T 933-2756 --- Ace High      24    14.4-B WCAT
House Of Secrets, The        -- - 428-5301 --- RoboTech      24    14.4-B WWIV
Hyperion                     L1 - 469-3972 --- Hyperman      24    14.4-B WWIV
Hyperion                     L2 - 225-4692 *   Hyperman      24     2.4-N WWIV
ILIAMO BBS                   03 T 655-2263 --- Jerry Brandt  24    14.4-B WCAT
Imperial High Command BBS    -- - 441-2834 --- ?             24     2.4-N WWIV
In Utero/Symphony of Destruc -- - 487-7093 --- Misery        24    14.4-M MISC
Infobahn Cafe, The           -- - 355-7721 N   Mstr. of Spif 24    14.4-B WWIV
Information Center, The      -- - 595-4489 N   ?             24    14.4-B GLTC
InfoShare Plus               L1 - 939-0195 $R  Pete Urbanski 24     9.6-B WCAT
InfoShare Plus               L2 - 939-0196 $R  Pete Urbanski 24    14.4-B WCAT
InfoTECH Online Services Net -- - 928-5250 *N  ?             24    14.4-B RENG
Ink Well, The                -- - 394-1519 --- Angel         24    14.4-B TLGD
Insane Asylum, The           -- T 447-8139 --- Senior Psycho 24    14.4-L WWIV
Insider, The                 02 - 731-3871 --- Dale666       24     9.6-M VBBS
Interstate BBS, The          -- - 638-6244 --- Leadfoot      24     1.2-N C-64
Invest Quest                 L1 - 644-6747 --- D. Richardson 24     DSH-B PCBD
Invest Quest                 L2 - 644-6688 $   D. Richardson 24     DSH-B PCBD
J.B. Mixer's                 -- S 278-4955 --- The Opester   24    14.4-L RENG
Jacksss Flats                -- T 447-7251 N   Dennis McCord 24    14.4-B WCAT
Junior's BBS (PCjr User Grp) -- - 227-0087 R   John Maki     24    14.4-B SLGT
Junk Drawer, The             -- - 434-4034 --- Marlin        24     2.4-N MTAB
Jupiter BBS (Login as BBS)   -- - 838-8217 NP  David Barnes  24    14.4-B MISC
Ken's Survivalist            -- - 821-2815 --- Ken           24     DSH-B TBBS
Kevin's Place                -- - 739-0571 C   Kevin C.      24    14.4-B WWIV
KingDragon World BBS         -- - 664-5418 --- KingDragon    24    v.FC-B PCBD
Lancer BBS (24hr on Weekend) -- - 458-1222 A   Trumpeter     15-08  9.6-B WWIV
Land of Nim, The             -- - 230-5677 CN  The Nimrod    24    14.4-B WWIV
Land of OZ                   -- - 921-5195 --- OZZ           24    14.4-B WWIV
Land of the Hill People      -- - 453-0292 *A  Voltar        22-12 14.4-B RENG
Land of the Little People    -- - 821-7985 --- Little Jon    24    14.4-B WWIV
Last Half of Darkness, The   -- T 365-4886 N   Dark Knight   24    14.4-B WWIV
LifeSupport BBS              -- - 381-9561 R   Medic         24     DSH-B WCAT
Lithium BBS                  -- - 894-9569 --- Pyro/Wild Joe 24    14.4-B WWIV
Loop, The                    L1 - 862-1253 R   Chris Quinn   24    14.4-B RBBS
Loop, The                    L2 - 862-1261 R   Chris Quinn   24    14.4-B RBBS
Love Boat, The               -- - 481-5846 --- Captain James 24     2.4-N A-64
M&M Factory, The             -- - 861-1820 --- Snorkel       24     DSH-B WWIV
MAC Paradise                 01 - 846-8929 --- Mac Master    24    14.4-B HERM
MAC Paradise                 -- - 846-8982 --- Mac Master    24     DSH-B HERM
Mad Dog's Doghouse           -- - 843-7356 N   Mad Dog       24    14.4-B WWIV
Magic: The Gathering         -- - 645-2339 --- Force of Nat. 24     2.4-N MAXI
MARKetplace BBS, The         03 - 521-3732 --- Mark Abbacchi 24     2.4-N WCAT
MARKetplace BBS, The         01 - 521-6835 --- Mark Abbacchi 24    14.4-B WCAT
Martin's Nest, The           -- - 961-0541 --- Ed Martin     24     9.6-L MAXI
Maze, The                    -- - 428-7732 --- Jammin        24    14.4-B WWIV
MDC-RCC: Fido 1:100/10       -- - 830-4287 --- Terry Mueller 24    14.4-L FIDO
MDC-RCC: Fido 1:100/210      -- - 830-2272 --- Bruce D.      24    14.4-L FIDO
Meaning of Life, The         -- - 965-6027 --- Dungeon Mastr 24    14.4-L TLGD
Menzoberranzan BBS           -- - 394-0387 *NA Frizzle Fry   07-16  2.4-N TLGD
Messianic Jewish BBS         -- - 227-6885 --- Harvey Smith  24     9.6-B OPUS
Metamorphosis                -- - 940-0937 N   ?             24    14.4-B VBBS
Metamorphosis                -- - 940-2874 N   ?             24    14.4-B VBBS
Mike's Resort                -- T 348-5520 --- Ken Carpenter 24     DSH-B WWIV
Millennium                   -- S 281-8481 R   Steve Jones   24    14.4-B WCAT
Millennium                   -- T 272-3899 R   Steve Jones   24    14.4-B WCAT
Mo. School for the Blind     -- - 776-8128 *   Matthew P.    24     9.6-B MISC
Monopoly Board               -- - 861-2512 R   Gameguy       24    14.4-B SPIT
Monopoly Board               -- - 861-2799 R   Gameguy       24     9.6-B SPIT
MorningStar                  L1 - 394-7719 --- Stu Schankman 24    14.4-B RBFX
MorningStar                  L2 - 394-2486 --- Stu Schankman 24    14.4-B RBFX
Mourning Rose, The           -- - 441-1021 ?   Number 1      24     2.4-N WWIV
Mr. Wizard's Castle          -- - 256-7466 --- Mr. Wizard    24     2.4-N WWIV
Munchkin's Litterbox         -- - 434-2950 --- Munchkin      24    v.FC-L WWIV
Nerd Escape, The             -- T 281-0502 --- Dr. Nurd      24    14.4-B SYNC
NeverLand BBS                -- - 579-9369 --- Peter Pan     24    14.4-B WCAT
New World Order              -- - 940-0115 N   Gideon        24    14.4-B WWIV
Night Lands                  -- - 878-6031 --- Night Owl     24     9.6-M VBBS
Night Owl                    L1 - 942-4758 R   Gary Johnson  24     DSH-B WCAT
Night Owl                    L2 - 942-4057 R$  Gary Johnson  24    14.4-B WCAT
Night Owl                    L3 - 942-3755 R$  Gary Johnson  24    14.4-B WCAT
Nightstalker's Den           -- - 227-5624 --- Nightstalker  24    14.4-B VBBS
No Possible Direction BBS    -- - 343-3916 --- Micro Chip    24     2.4-N WWIV
Nudist Camp, The             -- - 892-6879 --- Traci         24     DSH-B WWIV
Octagon, The                 -- - 863-7205 --- Aaron Rumple  24    14.4-B WCAT
Offworld                     -- - 580-0164 --- Joey Jay      24    14.4-B DLX
Olde Towne BBS               -- - 921-0724 --- Mike T.       24    14.4-L RENG
Olympus BBS                  -- - 961-0131 --- Avatar        24    14.4-B WWIV
On Scene BBS                 -- T 346-1175 N   Lester Libby  24    14.4-B WCAT
OneNet                       -- - 664-1285 --- John Baltzer  24    14.4-B MISC
Optometry Online             01 - 553-6475 --- Dave Davidson 24    14.4-B REMT
Optometry Online             -- - 553-6068 --- Dave Davidson 24     DSH-B REMT
Orca's Ocean                 -- - 225-1696 --- Orca          24    14.4-B WWIV
Origin's Talk                -- - 821-1078 --- Walt Stumper  24     DSH-B RBBS
Our House BBS                -- - 544-1651 --- Dave Hickman  24     2.4-N WWIV
OurPlace BBS                 -- T 327-5878 --- ?             24     2.4-M PCBD
Outcast Starport, The        -- - 531-9165 P   Lon Bliss     24    14.4-B RBFX
Ovid's Christian BBS         -- - 521-4621 --- Ovid B.       24    14.4-B GTPC
Ozark Net Connect            -- T 860-2124 N   Donald Miller 24    14.4-B WCAT
Pacific Palisades, The       -- - 451-6901 --- ?             24    14.4-L A-64
Palace, The                  -- - 843-1420 N   The Enchanter 24     2.4-N WWIV
Partyline                    11 - 845-7937 $   Short Circuit 24     2.4-N TBBS
Partyline                    03 - 845-7127 $   Short Circuit 24    14.4-B TBBS
Partyline (1-618 IL #)       -- T 799-8996 $   Short Circuit 24     2.4-N TBBS
PC Innovators BBS, The       01 - 939-6404 --- Rob Volz      24    14.4-B WCAT
PC Journal Online            -- - 965-2717 --- Steve Hegger  24    14.4-B WCAT
PC Journal Online            -- - 965-8755 --- Steve Hegger  24    14.4-B WCAT
PC Journal Online            -- - 965-8528 --- Steve Hegger  24    14.4-B WCAT
PC Journal Online            -- - 965-4759 --- Steve Hegger  24    14.4-B WCAT
Penalty Box, The             -- - 532-9565 --- AfterBurner   24    14.4-B VBBS
Phoenix Fire BBS             -- - 423-6979 --- Alpha         24    14.4-B WWIV
Phoney Express, The          -- - 567-3989 *   Sir Loc       24     2.4-N WWIV
Pinnacle Club, The           -- - 773-7337 --- ?             24     2.4-N MISC
Pirate's Nest, Da            -- - 631-7015 R   The Predator  24    14.4-B RENG
Pitbull, The                 -- T 272-7331 --- Mark Richrdsn 24    14.4-B TRI
Planet's Edge, The           -- - 921-8806 --- Alf           24    14.4-B WWIV
Player's Club, The           -- - 291-7328 N   /\/ightmare   24    14.4-B TLGD
PMS Help Line, The           -- - 997-3379 A   Barry Mizes   18-08 14.4-L TRI
Pointless Forest, The        -- - 428-5232 --- Oblio         24    14.4-B WWIV
Power Park Mega BBS, The     -- - 427-0206 NA  MagicMan Will 21-06  2.4-N WWIV
Prime Time                   -- - 296-5306 C   Fred Mueller  24     DSH-B TLGD
Programmer's Workshop, The   -- - 645-5190 --- Time          24     2.4-N WWIV
ProLine Pro-Applejacks       -- - 225-8008 --- Flash         24    14.4-B MISC
Proud To Be Your Board       -- - 849-3861 A   Nick          23-17 14.4-B WWIV
Psychic Voyage BBS, The      -- - 567-7065 --- ?             24    14.4-B RENG
Purple Toupee BBS, The       -- - 432-0694 --- Blue Canary   24    14.4-B WWIV
Puzzle Palace BBS, The       -- T 586-1402 --- Edward Nigma  24     9.6-M WCAT
QwikCom                      -- - 928-7262 A   Bill Clark    05-01 v.FC-B MAXI
Radical's Retreat, The       -- - 352-7619 --- The Radical   24    14.4-L WWIV
Rail News Midwest            -- - 867-3413 --- Weeb          24     9.6-B TLGD
Rap City                     -- - 963-7960 --- Dr. Dre       24    14.4-B WWIV
Rarely Called BBS, The       -- - 282-0017 --- Curt          24    14.4-B TLGD
Razor's Edge, The            -- - 298-1141 N   Razor         24    14.4-B WWIV
Reality Check BBS            -- - 846-4998 --- The Wolf      24    14.4-B RENG
Realm of Possibilities, The  -- - 773-9062 --- Colossus      24     2.4-N WWIV
Realm of Reality             -- - 822-2637 --- Quarth        24    14.4-B WWIV
Realm of the Unknown II      L1 - 894-5596 --- Eagle         24    14.4-B RENG
Realm of the Unknown II      L2 - 894-8356 --- Eagle         24     2.4-N RENG
Rick's Cafe BBS              -- - 939-2172 --- Mr. Rick      24    14.4-B WWIV
RIGHT Side of..World         -- - 645-1284 --- Sinfonian D.  24     9.6-B WWIV
Rock and Roll Express, The   -- - 296-5942 N   Beavis/Butthd 24     2.4-N RENG
Rolla Link in Exile, The     -- - 838-1092 --- Mike Livorse  24     2.4-B MTAB
Ronda's Riverboat BBS        -- - 821-5146 --- Ronda/Advrsry 24    14.4-B WWIV
R.U.D.M BBS                  -- - 230-6727 R   Kerry Vinson  24    14.4-B TRI
Sand Castle, The             -- - 842-9848 --- The Sandman   24    14.4-B WWIV
Saratoga BBS                 -- - 521-6618 --- Starvoyager   24     2.4-N WWIV
Satellite Of Love, The       -- - 867-6553 A   TV's Frank    22-06  2.4-N WWIV
Science Network Central BBS  -- - 576-6488 --- Dean of Sci.  24    14.4-B WWIV
Secret Society, The          -- - 394-1306 --- ?             24     2.4-N WWIV
Secured Connection, The      -- - 890-0664 --- Mr. Quality   24    14.4-B WWIV
SEMPCo                       01 - 531-2547 --- Sim           24    14.4-B CNET
SEMPCo                       -- - 531-5311 --- Sim           24    14.4-B CNET
Sex and Violence BBS         -- - 727-5422 *A  Black Sept.   22-17  2.4-N UNKW
SexWorld ADULT BBS           -- - 423-9667 *$  Smutmaster    24    14.4-B VBBS
Shady's Place/Dragon's Fligh -- - 423-3166 CN  ?             24    14.4-B MISC
Shortest Straw, The          -- - 921-5790 --- Ace           24     2.4-B WWIV
Sinister Domain/Strange Brew -- - 394-4809 CA  ?             18-07 14.4-B MISC
Skip's Doghouse              -- S 272-7547 R   Skip Attaway  24    14.4-B WCAT
Sky Net                      L1 - 352-8584 --- The Terminatr 24    14.4-B WWIV
Sky Net                      L2 - 352-3155 --- The Terminatr 24    14.4-B WWIV
SLACC Stack                  02 - 367-1903 R   Noel Moss     24    14.4-L GLTC
SLACC Stack                  -- - 367-8941 R   Noel Moss     24    14.4-B GLTC
Smurph Land BBS              -- - 540-2808 --- Regaelllle!   24     DSH-B SYNC
Soap Suds BBS                -- - 771-7954 --- Fauna         24    14.4-B RENG
Society for Freedom of Info. -- - 394-4295 --- ?             24    14.4-B MAXI
Soft-Logik Publishing        -- - 894-0057 --- Gumby         24     DSH-B WWIV
Solar Meltdown               -- - 921-3982 A   Sparx         00-14  2.4-N WWIV
Sole Survivor, The           01 - 846-2702 --- Shadowfax     24     DSH-B WWIV
Sole Survivor, The           -- - 846-5127 --- Shadowfax     24    14.4-B WWIV
Something In The Attic       -- - 275-7357 --- Tricky Dick   24    14.4-B WWIV
Sound Stage, The             -- - 726-5744 --- Maestro       24    14.4-B RENG
Source, The                  -- - 741-2589 --- Nuke          24    14.4-B TLGD
Southside, The               01 - 353-1096 --- Space Cowboy  24     DSH-B WWIV
Spartan Republic, The        -- - 394-0529 --- Jedi          24    14.4-B TLGD
Split Infinity               -- - 984-9913 --- CuJo/Bigfoot  24    14.4-B PCBD
SSM Abilities Resources Term -- - 781-6397 --- Rick Barbre   24     2.4-N WWIV
St. Louis CAT II BBS         L1 - 351-7150 --- Dave Russo    24     DSH-B PCBD
St. Louis CAT II BBS         L2 - 353-9441 --- Dave Russo    24    14.4-B PCBD
St. Louis Christian          -- - 947-0895 --- Mike Ashburn  24    14.4-B MISC
St. Louis County Library     -- - 569-1032 --- ?             24     2.4-N MISC
St. Louis Online             08 - 973-4073 $   Rik Brown     24    14.4-B PCBD
St. Louis Online             -- S 625-3874 $   Rik Brown     24    v.FC-B PCBD
St. Louis Online             -- S 625-6613 $   Rik Brown     24    14.4-B PCBD
St. Louis Online             -- T 625-4045 $   Rik Brown     24     9.6-B PCBD
St. Louis Online             -- T 625-4054 $   Rik Brown     24    14.4-B PCBD
St. Louis Online             -- T 625-2274 $   Rik Brown     24     9.6-B PCBD
St. Louis Online             -- T 625-6614 $P  Rik Brown     24    v.FC-B PCBD
St. Louis Shareware          -- - 638-3041 $   Shadow Ninja  24    14.4-B WWIV
St. Louis Users Group BBS    -- - 878-7614 --- R. Abernathy  24    14.4-B WCAT
St. Louis Users Group BBS    -- - 878-3029 --- R. Abernathy  24    14.4-B WCAT
Starbase 2002                -- - 997-4876 NA  Cryptmaster   15-18 14.4-B WWIV
StarBase 319                 -- - 381-5851 *   ?             24     9.6-N WWIV
Stevens Interactive Network  -- - 731-1203 --- Hurricaine S. 24    v.FC-B WCAT
Stooge Town                  -- - 423-4233 --- Shemp         24    14.4-B WCAT
Stratosphere, The            -- - 752-6665 C   Stratos       24     2.4-N WWIV
Stryder Communications       -- - 838-7020 --- David S.      24    14.4-B MISC
Studs MBS                    -- - 940-2908 --- The Nomad     24    v.FC-B WWIV
Sunny Side of Susie's....    -- - 227-1897 N   Sexcalibur    24    14.4-B RENG
Support U. (New #)           -- - 984-8387 --- Patrick Grote 24    14.4-B PCBD
Swamp, The                   -- - 521-5746 --- Hawkeye       24     2.4-N WWIV
SW St. Louis Searchlight     -- - 781-0478 R   Bowe          24    14.4-B SLGT
Tarkus: The BBS              -- - 731-2650 C   Rael          24    14.4-B WWIV
TeleComputing Center         -- - 475-3750 --- Twinkie.Squid 24    14.4-B WWIV
Temporary Sanity BBS, The    -- - 256-0222 *   Psycho        24     2.4-N WWIV
Terrapin Station             -- - 962-8595 --- Pigpen        24    14.4-B WWIV
Threadfall BBS               -- - 645-8405 N   Dragonrider   24    14.4-B WWIV
Threshold Archives, The      -- - 434-6440 --- Drake         24     2.4-N WWIV
Thunder Dome                 -- - 544-6707 --- Hitman        24    14.4-B WWIV
Thunderworld                 -- T 281-3326 --- Bud Long      24    14.4-B VBBS
Tim's Comics                 -- - 274-2311 --- Big Tim       24     DSH-B RENG
Tim's Comics                 -- - 274-0613 --- Big Tim       24    v.FC-B RENG
Time Traveler, The           -- - 522-8045 --- Dr. Who       24     2.4-N WWIV
Tin Roof, The                -- - 849-0918 --- Chris Wilkins 24    14.4-B WWIV
Toad Hall                    -- - 965-0662 --- Toad          24     DSH-B WWIV
Toast House                  -- - 994-0312 --- L. Gordon     24    14.4-B WCAT
Too Tall's Domain (# +,,444) -- - 997-7060 C   Too Tall      24    14.4-B VBBS
Tornado Room, The            -- T 386-5136 --- Blind Baby    24    14.4-B TRI
True Blue                    -- - 434-4236 *   Fred McClaren 24    14.4-B PCBD
Twilight BBS                 L1 - 832-6119 RP  Raven         24     2.4-B SPIT
Ultra Mac/Link               11 - 965-0119 --- G. McManama   24    14.4-B MISC
Under The Bridge BBS         -- - 838-6078 --- SmilingBandit 24     2.4-N RENG
University City Pub. Library -- - 727-3508 C   ?             24     2.4-N MISC
Vanishing Point, The         -- - 464-0123 --- The Protector 24    14.4-B WWIV
Video Game Underground (VGU) -- - 343-8062 A?  Night Stalker 22-06 14.4-B WWIV
Viper's Lair                 -- - 434-6875 N   Viper         24     2.4-N HERM
Vortex, The                  -- - 645-1893 --- Grandmaster   24    14.4-M WWIV
Walden Pond BBS              -- - 353-4866 --- Rick Robey    24     9.6-B WWIV
Wallstreet Raiders, The      -- - 831-7469 --- Charles Brady 24    14.4-B MAXI
White Dragon's Cave          -- - 846-5616 --- White Dragon  24    14.4-B WWIV
Wild Dreams BBS              -- - 961-2133 N   ?             24     2.4-N GLTC
Willy Wonka's Chocolate Fact -- - 394-6741 A   NQZ           23-06 14.4-B WWIV
Wings Of Power, The          -- - 464-6094 --- Stormcrow     24    14.4-B TLGD
Worker Bee, The              -- - 892-3164 --- Coolhand      24    14.4-B VBBS
Yo Mama's BBS                -- - 532-4808 --- Mama          24    14.4-B VBBS
Zarficle BBS                 -- - 469-0426 --- CaReY         24     2.4-N WWIV
============================ == = ======== === ============= ===== ====== ====


  SYSOPS: To have your board included in the Directory or to modify your
listing, E-Mail Fire Escape with the appropriate information c/o:

Fire Escape's BBS Directory HQ (741-9505 or 741-0341), The PC Journal
Online BBS (965-2717/8755/8528/4759), OR on any other system where you know
Fire Escape to be a user. The MOST SURE BBS to find FE on is her OWN BBS!



  THANKS TO: The PC Journal staff for printing an "abridged" version of my
BBS Directory in their monthly magazine. [Fire Escape is not employed by or
affiliated with the PC Journal. Ommisions from the PC Journal abridged BBS
Listing MUST be taken up with the PC Journal - NOT WITH FIRE ESCAPE!!!!!!!!)



(1): NONE of the above BBS'es paid any money for their listing.
This directory is a FREE advertisment as a public service to the St. Louis
community and should be distributed freely. BBS'es may be either "personal" or
"commercial". And both types are listed freely without regard to nature. ALSO
NOTE: This directory does NOT support or endorse any particular BBS(es) NOR
does it reflect any "personal" reccomendation(s) by Fire Escape.

(2): Fire Escape does _NOT_ go out of her way to make this list available to
any one person or agency for the purpose of harrassing individual boards.
Fire Escape  is _NOT_ affiliated with or employed by any governmental agency.
Fire Escape does not _PERSONALLY_ approve of or condone the distribution of
NPD or Adult Files to minors. For further information on Fire Escape's views
on the above matter please download the file FEQUEST.TXT or .ZIP from your
local BBS.

(3): The ONLY "official host BBS" for this directory is "Fire Escape's BBS
Directory HQ". This Directory MAY ONLY be reproduced or distributed in it's
ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form. The removal or alteration of any of the
proceeding BBS listings or disclaimers without the express permission of Fire
Escape is PROHIBITED! (It's not very nice either!)


                        LEGENDS AND SYMBOLS:

LEGEND #1: Multilines and Roll-Overs
L# = Denotes Line/Node number for Non-Ring-Down Lines.
## = Denotes the Number of Lines which Ring-Down from the phone # Listed.

LEGEND #2: Prefixes and Tolls
- = Local 314 area (no special toll for most St. Louis users)
T = TOLL call from most parts of St. Louis (1+Number)
S = Toll-FREE from St. Louis and SOME surrounding areas (1+Number)
   Consult your operator to determine IF it's free for YOU before calling!

LEGEND #3: Board Status Flags
* = No Answer/No Carrier
N = New or Returning BBS.
R = Offers RIPscrip Graphical Emulation.
C = Requires a NUP [New User Password]. (New users by invitation only)
A = Available only during Specific Hours (NOT 24 HOURS, just part-time)
P = Problems with Connection or Login. (Hardware or Software trouble)
$ = Pay Board. (Requires a $ donation or subscription)

LEGEND #4: Modem Information Symbols
Baud Rate Information
1.2  = 1200  Baud (Bell 212)
2.4  = 2400  Baud (v.22 bis)
9.6  = 9600  Baud (v.32)
14.4 = 14400 Baud (v.32bis)
DSH  = Dual Standard HST (14400 Baud/v.32bis AND HST)
v.FC = v.Fast Class (28800, 24000 or 22000 Baud depending on Modem. Bauds
                    will be specified after they become more standardized.)

Modem Protocols:    Error Correction    Data Compression    Compatible With
----------------    ----------------    ----------------    ---------------
N = None                  No                   No                N
E = MNP 1-4               Yes                  No                N,E
M = MNP 5                 Yes                  Yes               N,E,M
L = LAP-M                 Yes                  No                N,E
B = v.42bis               Yes                  Yes               N,E,L,M

LEGEND #5: Software Abbreviations
A-64 = ANSI Commodore 64     OPUS = OPUS               TBBS = The Bread
C-64 = Color Commodore 64    PCBD = PC Board                  Board System
CNET = Commodore Network     RBFX = ROBO FX            TLGD = Telegard
EXCL = Excelsior             RBBS = Remote BBS         TRI  = TriBBS
FIDO = FIDO                  REMT = Remote Access      UNKW = Unknown Type
FORM = FoReM                 RENG = Renegade           VBBS = Virtual BBS
GLTC = Galacticom/Major      ROBO = RoboBoard Classic  WCAT = Wildcat
GTPC = GT Powercom           SLGT = Searchlight        WWIV = World War IV
HERM = Hermes                SPIT = Spitfire
MAXI = Maximus               SYNC = Synchronet       * MISC = Miscellaneous
MTAB = Michael's             TAG  = The Adventurer's          Other Softw.
      Totally Awesome BBS          Guild
* At least 2 BBSes must run a given software before it receives its own
 seperate designation in the Legend. If your BBS software meets this
 criteria and has been overlooked, contact Fire Escape with the name and
 number of the other BBSes also opperating the same software you are.

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