U.K. CREDIT CARD FRAUD - 22/10/90 - Written by CREDITMAN

U.K. credit card fraud is a lot  easier  than over in the States.  The
same basic 3 essentials are needed -

         1...A safehouse.
         2...Credit card numbers with Xp date and address.
         3...Good suppliers of next day delivery goods.

1...The Safehouse
The safehouse should be on the ground floor, so as not to piss off
the delivery man when he comes  to  drop off your freshly stolen gear.
If he has to go up 10 flights in  a complete dive and some 14 year old
kid signs for an A2000 then he's gonna wonder!  Make sure there are no
nosey neighbours, a good area is one  full of yuppies 'cos they all go
to work during daytime.  Safehouses  are  usually obtained by paying a
month's rent in  advance  or  putting  down  a  deposit  of say, �200.
Either that or break into a place and use that.

2...Credit Card Numbers.
The card number, expiry  date,  start  date  (if  possible), full name
(including middle inital), phone number and full address with postcode
are ideal.  If you can  only  get  the  sirname,  and no postcode, you
shouldn't have any real hassle.  Just  say  you moved recently to your
new address.  Phone number is handy, if it just rings and rings but if
it doesn't, then make  sure  it's  ex-directory.   You CANNOT get away
with giving them a bullshit  phone  number.  Some fussy companies want
phone numbers just to cross-check  on  CARDNET  but generally it's not
needed.  To recap, here's a quick check-list...

            1.Card number and Xpiry date.
            2.Name and address of card holder.
            3.First name/initials (OPTIONAL)
            4.Start date (OPTIONAL)
            5.Postcode (OPTIONAL)
            6.Phone number (OPTIONAL)

If you have all 6, then you  shouldn't have any hassle.  Start date is
the rarest item you could  be  asked  for,  postcode and initals being
more common.  If you are missing 3-6 then you need one helluva smooth-
talking bastard on the phone line!!!!

3...The Ordering
Not everyone can order �1000's of stuff  - it's not easy.  You have to
be cool, smooth and  have  some  good  answers  to their questions.  I
advise that you only order up to �500 worth of stuff in one go, but if
you have details 1-6 and the phone number will NOT be answered from 9-
5.30 P.M. then go up to  �1000  (make  sure  it's a GOLD card!).  When
getting ready to order make sure you  have at least 3 times the amount
of suppliers you need e.g.if you want to card 5 hard-drives, make sure
you have 15 suppliers.  A lot of  the time, they are either out stock,
can't do next day delivery or won't deliver to a different address.
Quick check list of what you must ask before handing over number -

      1.Next day delivery, OK?
      2.Ordered to different address to card, OK?
      3.Do you have item in stock (pretty obvious, eh?)

Make sure you ask  ALL  of  these  questions  before handing over your
precious number.

Usual excuses for a  different  address  are  that  it's  a present or
you're on business here for the  next  5  weeks etc.  Any old bullshit
why it won't go to the proper address.

Invoices are sometimes sent out  with  the  actual parcel but they are
also sent out to the  card  owners  (why  do  you  think they need the
address for?) so using a safehouse for more than 2 days is risky.  A 1
day shot is safe, if they catch  on then they'll stop the goods before
getting a search warrant.

Credit Limits...
Limits on cards reach from �500 to  �4000 on Gold cards.  Your average
card will be about �1000-�1500.  It takes  a  while to build up a good
credit rating in order to have large  limits so don't think every card
will hold 12 IBM 386's!  Visa  and  Access  are always used - American
Xpress etc. are USELESS.

        Access = Eurocard, Mastercard (begins with 5)
        Visa = (begins with 4, 16 digit is a Gold)

A general rule is, always  confirm  an  order  to  make sure credit is
cleared.  As the month goes on, credit is  used up - the bad times are
from 27th - 3rd which is  when  all  the  bills come in.  Best time to
card is around 11th or 12th, when  the  poor guy has paid off his last
bill so you can run up a new one (he, he, he!).

Ideal items to card...

The best stuff is always computer hard-ware as it's next-day.  Amigas,
ST's, PC's -  anything  really.   Blank  discs  are  a  waste of time,
they're too heavy.  Xternal drives,  monitors  - good stuff basically.
Don't  order  any  shit   like   VCR's,  hi-fi,  video-cameras,  music
keyboards, computer software, jewerely or anything under �300.  You'll
find the listed items  are  difficult  to  get  next  day delivery and
usually won't deliver to a  different  address - bastards, eh?  You're
wasting your time with little items under �300, try to keep deliveries
under 10 a day.

The drop....
Two ways of doing the drop

    1.Sign for all the gear (make  sure you're there between 9.00 and
5.30 P.M.)

    2.Don't turn up till around 6.30  P.M.  and collect all the cards
that the delivery man has left.  These usually say 'you were out at XX
time so could you please  arrange  new  time  for  delivery or pick up
from our depot'.  In that case, piss off  to the depot and get all the
gear (need a big car!).

Remember, carding is ILLEGAL  kiddies,  so  don't  do it unless you're
going to cut me on it!!!!