Things That Go 'BOOM' and Other Stuff That Rulez
                                 Issue Two

                                 Written by
                                 Count Zero
                             Shroud of Deception
                             Gut Shoveler (Gutz)

WARNING: Don't try this at home.  If you're stupid enough to try any of this
shit, we're not responsible.  We aren't gonna pay your hospital bills because
you blew off your thumb.  We'll just laugh at you.  WE AREN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR

This issue is dedicated to fun with lighters and other people's cars.  Two of
the tricks, shower of sparks from nowhere and what to do with a left over
lighter casing are taken from Phrack issue #6.  They have been modified
slightly.  We would like to give credit to the Leftist for writing the
original article in Phrack.

Shower of sparks from nowhere:
 This trick is done usually with an empty lighter.  Disassemble the top,
 being careful not to loose the flint, and the spring, which are under the
 striker wheel.  Throw away everything else, unless there is still some fluid
 in the lighter, which can be used for some of the other things in this file.
 Save the flint and spring.

 Ok, now take the spring, and pull on the end a little, and stretch the
 spring out a little longer than the flint.  Next, take the flint, and kind
 of wrap the end of the spring around it.  It should look sort of like the
 picture below.  Next, the fun part.  Take the spring, and hold it by the end
 that doesn't have flint on it, and heat the flint till it glows.  Don't
 worry, the heat won't burn your fingers.  Then, throw it flint first at
 victim, pavement, or whatever.

      \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/������� <- heat this end
          / \                   / \
           �                     �
         spring                flint

What to do with leftover lighter casing (Bic or compatable):
 Light one of the striker wheel supports, and lay it upside down in a corner
 and run like hell!  This will blow pretty good.  You can also take the
 casing and wrap it loosely in a paper towel (or cover it with rubber cement
 or use a Chud varient), light the towel (or whatever), step back, and
 shoot it with a BB gun.  Fun.  Experiment, but don't ever puncture the
 lighter while you're holding it, that would be foolish.

How to get a big flame (with a Bic or compatable):
 So, you want more flame than that little adjuster dohicky will give ya huh?
 Well, just pry off the metal casing and turn that plastic thing as far as
 you want.  You can get alot more flame that way.  Don't be a dumbass though.
 After doing this to his lighter, this moron I knew stuck the lighter right
 up to his face to see how much bigger the flame was and burned off one of
 his eyelashes.

Things to do to a Zippo:
 Okay, your friend got a really nice Zippo.  What do you do?  Zippos are
 really cool lighters because they are reusable.  That also makes them
 susceptable to sabatoge though.  If just wanna piss him off, open up his
 Zippo (when he's not looking of course) and wash all of the lighter fluid
 out of it.  Replace the fluid with water.  Then, have fun laughing at him
 as he tries to dry it out.

 Want to have a little fun with him?  Replace the lighter fluid with gas.
 Watch the expression on his face when he lights that baby.

 The Commie approach - In Vietnam, Commie spies would take out the insides
 of a Zippo and rig it up so that if you light them up, the C-4 inside would
 blow up.  Several people got thier hands blown off this way.  However,
 unless you have some spare C-4 and a ride outta town I wouldn't recommend
 this method.

 Take apart the Zippo again (and again when the owner isn't looking).  Take
 out the sponge-like thing that holds the lighter fluid.  Cover it with super
 glue.  Then, put the fuel holder back in the Zippo.  In a little while, your
 friend will be able to forget about ever refilling that lighter.

 Take a close look at the Zippo.  Notice the inclosed area where the wick is?
 Okay, take some Chud (see BOOM #1) and put some in there.  Be careful
 though, you still want this to light.  Then when the owner doesn't notice
 the white flammable substance and lights the lighter, his Zippo will start
 on fire (well, more than normal.)

 And finally, try using your friend's Zippo as bait one day while you're

Fun Things to do to Someone Else's Car:
 So, there's someone you don't like.  You wanna get him bad right?  Well,
 ever consider his/her car?  Here are some mischevious things to do to a car:
  1. Pop the tires.  Pretty simple, take a big sharp object and cut a slit
     right down the length of the tire.
  2. Take out the battery.  Physically remove the battery from your friend's
     car.  Then, watch his face as he lifts up the hood and finds that his
     battery is missing.
  3. Wreck his paint job.  Just make his car look bad by wrecking his paint
     job.  You could take a key a scrap a line down the length of the car.
     Or, you could be creative and use acid.  Probably one of strongest and
     cheapest acids is Hydrochloric acid.  Hydrochloric acid is found in
     Works toilet bowl cleaner.
  4. Set a Works bomb inside the car.  If your friend leaves his car
     unlocked, simply open the door and put a Works bomb inside (see above.)
     If your friend locks his doors, break a window and unlock them.  Then
     put the Works bomb inside.
  5. Put sugar in his gas tank.  The sugar expands and eats away at the
     insides of the car.  Someone I kew had this done to his car and had to
     pay $2000 to have the car fixed.
  6. Put popcorn seeds in the gas tank.  The gas will get hot and the seeds
     will pop.  I can only theorize that this would cause a shitload of
     damage.  If you know anyone who has done this or had it done to them,
     contact me.  I want to know exactly what this prank does.
  7. Take the hubcap off and remove all the bolts.  Caution, this is
     dangerous for both you and your enemy (especially if he finds out you
     did it!)  But we're not worried 'cause we won't take responsibility for
     use of anything in this file!

 Further issues to come....