___Roadside Pranks: The ORIGINAL SHITBOMB(TM)___________________________________

title.....................................roadside pranks: the original shitbomb
original concept by...............................................the whip & maz
written by...................................................................maz




Materials required

 * Plastic bag thats sufficient to contain the bomb material
 * The bomb material to put in the bag
 * About 7 meters of thin line
 * Nightly highway with cables going across it

Plastic bag

 I suggest that you select a normal sized transparent plastic bag, big enough
 to contain the payload, small enough to be as stealth as possible.

Thin Line

 Any strong and thin line will do.

The Bomb Material

 If you fill the bag with stuff like broken eggs, ketchup, senap, syrup, glue,
 throw them in the bag directly. The problem with these materials is that your
 parents might miss them, but don't worry the next material won't be missed.

 If you want to use shit, then you have to shit into a trash bag (or similar),
 because it's difficult to hit the small bag. Take the shit out of the trash
 bag using small bags as gloves and put it in the small bag.

 Shut the bag containing the bomb material and you bomb is ready.

Highway at night

 Any highway with wires across it, lotsa truck traffic* and sufficient
 traffic pauses to avoid spotting you will do. Don't do this at daytime or
 near roadside lights. A hill or a curve just before the spot would also be
 very nice. I suggest targeting only trucks with the bomb, because they
 are less likely to avoid the bomb or to stop suddenly you and easy to select
 due to their highness.

Setting the bomb

 (length of rope) = (2*height of wire) - (2*height of truck window) + extra
 example:       7 =  2*5-2*2+1

 Tie one end of the line to the bomb and the other end to a rock.
 Throw the rock over the cable and lift the bag to the height of a truck window
 now untie the rock (if you don't want smash the window, then the bomb might
 enter the truck cabin, but it probably would be more hazardous). Tie the other
 end of the line to the bag so that the bag is left hanging at the height of
 a truck window (2 meters in this example), no need to be precise, just
 set it at the middle of the lane.

_________________________ <-the electric/phone cable over the road
              | <-line
      knots-> |
              * <-the shitbomb

  /       |   L   \
 /             A   \
/         |    N    \
/                E    \

  o cable over highway
  * the shitbomb
          <----- truck ---

Likely outcomes

 After the bomb is set just wait and watch in the nearby woods about 50 to 100
 meters away from the spot and highway, the anticipation of splash is even more
 exciting than the splash itself.

 Several things may happen

   outcome 1. the bomb hits, if you need to remove the line, then just use
              a long stick and some paper are a torch and burn the line off
              the cable.
   outcome 2. the bomb misses, go and adjust its horizontal/vertical position
   outcome 3. the bomb is avoided, just wait for the next truck
   outcome 4. a car/a truck stops and removes the bomb, if they don't take it
              with them, just go and put it back.
   outcome 5. cops stop at the spot, stay and watch, if you feel unsecure
              move farther into the woods, but BE SILENT.



Bonus feature: Tyres in flames

 Your local fire department needs some activities, so it's time for tyres
 in flames.


 * A car tyre (just the rubber, no need for the middle section)
 * 1/2 litres of gasoline

 Just wait for a pause in the traffic, place the tire on the side of the road,
 pour the gasoline on it and light it. Leave the scene and watch from 50 to 100
 meters away. If you have a car, then you may want to go and drive back'n'out
 and at the spot. After a while head towards your local fire department and
 follow the truck to the scene. And if you want to be real creative, try to
 use shitbomb to the windshield of the incoming fire truck.


____________The ORIGINAL SHITBOMB is a trademark of the whip & maz______________
Disclaimer:   This file was written for  educational purposes only. The authors,
distributors and redistributors  aren't responsible nor  liable for any criminal
conduct of others, nor liable for anyone for the use or misuse of this textfile.