---------------------------- Legions of Lucifer -----------------------------

.o. Carding .o. Phreaking .o. Hacking .o. Anarchy .o. Piracy .o. Crashing .o.

  Written by: Garfield                                       Date: 07/14/90
  Edited by : Captain Swashbuckler     Legions of Lucifer

                               Text # 8
                               Part 1 out of 1


     A Cheap Lil' Guide to 'Professional Housebombing / Homewrecking'


Legions of Lucifer ('l�jen ov l�cif�r) n. 1. Any multitude of followers
of the chief evil spirit, Satan.  2. A group of Anarchists and Computer
Experts that work together as one to cause havok in the anarchy bound
society of this nation.


       A Cheap Lil' Guide to 'Professional' Housebombing / Homewrecking


      Ed note: When does the madness end!  Haha!  I have been contemplating
      the creation of this file for QUITE some time now, but have FINALLY got
      around to doing it.  I want to dedicate [hah!] this file to the
      managers/head cashiers at Farmer Jack store #39 in Roseville, Michigan
      who made my life such hell, they pushed me to this brink of insanity...

      First off, you have to have a mark. Ours was easy.  Myself and four
      close friends were screwed by management at this damn cheapass grocery
      store when we were still wet behind the ears, we followed them and
      tracked them ALL down, except for one.  I will write a file in the near
      future on tailing and evasive driving, as we learned a lot of techni-
      que from this adventure.

      Anyways, enough of the boredom, let's talk turkey...  First you have to
      choose a mark, be it a manager, arch enemy, neighborhood stool pigeon,
      loser modemer, whatnot.  This person has pushed you PAST the brink of
      insanity, and you will stop at NOTHING to wreck their lives... Here are
      some tried and true techniques, that you may want to consider...


      Initially, go to a party store or grocery store and pick up a dozen
      eggs. Or any amount. We have ripped through 4 dozen EASILY in an hour
      before, so..  I recommend buying Jumbos.  They cost more, but they
      'pack a bigger punch' and cause picture windows to shimmy upon impact.
      Also, for the economist, most Meijer grocery stores sell an 18 pack,
      that we find quite useful.  If you REALLY have it out for the mark,
      you may either hardboil them, as this will do WONDERS for windows!
      Hah!  Or else, you MAY consider putting them in a bucket in your
      backyard, and let them sit there for about 4 days of good hot sun, will
      will cause them to spoil and emit a raunchy odor.  Remember, maybe the
      mark may need his smelling tested...

      First off, casually drive by a few times, make mental notes, and get
      ready.  We suggest looking for things such as open windows in the front
      of the mark's house, lights, neighbor's activity, cars etc.  At one
      job, I doused the lights and me and a buddy hopped out, and a guy
      down the block flashed his headlights at us and saw us wearing ski
      masks, and saw us turn the block with a cardboard plate, and proceeded
      to chase us for about 2 miles, until I lost him on a local freeway.
      Another time, I caught a guy fucking his girlfriend 200 feet away from
      our prospective job, so I merely gave him the brights, honked and gave
      him the 'thumbs up'.

      We suggest either a 4 door car, or a van.  Then pull around the
      block, get the ammo [eggs] opened up, and easily accessible.  Egg
      cartons usually are styrofoam, or cardboard and can be torn, so each
      man gets a section bearing 3-4 henfruits. Have one accomplice get out
      of the vehicle and either place a fast food paper bag over the license
      plate, or as we prefer, have a precut piece of cardboard to :
      , which are the dimensions of North American license plates.  [ Note:
      does not include motorcycle plates which are smaller, duh!]  Use duct
      tape to securely fasten the cardboard to the plate framework.  Then
      proceed to take a piece of cardboard, approximatley 5" x 5" and place
      it over the dome light.  [This is ESSENTIAL. One night we were almost
      caught by a manager, except I was in the back of my friend's Escort
      with my hands over the dome light so he couldn't identify us.  Then
      tape the dome light cover in place, prefererably with duct tape.
      Then, have each man don a ski mask, black preferrably [our trademark],
      and drive back around the block.  When you get approximately 200 feet
      from the mark's residence, turn off the headlights, and pull the car
      up near the curb, but leave about 4-5 feet of leeway on the side
      closest to the mark's house for maneuverability.

      The next option, is who does the work.  You have a couple options.
      First, suppose you are in a car.  Cars are easy to get in and out of,
      so you may want to have the driver, and two men on the passenger side
      [front + back] get out.  The optional driver getting out, should only
      be done when the mark's street is dark, easy to get out of the
      subdivision very quickly etc.  In that case, have the driver out the
      car in neutral, and ease it to a stop so that it is only 1 gear shift
      to getaway, instead of 3. Also, this assumes a flat terrain. This
      DEFINITELY does not apply in San Francisco, where you will helplessly
      look back to see your getaway vehicle coasting down the street in

      The other main vehicle we have used is a van. This is VERY useful,
      as you can have 4 men get out VERY fast. Have a guy ride shotgun and
      get out, have 2 guys get out of the sliding door on the side, and have
      one man hop out of the back door.

      For best results, you may wish to 'lob' the eggs, rather than give
      them a Nolan Ryan fastball. The physics of eggs causes them to
      explode over a larger region this way.

      Get all of the bombers close to the house, and madly throw eggs.  We
      usually had SPECIFIC targets. E.g., one man would bomb the car in the
      driveway, while another hit a picture window, while another would go for
      doors, garage, etc. In any case, the driver should NOT launch more than
      three eggs, as he has to go get in, and get it in gear, and peel away.

      I suggest house bombing in the winter, when the eggs will freeze and
      people will be less reluctant to go outside in the cold to remove them.
      One bitch's house wore our 'treat' for about 2 months...  Also, in the
      summer, cars are prime, as the albumin in the egg does WONDERS for a
      paint job.


      This is more of a kid's prank, but I have included it, because it can
      and WILL wreck a car's paint job.  Basically, all you do, is go to the
      neighborhood butcher and buy the slimiest, greasiest bologna, olive
      loaf, etc.  The go to the mark's house/work and place it on his vehicle.
      This has to be done in the summer and on a hot day.  The acids in the
      meat will cook out, and literally fry on his car.  The result is, after
      a few hours, a permanent circle remains on the victim's hood, in a
      lighter shade.  So for example, if he has a red car, he may have pink
      circles...  Basically, it makes the vehicle look like hell, and will
      force him to either pay for another paint job, or look like an ass.


      A mailbox is a sitting duck.  I have hated mail boxes for years, due to
      increasing postage, which I protest against.  Letters should cost 10
      cents to mail if the bureaucracy didn't embezzle, screw things up, etc.
      So anyways, first determine the location of the target.  In prime
      residential areas, residents usually have mailboxes at the house, and
      in more rural areas at the curb.  If it is at the curb, you can play
      a fun sport we call 'Mailbox Baseball' by driving by and having the
      passenger of your car take a whack at the thing with a bat.  It can
      dent the thing, and rile the mark...

      Another idea is to seal the bastard shut. This will work with ALL
      mailboxes.  Merely whip up a batch of mortar or cement and leave it
      wet [premade].  Drive to the mark's house and FILL his mailbox.  His
      mail carrier will be shocked, and thus the mark will have to shell
      out about another $30 for a new mailbox.

      One of the BEST fear tactics is to make a 'bomb'.  Most marks are
      dummies and can't tell a real bomb from an obvious fake.  So here is
      how to construct your 'explosive':

                 3-4 road flares
                 1 Baby Ben alarm clock
                 1 small roll of electrician's tape
                 6-7 assorted colored wires
                 1 pair of scissors

                 Piece the road flares together and hide, or tape parts
                 that identify what it is.  Cut a piece of electrical tape
                 and tape the flares together.  Then tape the alarm clock
                 to the flares.  Then tape the wires leading from the alarm
                 clock region, to the flares.  Result... Fake bomb.

      Then merely place it inside of the mark's mailbox, and upon discovering
      I can ALMOST 100% guarantee that the discoverer, either the postman, or
      the resident, will IMMEDIATELY notify the local police department, who
      will proceed to bring fire trucks, evacuate close residents, bring in
      bomb sniffing dogs, or the bomb squad to detonate the thing.  The result
      is that you have caused the mark a lot of embarressment, including'
      media coverage, neighbor's getting pissed etc.  WARNING : The bomb
      squad guys are by **NO MEANS** 'dumb' and will probably spot the fake
      and dust it for fingerprints, so you will want to wear gloves at ALL
      times when handling its components.  Note: If you are a real cruel and
      sick individual, you might as well use a real bomb...

      Another anarchical idea is to make a pipebomb, there are many fine
      files, and many good books such as the 'Black Books', 'The Anarchist's
      Cookbook', or 'Kitchen Improvised Plastic Explosives' that will give
      good recipes for contructing pipe bombs.  Upon detonation, it will
      cause the mailbox to blow apart in ALL directions, hurling shrapnel
      everywhere, so if there are small children in the area, PLEASE do this
      at night, as only the mark deserves to suffer your reign of terror...

      THE LAWN

      Many marks happen to take avid pride in their lawn and garden,
      especially if they live in some ritzy area.  Therefore, it would be a
      warm feeling for them to see this desecrated during the night hours.
      There are a few tried and true methods to do.  Some range from childish,
      to devious, to downright bastardly!

      The old tried and true method is the lawn job.  Every teenager with a
      car has done a few of these to the neighborhood bitch, or the guy who
      stole your girlfriend.  Basically all you do is drive on the lawn at a
      good speed in low gear and peel out, causing grass to fly about.  The
      downfall to this is it causes a lot of noise, but maybe the mark needed
      to wakeup anyways...

      Another oldie is to bleach the damn thing to death.  The common method
      is to take a gallon jug of bleach, and pour it on the lawn.  This will
      biologically kill the chlorophyll cells in the greenery, and turn it
      to albino.  So soon their grass will turn white and die.  [This works
      nicely also with flowers, plants, and trees!]  A nice 'touch', is to
      either write an inspiring note in bleach, such as "PAYBACKS ARE HELL",
      "FUCK THE WORLD, ANARCHY RULES", or "HELLO MR(s). x".  Some anarchists
      prefer to use a calling card, similar to a cattle mark.  My personal
      favorite is the good old anarchy symbol : the capital A inscribed in
      a circle.

      A more deviant method to the aforementioned, would be to play with the
      mark's sprinkler system, and hook up a bottle of bleach to it at night
      [you will want to be wearing a swimsuit for this one...].  Hook the
      gallon jug into the hose setup with the top of an Ortho spray bottle,
      with a LONG siphon tube going down to within 1" of the bottom of the
      bleach jug.  This apparatus will run all night bleaching the whole damn
      lawn, and he will either be forced to resod, or be the owner of the
      community eyesore and be ostracized by the neighbors...  WARNING: Bleach
      will whiten ANYTHING [good for the mark's vehicles as well..], but also
      may ruin YOUR attire, so wear beat up blue jeans, junk tennis shoes,
      and an old shirt when pulling this caper.  Also avoid contact with the
      skin as it will whiten your skin and cause part of the epidermis to
      die and peel off...

      Another goodie, that can be accomplished for less that $2-3, is to
      buy some bottles of finishing nails, or tacks from the local hardware
      store and happily scatter then throughout the mark's lawn.  This will
      cause much pain if the mark, his children, or his pets happen to
      encounter them.  This may also do wonders for his lawnmower...

      Many people annually use fertilizer to cause a more green and
      asthethically appetizingly beautiful lawn.  I do not have any direct
      figures, but I am sure tons of nitric fertilizer are sold annually.
      The key to this is that after all, nitric components BURN.  Everyone
      has heard of nitric acid, nitroglycerine, and TNT
      [2,4,6-trinitrotoluene].  Nitrogen is the key component of all of these,
      as well as nitric fertilizer which will add nitrogen to the soil to
      replenish nitrogen loss.  Get a nice quantity, and sprinkle it all
      over his lawn, thicker the better.  If the mark does not water this
      often enough, excess fertilizer will literally fry his lawn and the
      grass will die... And if you have some fertilizer left over, there
      are many fine recipes available for kitchen improvised fertilizer


      I have made referrences throughout the text to different odds and ends
      you could do to a mark's vehicle.  These included the bologna trick,
      bleaching the paintjob, etc.  Now we are about to enter a whole new
      realm of vehicle specific sabotage.  Have fun, gents!

          Things to do to the gas tank [Note: You will probably need a funnel
          similar to an STP oil funnel to hold the close mechanism open.  Also
          some older cars had a wire mesh screen which may need to be broken
          for some of the following to have effect.  I suggest getting a snake
          from your local plumbing supply store, and coating it with rubber
          tubing [metal against metal + gas = BOOM!].]:

          1>  Pour water in.  Will flood the engine and cause some nice

          2>  Do the infamous sugar trick.  Sugar will ruin the mark's

          3>  Prepare a hydroxide based explosive capsule, as prepared in
          LoL #5: How to Kill Your Mother Part I.

          4>  Pour some mortar or cement in the tank.  You will ruin the
          car.  He will at LEAST need a new tank, and some cement should
          not solidify and remain in solution and work its way into the
          engine, which will cause desirable results.

          5>  Piss in it... What the hell...  When you gotta go, you gotta

          Things to do to the door locks:  Locks have LONG been a passion
          of mine.  I don't appreciate the idea behind them -- to keep
          people out.  I mean it is more challenging...  Nobody ever wants
          to break into something without a lock, because it is amateurish,
          and this adds some toughness to the project and requires skill...

          1>  Take a key to a similar make of car, put it in, if necessary,
          tap it in with a ballpeen hammer. Once it is in and has ruined the
          lock, be a gentleman and take the ballpeen hammer and whack the
          portion of the key sticking outside to shear it off, leaving the
          mark with a trip to the local locksmiths...

          2>  A personal favorite is to take a tube to krazy glue and inject
          it into the lock.  I suppose model airplane glue [such as that
          manufactured by Testor] would get the end results, but Krazy Glue
          is NOTORIOUS for durability and consistancy. Remember, only the
          BEST for YOUR victim Haha!  If you have a heart, you may just get
          one door...  If you are like me, you will do all the doors, trunk
          or hatchback.  Also, a FUN prank to pull is to take off the gascap
          and wash it with a paper to dry it, and then glue the threads, and
          TIGHTLY screw it on.  Works best when the mark has a near full
          tank.  Next time he rolls into the local Amaco, he looks like the
          total fool he is when the wimp can't even remove a gascap...

          3>  Inject water into the lock. Will take some time, but will cause
          iron [III] oxide formation [rust] and cost him a new lock.  Also,
          in the cold weather, it is PERFECT.  Nothing like a good frozen
          lock to piss someone off...

          4>  If you have access to burglary tools, you probably have some
          kind of modified sectional jimmy, prybar, or other device that
          will enable you to quickly PULL the lock right off [an example of
          this was with Arnold Schwartzenegger in THE TERMINATOR].  Except
          he could do this with bare hands...  Then after a month has passed,
          mail the lock to the mark in a box with giftwrapping and a nice
          card that says 'LOOKING FOR THIS?'...

          Things to do to the exhaust system:  The tailpipe has been a
          popular anarchist's target from way back.  However, it was
          rejuvinated by Eddie Murphey with his famous 'Banana in the
          Tailpipe' trick in Beverly Hills Cop.  Here are some other ideas,
          you may wish to consider...

          1>  Backfiring substitutes:  Murphey used a banana.  A buddy of
          mine's favorite is an Idaho potatoe.  He said bananas are so
          mushy they are good, but potatoes are harder to remove...  A
          practical way to do this, if you have access to machinist's tools,
          is to take a telescoping guage, stick it up the pipe, then use a
          micrometer to measure the distance and whittle the potatoe
          accordingly...  The basic point is the fruit/vegetable MUST
          have some rigidity to stick... So don't even try watermelon, and
          shit like that...  Other non-organic devices, such as putty,
          spackling compound, cement, etc will achieve the same results.
          Be creative!

          2>  Tailpipes are held on by usually 2 brackets towards the rear
          of the vehicle.  Climb underneath the rear end, and using a socket
          wrench, remove them, so he is driving an unsafe vehicle and will
          PROBABLY get a ticket when you do your 'patriotic duty' and call
          the cops as soon as you see him hop in the vehicle...  I have not
          done much research on this, so I do not know exact size sockets
          required.  I would be most appreciative if some of you field
          operatives could look into this and get back with me...  Also,
          you may wish to use a wire cutter or bolt cutter to remove these

          3>  A noisy muffler is a definite replacement item.  Hmmm.. Perhaps
          the mark's vehicle has been rather quiet as of late...  Well here
          is how you solve that problem!!  Take a scratch awl and knock holes
          in the bottom of the muffler, which will cause a lot of noise, and
          a repair bill for the sap.

          4>  For the real pros...  You may wish to aquire an old vacuum
          cleaner which has a reverse emptying mode and put gasoline inside
          the waste compartment... Create a tank using a plastic milk jug,
          as there is NO need for YOU to blow yourself up...  Then inject
          the gasoline in the tailpipe, and if the pressure is strong enough,
          some should go all the way to the muffler.  Then leave the primises.
          After the car is started and that gets warm, BAM... Need I say more?
          [WARNING:  Do NOT do this to a hot muffler as the wrong person (you)
          may, 'take the heat' so to speak...]

          Things to do to the windows:  Windows are made of compressed silica
          [glass].  They are the number one vulnerable spot in the car.
          Every driver has had a bad windshield at SOME time or other.  Heck,
          one day 3 months ago going down the freeway, a pebble hit my
          windshield and made a nice nick...  And that doesn't include heavy
          duty things, like throwing bricks and wood planks off of freeway
          overpasses onto cars...

          1>  Break it! : This is the most common...  I personally find it
          childish and lacking creativity, but if you must...  Most people
          will knock it out with a CO2 pistol, Crossman Air Rifle, or a
          marble/rock from a wrist rocket.  You may also use just about any
          device with weight... Baseball, axe, hammer, brick, etc.  One of
          the more interesting and more obscure methods is to use a burglary
          technique, by taping the window [usually shatterproof anyways] and
          then hitting it... Makes a LOT less noise, and shows you have SOME

          2>  Grease job:  Another fun sport occurs every summer.  Dumb
          fools insist upon leaving their doors open.  This is where we
          anarchists take over. Open the door from the inside, hop in, roll
          up the window, squirt some motor oil or fine grease on it, roll it
          back down, and it is PERMANENTLY destroy.  Glass consists of tiny
          crevaces and the oil settles in, and it will NEVER come out...

          3>  Sticker Shock:  Another novelty is to ALWAYS collect bumper
          stickers.  They are a MUST have item in QUANTITY in your personal
          arsenal.  They are usually quite prevalent near election time, so
          it is wise to have a voting age friend do some free work for a
          candidate.  The other widely publicized method is through radio
          stations.  Most radio stations have stacks of different groups
          on hand for promotional reasons, and public relations.  Stick a
          bumper sticker in the driver's field of vision.  A more fun way
          is to just PLASTER the whole windshield with them.  Take note to
          use gloves and do NOT get your fingerprints on them, as you can
          BET the mark will have the police look at it.

          4>  Dutch Boy: Paint is another popular idea.  Get any color, any
          kind.  It will have the same result...  You may also wish to use
          something such as liquid tar, which will be more messy.  Sloppily
          apply the paint, preferrably by tossing it at the windshield, and
          the rest of the vehicle as well.  You may wish to use a brush or
          roller if you are a real perfectionist.  Myself, the sloppier, the

          5>  Men's faces and ladie's legs frequently need shaving.  Why not
          the car as well??  Take a razor [straight or retractable], or an
          x-acto knife and proceed to shave the glass, which will reck the
          window and rile the mark.  This technique may also be applied with
          good result's to the mark's house windows.


       If the mark has a bird feeder, you may wish to get him in trouble with
       the DNR, local animal shelter, etc.  How??  EASY!  Get a poison,
       such as diazonin, and pour in in the food dish in the feeder.  Also,
       cedar chips have been known to damage avian respiratory systems and
       cause possible convulsions and death.

       One man's trash is another man's treasure, as a famous saying goes.
       The mark's trash may proove to be your vengeful treasure!  You may
       wish to go trashing to possibily set the mark up.  Here are some
       things to look for when trashing:

             + Letters from friends.  Helps you learn more inside info...
             + Phone bills.  Learn who the mark knows, where they are, and
               when he calls them.
             + Credit card carbons.  In this day when commoners are aware
               of the trashers who hover over the back of the local K-Mart's
               at night, many citizens DEMAND their carbons.  What do they
               do with them?? Tear them up at home, of course.  So now you
               have their cc, and may use it for referrence material...
               [Among other things :)]
             + Magazines.  You may want to rip off some mailing labels, when
               you decide to start harassing the mark and 'subscribing' him
               to periodicals, such as HOT HOUSEWIVES, THE GAY TIMES, etc.

       The trash may proove of pleasurable anarchical value as well.  Merely
       pour a gallon of gasoline on the trash, and ignite...


   Welp, that ends Volume I of 'Professional Housebombing/Homewrecking'.
   This is by NO means a compendium of ALL the possible tactics you may
   wish to employ.  This merely serves as interesting reading, and a
   brief tutorial for the young aspiring anarchist. Look for subsiquent
   material related to this topic to be published at a later date.

+  Look soon for more inspiring text files by the �egions �f �ucifer
  tfile group!

"Anarchy is the base of todays society, without it, we would be in chaos"
 - Anarchist

Call these �egions �f �ucifer support boards for information or application

H.M.S. Queen Mary's Revenge    213/274+1333  12/24   �.�.� HQ
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