� BGR �
               � The Brotherhood of Gods and Retards �
                    "How to make Oxalic explosive"

  Alright, First off I would like  to point out to you that I, like all
  HPAV youth, am not responsible  for your actions. If you blow of your
  face,  or colapse a lung  from the use of my files: ITS YOUR OWN DAMN
  fault. Neither I or the BBS distributing this file can be held in any
  way  responsible  for anything you do. This file is for informational
  purposes only. By any means if i am confronted by the law because you
  fucked up i will say that i told you not to do what i say. In effect,
  I am a hipocrite. Don't listen to me. I am a fool.

  Oxalic is a cross between ANFO's (ammonian nitrate) and Composition-4
  style explosives. I'm going to take you through the procedure step by
  step. But i'm going to leave how to detonate it up to your oh-so  big
  immagination. I  highly  suggest  you read through this before you do
  any thing involving the making of Oxalic. For a list of materials for
  in a hurry people, check the end of the file.(Just to slow you down a

  First off, Get Ammonian Nitrate. Go to  a  medical  supply  store  or
  pharmacy (Bachs if one is near you) and buy ice packets that you have
  to beat  rapidly  to  get  them  to  become  cold.  If you  read  the
  ingredients it will say: 1. Ammonian Nitrate, 2. Water. Buy some. The
  ammount  doesn't really matter. It depends on how much explosives you
  want to make. Now get a buckett and fill it 1/4 of the way full  with
  Kerosine. Break open all the ice packs and  pour the  white  crystall
  balls into the  Kerosine.  Make  sure  you  have  the  kerosine  first
  because the second the Ammonian nitrate hits the  air   it  starts  to
  soak up the humidity. Put the buckett out side in the garadge or  some
  thing over night.

  The next day steal your self some turtle wax and play  dow.  Set  your
  self up a double boiler. If you don't know how, see my  GIF.  Put  the
  playdow  in first and heat it up untill it starts melting. Now add the
  wax. Boil untill you have one liquid. DON'T  FORGET  TO  STIR,  during
  this whole melting sequence.

  Once its one liquid turn off the heat and gradually let it cool untill
  it  is  in  a  semi-solid  state. Add your gun powder or crushed match
  match heads carefully. Just sprinkle it in. Stir. Now once it cools it
  will be this funky psychodelic glob with sparkles in it. Take a   pair
  of  bolt  cutters  and cut a line down the side of a can, and peal the
  metal off from around the glob. Oh by the way, if it was too hot  when
  you  sprikled the gun powder on: you wont read this part, because your
  face will be a erupting volcano.

  Remember that 5 gallon buckett you left out in the  back  yard?  Well,
  take  your  glob  down  to it and drop it in. Now their will be a Glob
  siting inside yet another glob. Gee, This must be your day! Two  globs
  in a row! Take out another buckett and fill it 1/4  of  the  way  with
  kerosine. (this is your measuring cup! ;> ) Pour it into  the  buckett
  with the glob in it.

  Now you need muscle. Get out a whip. You know the type you use to make
  a cake, not the type your girlfriend likes you to use on her. (This is
  not a kinky file, Wait till next issue!) Blend like  hell.  You  could
  use moms electric blender but make sure it only has ONE whip on it and
  not two. We wouldn't want the two to accidently hit and make  a  spark
  now would we? Your gonna have to through away the whip when your  done
  mixing though.

  Mix untill there is one blob instead of  two.  Oh  yeah,  ALWAYS  WEAR
  Saftey glases. I don't know if you have ever head Kerosine in your eye
  but i have, and it feels like your eye is on fire. It is  also a  good
  idea to wear gloves and throw away cloths.

  If their is extra kerosine pour it off into the other  buckett.  Guess
  what you know have a real powerful explosive in front of you. And just
  as a hint: How do you set off plastique? Same way.

       Shoping List (read Stealing list):

[ ] Kerosine. (alot)
[ ] Turtle Wax (At least one 4x7 bar)
[ ] N-Rigged Double Boiler
[ ] 2 five gallon bucketts
[ ] Playdo. Lots of it. What ever you don't use, Play with!
[ ] Ice Packs described up top! Get a few extra just incase you fuck up!
[ ] Gun powder (black or smokeless) or match heads, or all of the above.
[ ] Mixing whip
[ ] Saftey equiptment is no JOKE!
[ ] Some brains
[ ] Immagination (for detonation teqniques)
[ ] This file you flamming idiot

                 Oxalic (tm) Abigwar [BGR]  9/4/94
                (C)opyright 9/4/94   Abigwar! [BGR]

    Whats better than a dead system?        Two dead systems!


                       -=[End of File]=-