                 ��rotherhood of G�ds and �etards�
             "How to Get Twice the Amount of Tickets"
                          by �ungle �immy

       This file is going to tell you how to get free tickets.  The tickets
that you are going to use are going to be ones at arena's or other things like

       This is very easy to pull off and it works great.  What you do is go
and buy 4 tickets.  Do not buy them form a scalper, buy them in advance.
Then you are going to go down to the ticket window and tell them that you
lost your tickets and you need to get them.  They will ask you your account
number and your address.  Know both of these before going up to the window.
They will then give you a slip that says admit howmany..there will be a
number there and seats.  You really have your tickets on you though.  So
you then can either use those tickets that you had for your friends, or you
can go out and make some money.  You can get your tickets for free then.  If
you sell them back you have made back all of your money.

       Precautions:  1)You must make sure that the arena that you are doing
                       this on does not use scanners for their tickets.  If
                       they are using scanners this will NOT work.  It will
                       not work because the people from downstairs that gave
                       you the lost ticket slip have notified the computer
                       that those tickets were lost.

                     2)When you get your tickets you must be sure to go and
                       sit in a totally differnt section.  Most of the guys
                       that check your tickets are lazy and will not bother
                       to even look at them.  You might have to sit in crappy
                       seats for the first half.  But then you can check out
                       where some seats are open to move to.

                      3)An easy way to avoid gettikng your ticket checked is
                        to go and buy a bunch of food.  When you are walking
                        down the isle just walk right by him with all your
                        food in your hand.  They willl never ask to see your

       If you do all of these things right and take the proper precautions
you will have free tickets.  It is very easy and a lot of fun
