�The �rotherhood of G�ds and �etards�
                             Fun at Campgrounds
                                   By: iD

       I am not resposible if you do this
       and get  caught...your  the stupid
       one that  did it and got caught...

Ever go camping with your parents and get REALLY bored?  Well...heres some
stuff you can do to have fun...

1.  If the campground has payphones, go up to the phone and look at the
   number on the phone.  Remember the the first 3 digits.  Then dial
   any number useing those first 3 digits...if someone answers...stay
   on the line...they will just keep saying "Hello...HELLO!..."  You
   can hear them, but they can't hear you unless you put money in.  It's
   funny if you keep calling them over and over, they get really pissed.

2.  This one only works if #1 works.  If the campground has 2 sets of
   phones, get the number of the phones on the other side of the
   campground and go to another set and call those phones.  Campers
   pick up the phone.  Just like #1.

3.  At night, ride your bike by peoples campsites and scream really loud
   if they are sleeping.

4.  At night, go knocking on peoples campers.

5.  If people leave their coolers out at night, steal the coolers and
   spread the stuff in the woods.  Keep any beer you find though!

6.  Put Vaseline on the toilet seats in the bathroom or on the phone
   ear pieces.

7.  Get a BIG smoke bomb, and light it and put it in the woods.  People
   will think there is a fire.

8.  Get some itch powder...and go into the bathroom and unroll the toilet
   paper...put the itch powder on the toilet paper and roll it backup...
   people will be itching their whole vacation!!

9.  At night...if the campground has poles with the site numbers on them
   pull them out of the ground and lay them in the road...or scatter them
   all over the campground.

Have fun...but I am not responsible it you get caught..
