Welcome  to  POLICE  QUEST II.  Things haven't changed much  since  our  last
adventure.  Other  than  your having been promoted to Detective  in  Homicide
division,  and Lytton Police Station undergoing extensive remodeling, all has
been quiet. Oh yes, one major change: You no longer have to maneuver your car
through  the  streets of Lytton;  that nightmare has been removed  in  POLICE


Get into your car,  open the glove compartment,  take the business card,  and
read both sides.  Hm, I wonder what that number could be? TAKE THE KEYS. Now,
go into the Police Station.

Enter  your  office (that's the door on the upper left).  Read  the  bulletin
board on the rear wall. Well, you are going to have to improve your shooting.
Walk over to your desk in the middle of the room.  Sit down. Open the drawer.
Take and read the letter.  Take your wallet.  Now to get your gear. Leave the
room,  and  go  into the door on the back wall (to the left of  the  evidence
window).  Your  locker is the first one on the left wall.  Open  the  locker.
What?  You don't know the combination?  What do you think that number on  the
back of the business card was? Open your locker. Wow! Look at that picture of
Marie: What a girl! Get your gun, ammo, and handcuffs. Close the locker.


Now,  to  improve your shooting.  Go right.  Get ear protection from the  guy
standing outside the booth,  then go in.  (On the IBM keyboard, F6 loads your
gun,  F8  draws  gun,  and F10 fires gun -- this may be  different  on  other
keyboards. Read the card enclosed with the game.)

Aim  at the target and fire three shots.  Now press the  view  button.  Those
bullets were well off the mark.  You're going to have to adjust your  sights.
Type ADJUST SIGHTS.  Use the cursor keys to move the screws in the  direction
you need.  Move it a few turns, that hit enter. That target is full of holes,
so CHANGE TARGET.  Press the back button.  Now practice shooting  again.  You
might  have to repeat this step a few times to perfect it.  You'll  know  you
have it right when you get points for firing at the center of the target.  If
you run out of ammo, get more from the man outside.


Go back to your office. Jessie Bains, the "Death Angel" (whom you risked your
life to capture),  has escaped!  Your job:  Find him!  Look at the  Captain's
table, and read the papers. Remember those passwords; you'll need them later.
Go to the filing cabinet on the right.  Get the file on Bains,  and take  the
mugshot.  You could do with a better one than that though;  that one is  left
over from POLICE QUEST I! You'd better go to the Jail to gather information.

Take the keys from the rear wall.  On your way out,  pick up your field  kit.
Where is it?  In the storage bin of course!  Where is that?  Oh,  it's on the
wall  on the right,  opposite the evidence window,  where it can't  be  seen!
Obvious,  isn't it?  In your car, RADIO DISPATCH. They like to know where you
are (even detectives aren't trusted!).


ADJUSTING YOUR GUN:  Make certain you use up all of your ammo on the shooting
range. This will allow you to "REQUEST AMMO" for 2 points. Also, don't forget

OTHER THINGS: At some time, look in your basket for 1 point. Also, you should
use the computer a little at this point.  Use "DIR" to get  directories,  and
"CD" to change directories;  sometimes you will need to enter passwords.  You
should  go into the Personnel directory and read Pratt's file.  Don't  forget
your passwords,  though, as you'll need to get into the Vice directory later.
After reading Pratt's file, go "ASK PRATT ABOUT DRUGS" for another 5 points.


Go to the jail door. Put your gun in the locker (you remember that from PQ I,
don't you?).  Press button. Even the jail has been remodeled. Now you have to
show your ID and pose in front of the closed-circuit camera!  Oh  well,  into
the jail.  Ask about Bains. Take the new mugshot from his file. Now ask about
the kidnapped officer.  Read his file.  Ask about the getaway car. That's it.
Out you go.  (Don't forget your gun!) Radio dispatch.  You're told there's  a
stolen car located in the Mall. Drive to the Mall.


At the mall,  get your kit from the trunk.  Open the car door.  Examine  car.
Dust for prints.  Look in glove compartment. Talk to the woman. Ask her about
her car.  There doesn't seem to be much else here (the game won't let you  go
shopping <sigh>).


A jogger reported violence at Cotton Cove!  You know that place; you had some
fun  there back in PQ I.  (I wonder if it's been remodeled,  too?)  Get  your
field kit.  Talk to the girl,  and ask her what happened.  She tells you that
she saw blood marks,  You'd better check that out.  Go to the left.  Look  in
garbage can.  Get the clothing.  Watch out for that car!  Look on the ground.
Now to gather the evidence:  Take pictures,  get a blood sample,  and use the
plaster on the footprint.


Diving?  That's  part of the fun of being in Homicide!  Show the  diver  your
diving certificate.  You don't have one?  Try looking in your wallet!  Now to
change  into  diving gear.  Go into the van.  Put everything on  (except  the
second set of flippers,  of course).  Look at each air tank, and take the one
with the most air.  Now go and dive. Get the badge (in the middle screen) and
the  knife  (to  the left of the screen).  The body is to the  right  of  the
screen,  on the right, behind a rock. Up you go, hauling the body between the
pair of you. Change your clothing, go back to your car, and (as if you didn't
know) radio dispatch!


JAIL:  In  addition  to all the things mentioned in the  main  walkthru,  you
KIDNAPPING." You may replace "kidnapping" with "escape" if you prefer.

MALL: When dusting for prints in the car, make certain you dust the glove box
before  you  open it.  "DUST GLOVE BOX FOR FINGERPRINTS," then "USE  TAPE  ON
GLOVE BOX." Be sure that you get the holster and bullets from the glove  box,
as well.  After talking to the woman,  return to your car, "RADIO ABOUT GUN,"
and "RADIO ABOUT CAR" for a total of 3 points.

COTTON COVE: After talking to the jogger and asking her about blood or marks,
walk  one screen to the left.  While still on the right edge of  the  screen,
draw your gun.  Proceed left.  When Bains appears,  fire.  After scaring him,
holster the gun,  and stay off the road.  Once the car goes racing by,  it is
safe to proceed to the next screen to the left.  But better than that, return
to your car and radio.  Then proceed two screens to the left.  After  getting
the clothing, be sure to examine it, and read nametag (2 points).


Another stolen car has been seen in the vicinity of the airport.  Off you go.
The  car  is  at the bottom right of the parking  lot.  Examine  car.  Get  a
fingerprint  from  the rear view mirror by dusting  the  mirror,  then  using
fingerprint tape.  Go over to the airport.  Press the button before crossing
the  street!  (Didn't  your mother teach you that?) Wait for  a  few  seconds
outside the airport, and buy flowers for Marie from the woman. What flower do
you want? Why, a rose, of course!

Go into the airport and talk to the agent.  If the agent is busy,  show  your
badge.  Ask about Bains, show the mugshot, and ask to see the passenger list.
You're told that flight left 20 minutes ago. Looks like the bird got away! Go
to the bathroom.  You don't need to go,  but do it anyway.  Enter the  middle
stall.  Look at toilet,  open toilet,  and look in toilet. (Get that look off
your face!) Flush the toilet,  get gun,  and leave. Go back to your car, and,
yes, you guessed it: Radio dispatch.


Drive back to the Police Station.  Book the evidence at the window, and go to
your  office.  Look  in your basket.  Marie wants you to call.  To  find  her
number,  call 411.  You don't know her last name (better not tell her that --
she'd be very upset!),  so go to the computer.  (You didn't know Sierra  made
hardware,  did you?) Type DIR for directory,  and CD to change directory. You
have  the passwords (they were written on the papers on the Captain's  desk).
Go  to the "vice" directory,  (Marie was a prostitute in PQ I,  and a  record
always  remains.)  When you find her name,  go back and  call  411,  get  her
number, and call her.

You have a date tonight now.  (For a good laugh, use the phone to call Sierra
Customer Service (209) 683-6858, and Sierra BBS (209) 683-4463). Put the keys
back on the wall.  Put your gun, ammo, and cuffs back in the locker. Put your
field kit back in its storage bin. You're now off duty.


Take your own car and drive to the restaurant.  Marie is waiting for you. Sit
down.  Talk to Marie. Give her the rose. Kiss her. (That was good, wasn't it?
And you got 2 points for it,  too!) Kiss her again (for an extra point), call
the waiter, and order food. (Yep, good food does take a while.) Eat the food;
then, call the waiter again, and pay for the meal. Thus ends day 1.


AIRPORT: First, you should examine the car's license plate for 1 point. Then,
after  getting the print,  you should radio the office for 2 points.  In  the
bathroom,  you really should dry that gun off.  Try drying it underneath  the
hand dryer. In addition, go northwest from the ticket agents. There, show the
mug  shot (and your badge,  if necessary) to the rental agents.  One of  them
will recognize Bains, and you can ask for a rental list. You can get 4 points
at the rental agency.  Also,  don't forget to push the traffic button on your
way back to the car.  Once in your car, make sure you both "RADIO" and "RADIO


There's been a murder at the Warehouse!  Drive to the warehouse.  The body is
in the trunk.  Look at body,  then look in hand.  Get the envelope.  You have
nothing else to do here; so, drive to the address on the envelope.


The  address  turns  out  to be a motel.  Ask the man  in  the  window  which
apartment you want,  and ask for the key.  He won't give it to you; so, radio
for a warrant.  Show the man the warrant and get the key.  Stand on the right
of the door,  draw gun, and open door. BOOM! Good thing you were standing out
of the line of fire!  Enter the apartment and go into bathroom. You can't see
the bathroom,  but look around to see what's there. Look in the sink, get the
business card,  and read it.  Colby?  You remember him: He's the guy who gave
evidence  against Bains in PQ I.  What's Bains doing with his  card?  Nothing
left to do here, so go to see Marie. You did promise her you'd visit.


Drive to Marie's house.  You see a note on the door.  Take it and read it. Go
inside.  What's happened here? Oh, no! Marie has been kidnapped! Look around.
Look at table,  look in the ashtray,  take the paper, and read it. Looks like
Bains' hit list...and you and Marie are next!  Heartbroken,  you head back to
the station.


At the station,  book the evidence,  but get the number from Colby's business
card first -- you'll need to call and warn him.  Go into the burglary office,
and  ask about the gun you discovered.  Go back to your office,  sit down  at
your desk,  and use the phone to find out the number of Steelton Police. Call
them and warn them about Bains.  Now call Colby and warn him.  (Doesn't  seem
too concerned, does he?) Read the envelope in your basket. If you're going to
chase Bains,  you'd better go and adjust your gun sights again.  (You  should
know  how to do that by now,  or you'd never have gotten this far!) Get  your
field kit, and drive to the airport.


Careful as you cross the street to the airport. Go in and ask for a ticket to
Steelton. How much? You don't have that much money! Ah, Keith has an idea. He
calls the Captain and gets the okay to charge the tickets.  (If he doesn't do
this,  you didn't read the envelope in your basket. Go back and read it.) Get
the  tickets,  go  to the right,  up the escalator,  and  through  the  metal
detector. You'd better show your ID to pass through. Next stop: the plane!


Sit  down  and wear seatbelt.  Drink your drink.  The flight  seems  terribly
uneventful  until  hijackers suddenly appear!  Remove seat  belt.  While  the
hijacker is holding the stewardess,  stand and draw gun.  As soon as he drops
her,  fire! Shoot the other guy as he leaves the cockpit. Check their pockets
and turbans. Get the instructions and wire cutters. Now to find the bomb.

Go to the bathroom at the back of the plane. Open the dispenser. There it is!
Read the instructions for making the bomb;  then, do the exact opposite. When
the instructions say connect,  you cut; when it says disconnect, you connect!
Well done! Now the the flight will be uneventful!


WAREHOUSE:  Before  departing  the  station,  be sure to  grab  all  of  your
equipment out of your locker.  Also,  make sure you have your field kit. Once
at the warehouse,  make certain that you take pictures of the trunk, and take
a blood sample.  After getting the envelope's corner, "MOVE BODY." Then, look
in the trunk again to find a death threat.  Looks like Bains really wants  to
get you! These extra things will earn you an additional 6 points.

MOTEL:  To ask the manager which room you want,  show him the mug shot. After
getting the key,  "RADIO FOR BACKUP," since Bains just might still be in  the
room. After opening the door, wait a while for the smoke to clear, then enter
the  room.  In addition to the business card,  you can find some lipstick  by
"LOOK  UNDER BED." You should thoroughly examine the nightstand for the  rest
of the envelope.

MARIE'S HOUSE: Make sure you "EXAMINE WRITING" on the note. It's not Marie's,
and it gets you 3 points.

STATION:  When on the phone with Colby and the Steelton PD, say "HELLO," then
"TELL MAN ABOUT BAINS." And be sure to check your message basket.


After a brief helicopter flight (Lytton station could do with one of  those),
you find yourself in Steelton Police Station.  Go into the office and talk to
the Inspector.  It seems as if you are too late:  Colby has been killed.  But
Bains made a call from Burt Park;  perhaps he's still there!  Get the two-way
radios from the table and go to the Park.


Walk  around the park.  When the mugger runs over to you,  call Keith on  the
radio.  Got him!  Now go to the right of the pond.  Look at manhole, open it,
and down you go!

Walk very carefully down here -- don't slip into the sewer!  Cross the  sewer
and go to the right.  At the end of the tunnel,  go down one screen.  DO  NOT
STOP or you'll die of gas poisoning. Make a left and avoid the sewer pipes by
crossing  the tunnel when necessary.  Open the cabinet,  get  the  mask,  and
continue left.  Whenever you start to feel weak,  wear the gas mask.  Now  go
down one screen and to the right: a door!


Go through the door, and look! There's Marie tied up! Walk toward Marie. When
she starts to mumble,  tell her to be quiet,  or else Bains will hear her and
kill you both!  Untie Marie.  What's that?  Footsteps!  Quick!  Run and  hide
behind that big pipe on the left. Load and draw your gun. As soon as Bains is
level with you, fire three shots, and he's history!

That's it, the game takes over now! Sit back and enjoy the ending!


BURT PARK: After calling Keith to aid you with the mugger, you need to follow
regulations.  "READ  RIGHTS" to mugger,  then "QUESTION MUGGER.

    POLICE QUEST II is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line, Inc.

    This walkthru is copyright (c) 1989 by Benny. All rights reserved.

    Additional Points are copyright (c) 1989 by Andrew Hatchell. All rights

Another file downloaded from:                     The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven

& the Temple of the Screaming Electron   Taipan Enigma        510/935-5845
Burn This Flag                           Zardoz               408/363-9766
realitycheck                             Poindexter Fortran   510/527-1662
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Planet Mirth                             Simon Jester         510/786-6560

                         "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"