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                           JUNE, 2004 COLLECTION

 TEXTFILES.COM was founded in 1998 to save what felt like a rapidly
 disappearing part of computer history: the thousands of textfiles that
 had been shared and written for Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes).

 While the primary point of many BBSes were to foster conversarions on
 message boards or provide binary programs to computer users, in fact
 they quickly found themselves to be tiny libraries of wisdom, humor,
 sin, and insanity, all provided by information files that were being
 written to fill gaps in knowledge (or just for the fun of it).

 Unfortunately, many BBSes were single-line affairs, allowing one user
 at a time to use them, and limiting themselves to a small community.
 In many cases they never experienced networking, so the files and the
 writings of that BBS went away with it. In some cases, users saved the
 data and squirreled them away on floppy disks, but they often did not.
 This is the tragedy of the BBS, that it was enjoyed by so few, but it
 is also the triumph, as those few felt themselves part of a family,
 even if a dysfunctional one.

 The TEXTFILES.COM site was created because of the inability to find many
 of the "old classic" text files from BBSes on the Internet. At the time,
 it felt like that whole aspect of computer history would be forgotten,
 or made into a slick summarization of those amazing times passing for
 the truth. Starting with a dusty collection of floppy disks stored in a
 shoebox, the site began to take shape.

 From those humble beginnings in 1998, the site has grown to the scale
 of tens of thousands of textfiles spanning over thirty years. Many
 people, inspired by the collection, have uploaded their own set of
 memories and files, while other sites have been brought in and added
 to the pile.  Now, it feels, many of the original "classics" have been
 saved, put up for the world to download, invincible against time.

 But we can't let the same mistake happen again.

 While every effort is made to preserve the TEXTFILES.COM site, and a
 lot of safeguards are in place, many of them still depend on one guy,
 me, to make sure it's all still around and easy to find. This is a
 bad situation. The world is an unsure place, and yet the Internet has
 been designed from the ground up to be resilient, fast, and somewhat
 easy to use. The key is to use it for the saving of this site.

 Here, then, is a complete snapshot of TEXTFILES.COM and a number of
 related sites, presented as one big archive. Here in the dawn of the
 21st century, multi-hundred megabytes are no longer the gargantuan
 monuments they once were; MP3s saw to that, encouraging people to
 download a single song that took up more space than many BBSes took
 up in total in the 1980's and 1970's. In this new breathtaking era,
 the TEXTFILES.COM archive is just another quaint addition to your hard

 Take this file, split it apart, remix it, do what you want; throw it
 onto a CD and leave it on a train, or use the millions of words to
 test your new software. Or maybe, if you have time, sit down and read
 the words of a different time, with people whose dreams and goals were
 much like your own and who wanted to share them with others, one
 download at a time.


 - Jason Scott