                    Documentation for South Pacific Quest

                  Game & Concept by Peter Ward {Mega Byte}
                    Documentation Written By The Watcher
Released 12-Jun-87                              A Capital Connection ][ Release
Call:  Capital Connection ][                                     [716] 473-8051
o 202/212 [2400 Coming Soon]           o Full-Featured BBS/AE/Cat-Fur Enhanced
o Up 24 Hours A Day/7 Days A Week      o The only BBS in the USA where you can
o Software that the BBS runs on is       reach Peter Ward {Mega Byte}
 only used on 3 BBS's in the entire   o A 10 Megabyte system
 country                              o Well maintained

       As some of you may know, Peter Ward has written various games that
were sold to software companies and successfully marketed in Canada, the US,
and in Britain {where he is now gearing his software to be marketed there}.
Peter wrote 2 games that sold for the Apple // series - International Hockey
and Black Magic.  Long before that, Peter wrote a BBS for pirates called
Mega-BBS which the Russian Embassy in Montreal, Canada ran on for some time,
then it was released to the pirate community in various forms.  At the time
of the last release of Mega-BBS, Mega Byte got sick of BBS' and for the most
part bowed out of the pirating scene.  He then began designing games for the
Apple // and Commodore.  Before he wrote Black Magic and International Hockey,
he wrote two other games for the Apple //.  He wrote Demonic Decks {which he
thinks is a dreadful game and is ashamed to release it, but in reality its a
really nice game} and then he wrote South Pacific Quest.  He never tried to
marked Demonic Decks and it served its purpose of teaching him how to write
games, but he unsuccessfully tried to market South Pacific Quest.  I'm not
quite sure why software companies were not interested in this, but its no loss
to us, because after months of persuasion, I finally convinced Peter to allow
me to release this program to the pirate community.  After you play South
Pacific Quest, or if you have any comments about Black Magic or International
Hockey, could you please Call Capital Connection ][ {the number is at the
beginning and the end of the file} and leave mail for Mega Byte after you
are validated?  He is interested in suggestions for games, comments, etc. but
do note that he wrote this game way back in 1985.  He has allowed me to
release it to the pirate community, so feel free to copy it and give it to
all of your friends {you'll probably do that anyways...} and enjoy!

       The Watcher {wow, that took much longer than I expected}

               64K, One Disk Drive, Joystick


       The Futz Empire has retreated to an island in a secret location of
the South Pacific {I bet you never would have guessed that one}.  You are
flown in by helecoptor, and your mission is to capture or kill Lord Futz.
In order to do this, you must conquer Futz soldiers and pass through the
16 screens of this arcade hi-res action game.  The game is divided into 4
sets of four screens.  In order to advance to the next screen, you have to
reach the flag {located at different areas on every screen}, after you have
cleared a set, you can choose another set to conquor.  Beware!  There are
many viscious Futz soldiers everywhere with guns, and there are various other
obstacles and riddles that you have to figure out in order to win.  You have
3 lives in this surrealistic game, so when you die, you are transported back
to the same screen you were at when you died, but anything you did you will
have to do all over again.  By the way, at any time, you can press Ctrl-R to
re-start the game.

       When you boot up the disk, you get that wonderful text page that I
made {Thanks goes to The Screamer's awesome utilities}.  Press any key and the
fast DOS will quickly load data from the disk and flash the hi-res screen,
then it will proceed to give a small plot summary.  You can press a key at any
time during the summary to skip to the next stage.  When you arrive at the
next stage by either pressing a key or waiting till the introduction is over,
you will be transported to a large map with paths leading North, South, East
and West.  The paths lead to 4 sets of 4 screens per set.  Just simply decide
which set you want to conquor first {the sets are always the same} and move
the little dot from the center to the direction you desire to go in (do this
with your joystick).  Once you have gone to the region you wanted to arrive to
the disk will spin and then you will be transported to the first screen of the
4 you must conquor in the set.  The main objective is to capture the flag on
every screen.

       As you travel from screen to screen, you will come across several
devices that were abandoned by the Futz Empire.  In order to pick up a
device, all you have to do is walk over it.  The device that you currently
have is printed at the bottom right hand corner of the game screen (you can
only have one device at a time.)  The devices you can use are as follows:

1: Pistol                  2: Axe                       3: Machine Gun
4: Armored Suit            5: Grenades                  6: Dynamite Sticks
7: Missiles (and launcher)

NOTE:  If there is a device on the screen, it means that you usually MUST use
      it to aid you in conquering the screen (otherwise it would not be

1: Pistol - This is a small gun which permits only 1 bullet on the screen at
           any one time.  Its range is about 2/3 of the screen.  This is also
           the default device (that is, unless you have another device, this
           will always be with you.)

2: Axe - This device is used solely for cutting ropes, etc.  ONce you have
        it, press the FIRE button to use it.  Once you have used it, you
        get your pistol back

3: Machine Gun - This is a SHORT range, fast firing device. (used for mass

4: Armored Suit - when you are wearing this suit, you cannot be harmed by
                 anything.  Unfortunately though, you cannot climb any ropes
                 or fire your pistol while you are wearing it.  This suit is
                 worn when you have to cross a line of enemy fire in order to
                 turn off a gun turret.

5: Grenades - Small explosives that you may throw at a large group of enemy
             men. BEWARE of flying debris when they explode though!

6: Dynamite - Large scale explosives, used solely for blowing away walls.  To
             use it, walk up to a WALL an dpress the fire button (this drops
             the dynamite stick).  Then, RUN AWAY! (if you are too close when
             it explodes...you're history!)

7: Missiles & Launcher - These are 2 seperate devices which are used together.
                        Once you have a missle, you must get to the launcher
                        and fire it.  The firing procedure is easy, simply
                        press the FIRE button, and the missle will launch.
                        To control the flight of the missle, hold down the
                        AIM button, and move the joystick.  The missle will
                        follow the path of your joystick.  It will detonate
                        if it collides with an enemy machine, or if it runs
                        off the screen.  Again, BEWARE of the flying debris
                        when it detonates!


-> The TOP button is your FIRE button.  WHen pressed, fire is implemented in
  the currently selected AIM direction.  What happens when you press this
  depends on what device you currently have [eg. if you have a Pistol, a
  small bullet is fired.)

-> The BOTTOM button is your AIM button.  When held down, you stop moving and
  enter AIM mode.  In AIM mode, your JOYSTICK controls where your gun is
  AIMING (there are 8 possible directions.)

-> The JOYSTIck can do several things:
-> If you are in AIM mode, it changes your current AIM direction
-> In normal mode, it moves you LEFT or RIGHT, and causes you to either JUMP
  or DUCK.
-> If you should be climbing a rope, it will make you climb either UP or
  DOWN, or cause you to jump off the rope to the LEFT or RIGHT.

Well, thats about it for the documentation for SPQ.  I'm sorry if there are
any typos or it is a bit awkward, but I'm not a perfectionist.  Please feel
free to call and leave Peter Ward a piece of mail on my system.  By the way,
I still haven't solved SPQ to date, its a very hard game!  Good luck - I hope
this brings you many hours of game play in the summer months.
An Exclusive Capital Connection ][ Release                      [716] 473-8051
     "Dedicated to quality telecommunications when it's needed the most"