This document is provided by HARDWARE HEISTER and input by BELLE STARR, for
your playing pleasure.


 Magic is arguably the most significant strategic element of ARCHON. Only the
two mages - the Wizard and the Sorceress - can cast spells, and each mage can
cast each spell only once. While the spells are powerful, they have one
drawback; each spell weakens the mage casting it, leaving that mage
progressively less able to defend itself against direct attack.
 A spell may be cast instead of a regular move on the strategy screen. Simply
move the frame atop your mage, as if you were going to move it. Push the
button, and the usual message appears. Without moving the icon, however, just
push the button again, and you will get a new message: SELECT YOUR SPELL."
Push the joystick up or down to survey the spells still available, and push
the button when you find the one you want. If further actions on your part
are required, additional messages will direct you appropriately.   Remember
that you can't conjure the same spell more than once, and you can't cast a
spell against power points or icons on them. Details are given below.


EFFECT: This spell moves-teleports-any one of your icons any distance from one
square on the strategy screen to another.
ACTIONS REQUIRED: After selecting the spell, move the frame to the icon you
want; push the button; and then move the icon to its destination-just as if
it were a normal move.
RESTRICTIONS: You cannot move an enemy icon. You cannot move onto a square
already occupied by one of your own icons (as usual). You cannot teleport
onto or off a power point. You cannot teleport an imprisoned icon. (See
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Do not confuse this spell with  a mage's normal three-square
movement. That is minor magic, on the same order as casting fireballs, and is
not bound by the restrictions of the seven major spells.


EFFECT: This spell instantly heals any icon of all wounds it has sustained in
the cambat arena.
ACTIONS REQUIRED: After selecting the spell, move the frame to the wounded
icon, and push the button.
RESTRICTIONS: You cannot heal an icon resting on a power point. You can "heal"
an already healthy icon, but why bother?


EFFECT: Two effects are possible. Most often, the spell reverses the flow of
time: i.e., the direction of the luminosity cycle of the delta squares.
Squares that had been growing gradually darker would now grow lighter-until
the cycle peaked. However, if the spell is cast when the luminosity cycle is
at either peak, Shift Time will cause the cycle to shift abruptly to the
opposite extreme (from black to white, or vice versa).
ACTIONS REQUIRED: None after selecting the spell.


EFFECT: This spell causes any two icons on the strategy screen to trade places.
ACTIONS REQUIRED: Move the frame to one of the icons you wish to transpose,
and push the button. Then do the same to the other icon.
RESTRICTIONS: Neither icon can be imprisoned or on a power point.


EFFECT: This spell allows you to attack any enemy icon with a new, temporary
icon representing one of four elementals-animated spirits of the ancient
elements of earth, air, fire, and water. Combat is conducted in the combat
arena as usual, except that the elemental vanishes after the battle, win or
ACTIONS REQUIRED: Once the spell is selected and the elemental appears on your
side of the strategy screen, move it to the icon you wish to attack. In the
combat arena, direct the elemental just as you would any other icon.
RESTRICTIONS: You cannot attack an icon on a power point. You cannot direct
the elemental to a vacant square or one occupied by one of your own icons.
You cannot choose which elemental will respond to your summons.


EFFECT: This spell restores to the game an icon previously lost in combat.
ACTIONS REQUIRED: the procedure is similar to a Teleport spell or a normal
move, except that the revived icon comes from a special display by the side
of the strategy screen, and its destination must be a vacant square next to
the mage.
RESTRICTIONS: You cannot "revive" an icon not already dead. One of the squares
adjoining your mage must be vacant, and you must put the revived icon on one
of those vacant squares.


EFFECT: This spell keeps an icon on the strategy screen from leaving its
square. The icon can fight its attackers in the combat arena, but it cannot
be moved off its square. Important: an imprisoned mage cannot cast spells!
Imprisonment is temporary. A Dark Side icon would remain imprisoned until the
delta squares turn black; a Light Side icon would be freed when delta squares
turn white.
ACTIONS REQUIRED: Once the spell is cast, move the frame to the target icon,
and push the button.
RESTRICTIONS: You cannot imprison an icon on a power point. You cannot
imprison any icon at a time when the luminosity cycle would automatically
free it.


This is not a spell; it is a way to avoid casting a spell if you miscalculate.
If you change your mind while selecting a spell, or if the spell you want is
unavailable or canceled, you may push the button when CEASE CONJURING is
displayed. This will allow you to start your turn over.