
This server is primarily a repository of data gathered from
around the Internet.  A large part of the data here is in the form
of a mirror, or an unmodified copy of data that resides on other
computers and servers. The original archive maintainer was
responsible for the content of each individual archive.

I DO NOT exercise any editorial control on content here, and many
directories and files are automatically generated (especially News
items). I have not had time to read everything on this server (yet)
but I attempt to source content with a degree of discretion.

There is a selection of content on this server, and not all
of it will be acceptable to all visitors here. That said, we
believe that you should have the right to decide what you want
to read/ download, as an informed adult in a free society. Simply
put, if you believe content is going to offend you or your beliefs,
just don't read it! No-one is forcing you to read it just because
it's  there.

That said, I attempt to run this server in a fully law-abiding way.
Please notify me immediately if there is any question as to the
legality of content available from here.

Your continued use of this site confirms that you accept these


Im Sinne von § 7 Absatz 1 TMG sind wir fuer die eigenen Inhalte auf
dieser Webseite verantwortlich.
Durch §§ 8 bis einschliesslich 10 TMG sind wir aber nicht verpflichtet,
gespeicherte oder uebermittelte fremde Inhalte zu ueberwachen oder
diese auf Rechtswidrigkeit zu pruefen. Das befreit uns jedoch nicht
von der Pflicht, der Sperrung und Entfernung von Informationen nach
geltenden Gesetzen nachzukommen.

--      A. C. Almeida, Am Wettegraben 4, 88299 Leutkirch
       e-Mail: <antonio [at] almeida.de>
       November 5th, 2021