World's end walkthrough

system: quest.

Note: When I say a number like 1, I mean select the option in the menu that corasponds to that number.

talk to statue, get cat
e, teleport, 1
give cat to woman
teleport, w, n
talk to seller
shoot plinth, get chip
use chip on device
teleport, 2,
talk to salesman, yes
talk to man, yes, teleport, !, 1
shoot statue, get diamond
teleport, !, 2
give diamond to man
go to night club
shoot alien, get lighter, get guitar.
out, n
shoot alien, !
get in spaceship
s, teleport, !, 1, go to ice forest
use gem on bench, d, use knife on book, get key
u, s, teleport, !, 2, n, get in spaceship
shoot machines, use key on cupboard, get dynamite
use dynamite on spaceship, use lighter on dynamite
Quikly go south then wait until explosion
x circle, get chip
s, teleport, use chip on device, teleport, 3
talk to woman, yes, use screwdriver on bed, get screw
use teleporter, shoot alien, turn on computer
teleport, use chip on device, teleport, 2, go to night club
give teleporter to bartender
out, teleport, !, 1
use axe on pole, get pole
teleport, !, 4
talk to man, open manhole
d, n, w
use axe on bunk, get leg, use leg on chandelier, shoot grate, shoot pipe
use screw on elevator, use screwdriver on elevator
use pole on hole, get flame thrower
s, s, n
use flame on chest [you can also use axe on chest], l dog, get collar, x collar, get dog
use flame on guard, 3
s, s
turn on computers, bloodbath, 2, 1, 3
n, n, w, n, talk to guard, arctic
x crator
shoot light, search corpse, get teleporter, get chip, use teleporter, turn on computer, teleport
use chip on device, !, teleport, 5
talk to woman, yes, search corpse, open box, get eye, use eye on statue
teleport, w, n, talk to seller, 2, 1
s, e, teleport, 5
use laser on trap, d, get vial, use vial on scientist, use laser on scientist, get paper, d
use axe on barrels, get pen, use pen on paper, use paper on elevator, go to elevator, use keypad, mut

x equipment, get hammer, use hammer on equipment, get suit, unzip space suit [note you have to type this exactly], x suit, get parachute, wear parachute, get lead, use lead on socket.

If you are wearing the parachute you'll survive.

search junk [until you see you find nothing], open suitcase, yes, 1873, get map, get jug, get rat
get chips, get on bus yes
use map, give chips to scientist

This next part is hard because you have to do it quikly.
A cube is hovering over you firing at you. You have to destroy it with the vials of acid you were given. use the vials on the cube but if they miss, then won't fall to the ground. Just use them on the cube until it explodes then get the chip.
use teleporter, turn on computer, teleport, use chip on device, !, teleport, 6
search jewelry, get skull
teleport, !, 1, go to ice forest, n, get in elevator
get laser, get smg, get axe
out, use axe on tree, get clay, mold clay, search wood, open sack, get triangle, get remote
s, out, teleport, !, 6, use remote on gates, n, use triangle on door, e, use triangle on bench, x pond, shoot duck, get glasses, w, s, teleport, !, 5, give glasses to woman
teleport, !, 6, n, w, use clay on fountain, e, open door, n, talk to oracle

Now the final fight!

s, s, s, teleport, use chip on device, teleport, 7
Go north in this darkness to enter the arena. Use the laser pistol on him and keep doing this quikly until he dies!

You win!