Solution to Nuclear Submarine Adventure

1. do ur own inventory management. max of 5 objs.
2. parser is very particular of what u type in.
    eg. "tv" cannot be used instead of "T.V.".

walkthru follows ....

u. look bunk -> rkey. open locker -> mariner's book. read book twice.
n.n.n.n.n.n.d. push button in device controlling reactor.
n.n.d. get salt. u.n.w. wake crew.
n.d.s -> dinner. n.u. put dinner in stove. cook dinner. s. eat dinner.
e.e. lift weights. w.n. open hatch & door.
u -> wrench. d.d -> tool kit. u.s.d -> decoder. u.s.s.
put decoder in radio. s.u.s.s.s.s.s.w.d.
fix train. n.u. open hatch. u -> wkey. d.e.s. open door.
d -> radio manual. u.n.n.n.n.n.d.n. read manual. fix radio.
use radio. remember the combination. n.w.
open safe using the EXACT combination (case & space sensitive) -> tape.
e.n.w. put tape in player. watch T.V. e.n.e. open locker -> AR outfit.
w.s.s.s.s.u.s.s.s.s.s.w. push button on ballast. e.n.n.
open door. wear outfit. d. look reactor. s -> bkey. n.u.n.n.n.d.n.n.n.n.n.
open locker -> uniform. wear uniform. s.s.s.s.s.u -> microphone.
d. in main control room. say "surface". u.n.u. open hatch. n.

                ******** DONE *********
