CENTER **********************
CENTER InvisiClues(tm)
CENTER The Hint Booklet for
CENTER **********************

[Copyright by Infocom, Inc. Provided for non-commercial use only, with the
sole intent of making information available that would otherwise be lost.

To whoever presently holds the copyright to the information contained in
this file: if you think the existence of this file violates your copyright,
please complain and the file will be removed.

Typed in from the original hintbook by Paul David Doherty.]

Sample Question^
Will I ever get the floors around my CLC really clean and shiny?^
 A. Yes! And it's as easy as A-B-C!^
 B. Waldo must be wearing the waxing and buffing extension.^
 C. He will have to use Neato brand floor wax.^

MENU Table of Contents

LINK All About the Complex
LINK The Robots
LINK FC Interrupt: Intruder Alert!
LINK Monitors and Controls
LINK Repairing the FCs
LINK General Questions
LINK For Your Amusement (after you've finished the game)

MENU All About the Complex

LINK What's in the cylinder in the Central Chamber?
LINK What can I do with the Library Core?
LINK How do I get any of the robots to go north from the Hallway Junction?
LINK How do I get the robots to the Biological Area?
LINK Why do robots keep dying when I send them into the FC Area?
LINK How do I get Poet to take the Transit System?
LINK How do I stop the robots from dying in the FC area?
LINK How do I stop the acid mist?
LINK How do I get the cutters from the top shelf?

HINT What's in the cylinder in the Central Chamber?
CLUE Try having a robot open it.
CLUE Now you know.

HINT What can I do with the Library Core?
CLUE You can always take books out if you've got your access card.
CLUE Try having Whiz ask about Floyd.
CLUE Actually, there's nothing you can do with it. It's there to feed information to the four peripherals accessible to Whiz.

HINT How do I get any of the robots to go north from the Hallway Junction?
CLUE Just tell them to go north once they're there.
CLUE There's a step in the way. They can't climb the step.
CLUE Find something so they can glide up and down the step.
CLUE Have one of the robots carry the wedge from the middle supply room to the Hallway Junction. Then have the robot place the wedge against the step.

HINT How do I get the robots to the Biological Area?
CLUE First, send them to the Hallway End and look around.
CLUE What the robot is seeing is actually a car.
CLUE Have the robot get in the car (or whatever the robot calls it). The rest is automatic.

HINT Why do robots keep dying when I send them into the FC Area?
CLUE Have Sensa report in the Short Corridor. She'll give you some data.
CLUE Have Poet and Waldo enter the Cavernous Room. What they have to say may be of some help.
CLUE Acid is being sprayed up through the floor, is floating through the air, and is settling on their thin metal skins.

HINT How do I get Poet to take the Transit System?
CLUE Like all robots, he needs a token.
CLUE Have him buy a pass from the conductor.
CLUE Be serious!

HINT How do I stop the robots from dying in the FC area?
CLUE Stop sending them in there.
CLUE Repair Fred so he, with his acid shielding, can go in that area.
CLUE But Fred cannot ever be repaired.
CLUE Stop the acid mist.

HINT How do I stop the acid mist?
CLUE Well, you could always try umbrellas...
CLUE Unfortunately, there are no umbrellas in the game.
CLUE Use the game board to determine what's immediately under the Cavernous Room.
CLUE Try turning the wheel in the Maintenance Area below the FCs.
CLUE Can't reach the wheel? Try standing on the wedge.
CLUE Still can't reach the wheel? Try getting the people to help.

HINT How do I get the cutters from the top shelf?
CLUE Try having a robot stand on something.
CLUE Place the wedge under the shelf.
CLUE Stand on the wedge.
CLUE You've got them now.

MENU The Robots

LINK All About Iris
LINK Wonderful Waldo
LINK What's up with Whiz
LINK Sensitive Sensa
LINK Enigmatic Poet
LINK Auda, a Patient Listener
LINK Fred, the Intrepid

MENU All About Iris

LINK What good is Iris when she can't see?
LINK What part of Iris is malfunctioning?
LINK What good is Iris once she can see?
LINK How can I open up Iris?
LINK How do I get Iris to the Robot Repair Area?

HINT What good is Iris when she can't see?
CLUE Iris is broken and needs to be fixed.
CLUE Have Waldo open the panel.
CLUE Replace the faulty chip.

HINT What part of Iris is malfunctioning?
CLUE Have you had all the robots examine each chip in the panel?
CLUE Have you had Sensa or Poet examine the chips one by one?
CLUE The bad chip is the "rough device" as Waldo calls it.

HINT What good is Iris once she can see?
CLUE Have you sent her to the three monitoring locations?
CLUE She can tell you the state of affairs on the surface of the planet by looking at the monitors.
CLUE She can enter the reset access codes once the FCs are back in balance.

HINT How can I open up Iris?
CLUE Have you tried having each robot open her?
CLUE Have you asked Whiz to query the CLC about Waldo?
CLUE Waldo can open Iris once the grasping extension has been attached.

HINT How do I get Iris to the Robot Repair Area?
CLUE Have you tried dragging her there?
CLUE Have you tried sending her there?
CLUE Have you tried having her follow another robot there?
CLUE What makes you think you have to do this at all?
CLUE You can't. Iris cannot leave the Monitor Area.

MENU Wonderful Waldo

LINK How can I get Waldo to fix Iris?
LINK How can I get Waldo to tell me what's on the monitors?

HINT How can I get Waldo to fix Iris?
CLUE Have you found the extention [sic] he needs for delicate work?
CLUE Have you looked in the Middle Supply Room for an extension?
CLUE Have you told Waldo to attach or wear the extension?

HINT How can I get Waldo to tell me what's on the monitors?
CLUE Have you asked him to look at the monitors?
CLUE Have you had him wear his glasses?
CLUE What makes you think Waldo can see at all?
CLUE This is a job for Iris!

MENU What's up with Whiz

LINK How do I get Whiz to answer my questions?
LINK Why does Whiz call everything by a number?
LINK How do I get Whiz to plug himself into Sensa?
LINK What good is Whiz?
LINK Does Whiz have a personality problem interacting with the other robots?

HINT How do I get Whiz to answer my questions?
CLUE Have you typed in HELP?
CLUE Have you directed Whiz to any of the peripherals?
CLUE Have you typed WHIZ, PLUG IN?
CLUE Have you typed WHIZ, ASK ABOUT (or QUERY ABOUT) something?

HINT Why does Whiz call everything by a number?
CLUE Whiz isn't very smart by himself. The numbers are supplied by the Central Library Core.
CLUE The numbers always give a hint as to what the object really is.
CLUE The number and letter sequence usually represents the real name for that object.

HINT How do I get Whiz to plug himself into Sensa?
CLUE Shame on you.

HINT What good is Whiz?
CLUE Whiz can supply you with hints once he's plugged into the Advisory Pedestal.
CLUE Whiz can supply background material from the other pedestals when it's available.
CLUE Once you know all about what Whiz has to tell you, you might be able to figure out another way to use him.

HINT Does Whiz have a personality problem interacting with the other robots?
CLUE For the most part, he has no personality.

MENU Sensitive Sensa
LINK What was Sensa designed to do?
LINK How do I get Sensa to work?

HINT What was Sensa designed to do?
CLUE Sensa can detect all kinds of vibrations.
CLUE Sensa issues the tremor warnings.
CLUE Sensa can detect all kinds of radiation emissions.
CLUE Sensa can also detect electrical flow.

HINT How do I get Sensa to work?
CLUE Have Sensa examine an object. She will tell you anything she may detect about it.
CLUE Have you tried having her report?

MENU Enigmatic Poet

LINK Poet talks gibberish, no?
LINK How do I fix Poet?
LINK What is Poet's function?

HINT Poet talks gibberish, no?
CLUE Yes, he does.
CLUE No, he doesn't.
CLUE Poet is unable to process information normally, and so he does the best he can.
CLUE Try having Poet and several other robots describe the same thing. You'll catch on.

HINT How do I fix Poet?
CLUE Drag Poet to the Multiplexing Staging Center.
CLUE Place Poet in the Centrifugal Disassembler.
CLUE What makes you think there's anything wrong with him?

HINT What is Poet's function?
CLUE Poet's a specialized robot, capable of diagnosing problems.
CLUE Have you asked Poet to report?
CLUE Have him touch some objects.

MENU Auda, a Patient Listener

LINK How do I get Auda to talk?
LINK How do I get Auda out of the upper section of the Complex?
LINK How do I get Auda to listen to what's going on?

HINT How do I get Auda to talk?
CLUE First, find the vox chip.
CLUE Plug the vox chip into Auda's mouth hole.
CLUE You can't get Auda to talk. She's all ears.

HINT How do I get Auda out of the upper section of the Complex?
CLUE Tell Auda to go to any room you like.
CLUE Have Auda climb the step.
CLUE You need something to go by the step so she can roll over it.

HINT How do I get Auda to listen to what's going on?
CLUE Have you tried AUDA, LISTEN?
CLUE Have you tried AUDA, LISTEN?
CLUE Try typing in AUDA, LISTEN and then wait for awhile. When Auda interrupts to tell you something is going on, have her follow the talking creatures.

MENU Fred, the Intrepid

LINK Where do I find Fred?
LINK How do I get the FCs to talk to Fred?
LINK How can I repair Fred?
LINK Does Fred perform any useful function?

HINT Where do I find Fred?
CLUE Have you looked in the cabinet in Gamma Repair?
CLUE He's in the cabinet in Gamma Repair. You must somehow move him.
CLUE Have two robots move Fred.
CLUE You do this by typing BOTH (robot) AND (robot), MOVE FRED.

HINT How do I get the FCs to talk to Fred?
CLUE Fred is dead.
CLUE Forget him.
CLUE Fred can never be repaired.

HINT How can I repair Fred?
CLUE You send out for a repairperson.
CLUE You send him out for repairs.
CLUE Forget it. You can't fix him at all.

HINT Does Fred perform any useful function?
CLUE He was once a great dancer.
CLUE There's something in him that is indeed useful.
CLUE Try to take the red wire in him. Since he no longer works, he won't miss it.
CLUE You'll need to have a robot use the cutting tool.

MENU FC Interrupt: Intruder Alert!

LINK Intruders have entered the Complex. How do I communicate with them?
LINK I keep dying, and when I do, three people are standing there. Why?
LINK How do I stop the people from killing me?
LINK What's in the bag the people are carrying?

HINT Intruders have entered the Complex. How do I communicate with them?
CLUE There's no way to talk to them. You can only listen to what they say.
CLUE Have Auda listen.
CLUE Have Auda follow the talking mechanisms while she's listening.

HINT I keep dying, and when I do, three people are standing there. Why?
CLUE The people are replacing you with a clone.
CLUE They think that you're insane and are creating all the problems yourself.
CLUE They don't have any choice in what they do. They assume you are at fault unless you somehow communicate the true nature of the problem to them.

HINT How do I stop the people from killing me?
CLUE Have you tried killing them?
CLUE Have you tried preventing them from getting to the Biological Area?
CLUE Have you tried showing them what's wrong with the complex?
CLUE Well, there are two ways, though the first gets you only another 75 cycles:^1. Strand them in Hallway End by having a robot take the car to the Biological Area.^2. Have a robot steal the bag once they go to sleep. When the robot does this, the people will awaken and chase the robot. Have the robot lead the people to the Maintenance Area beneath the FCs.

HINT What's in the bag the people are carrying?
CLUE Have a robot take the bag while the people are asleep.
CLUE Have the robot open the bag and find out for you.
CLUE You can't open the bag. It belongs to the people.
CLUE There are some cloning tools inside the bag which humans can use, but robots cannot use.

MENU Monitors and Controls

LINK The Weather
LINK The Transit System
LINK Hydroponics

MENU The Weather

LINK Why does the weather keep getting worse?
LINK How do I fix the Weather Towers on the surface of Contra?
LINK I keep turning dials in the Weather Control Area, but nothing happens. Why?
LINK Why won't the weather towers stay in balance once they've been stabilized?

HINT Why does the weather keep getting worse?
CLUE Everyone on the surface was either washing their cars, heading for the beach, or planning a picnic.
CLUE The FCs are doing the best they can, but they're malfunctioning.
CLUE The FCs are constantly adjusting the pressure in one of the towers, and doing a lousy job.

HINT How do I fix the Weather Towers on the surface of Contra?
CLUE First, fix Iris so she can see the monitors (helpful, but not truly necessary).
CLUE Send a robot to the Weather Control Area.
CLUE Try turning the dials to different settings.
CLUE Set the middle dial to 99 or 100, then pray for the best.

HINT I keep turning dials in the Weather Control Area, but nothing happens. Why?
CLUE Something is happening. Be patient.
CLUE Weather does not change instantly.
CLUE It takes about five FC cycles before Iris will be able to report on a change in the surface environment.

HINT Why won't the weather towers stay in balance once they've been stabilized?
CLUE The FCs keep resetting them.
CLUE You can never actually fix the situation -- the best you can do is buy some time while you go about repairing the real problem: the FCs.

MENU The Transit System

LINK Why do so many casualties occur when I shut off the floaters?
LINK How do I stop people from getting on the floaters?
LINK Why do the glidewalks keep picking up speed?
LINK What's wrong with the robotaxis?
LINK How do I keep casualties down to a minimum from the Transit System?

HINT Why do so many casualties occur when I shut off the floaters?
CLUE Try looking at it this way: You're in an airplane.
CLUE Someone comes by and removes its wings.
CLUE At 38,000 feet.
CLUE Ouch.

HINT How do I stop people from getting on the floaters?
CLUE If the floaters weren't in operation, no one would use them.
CLUE People are using the taxis and the glidewalks to get to the floaters.
CLUE Stop the taxis and the glidewalks.

HINT Why do the glidewalks keep picking up speed?
CLUE The FCs are doing it, just like they're messing about with the weather towers.

HINT What's wrong with the robotaxis?
CLUE They're revolting against their human bosses.
CLUE Well, maybe not.
CLUE They're striking for better pavement.
CLUE Their union's not very strong though.
CLUE The FCs are misinterpreting information and are unable to control them correctly.
CLUE That sounds more reasonable.
CLUE Better turn them off.

HINT How do I keep casualties down to a minimum from the Transit System?
CLUE Try shutting everything off.
CLUE Throw the Switches which control the Transit System.
CLUE In the following order: 1. Taxis 2. Glidewalk 3. Floaters (when there are no people in them)

MENU Hydroponics

LINK Why bother with food at a time like this?
LINK How do I balance the Hydroponics Controls?
LINK Where do I get a cheeseburger?

HINT Why bother with food at a time like this?
CLUE Everyone has to eat, even in an emergency.
CLUE A well-balanced breakfast is the start of any good day.
CLUE Even with what's going on, people will starve without food.

HINT How do I balance the Hydroponics Controls?
CLUE They don't need to be balanced until a secondary tremor occurs.
CLUE Push the levers forward or pull the levers back until Iris tells you the nutrients, lighting, and water are balanced.

HINT Where do I get a cheeseburger?
CLUE Did you try sending out for one?
CLUE >>This space intentionally left blank<<

MENU Repairing the FCs

LINK Just what's wrong with the FCs?
LINK How do I fix the FCs?
LINK Once I've fixed the FCs, how do I reset them?
LINK How do I read the sign in the Primary or Secondary Channel?
LINK How do I read the sign in the Bending Passage?
LINK Of what use is the khaki cable?
LINK Is there any use for the blue cable?
LINK How can I figure out what to replace to get the FCs working properly?

HINT Just what's wrong with the FCs?
CLUE A tremor has disrupted their channels of communication.
CLUE They can't make a mutual decision about what to do.
CLUE There are two cables which have been severed due to the tremors.
CLUE One cable in the Primary Channel, and one in the Secondary Channel.

HINT How do I fix the FCs?
CLUE There are two bad cables.
CLUE Replace the bad cables with their replacements.
CLUE Replace the orange cable with the orange wire.
CLUE Replace the red cable with the red wire.
CLUE That's easy for you to say, but which cable is the orange one, and which one is the red one? Well, have you figured out how to read the sign in the Primary Channel? If not, see the hint about reading the sign.

HINT Once I've fixed the FCs, how do I reset them?
CLUE Remember the machine in the Main Supply Room?
CLUE There are eight circles, each of which represents one half of the reset code.
CLUE The reset code can be found on the sign in the Primary or Secondary Channel.

HINT How do I read the sign in the Primary or Secondary Channel?
CLUE You'll need a robot with visual capabilities.
CLUE Iris is the only one who can read them.
CLUE Since you can't get Iris to the signs, think about getting the signs to Iris.
CLUE You can't move the signs, so how about a picture of them?
CLUE You'll find a TV camera in the Biological Laboratory.
CLUE Plug the TV into the hole in the Primary or Secondary Channel. Iris will take over from there.
CLUE Point the camera at the sign.

HINT How do I read the sign in the Bending Passage?
CLUE Have Waldo bring it to Iris.
CLUE Have Iris bring it to Sensa.
CLUE Have Sensa give it to Poet.
CLUE What sign in the Bending Passage?

HINT Of what use is the khaki cable?
CLUE You can't solve the game without it.
CLUE You can't solve the game with it.
CLUE You'll find one in your game package.
CLUE What khaki cable?

HINT Is there any use for the blue cable?
CLUE It can be used to replace the malfunctioning blue cable.
CLUE But there is no malfunctioning blue cable.
CLUE So, no.

HINT How can I figure out what to replace to get the FCs working properly?
CLUE Figure out which cable is malfunctioning in the Primary Channel.
CLUE Have Poet touch all the cables.
CLUE Replace it with a wire of the same color.
CLUE Now do the same thing in the Secondary Channel.

MENU General Questions

LINK What's with the cutter? What good is it?
LINK What's the significance of the machine in the Main Supply Room?
LINK What's the significance of the panel on the machine in the Main Supply Room?

HINT What's with the cutter? What good is it?
CLUE The cutter is needed to get a wire which is permanently attached to something else.
CLUE The cutter is used to cut the red wire in Fred.

HINT What's the significance of the machine in the Main Supply Room?
CLUE Within the machine rests an orange wire. This might come in handy.
CLUE It has a panel on which the reset codes are written.

HINT What's the significance of the panel on the machine in the Main Supply Room?
CLUE Each circle corresponds to something in the FC area...
CLUE Have you tried POINT CAMERA AT SIGN in the Primary Channel?
CLUE You must press two of these buttons on the panel to reset the FCs once you've effected repairs.

TEXT For Your Amusement (after you've finished the game)
Have you tried...

 ...having Poet describe everyone?
 ...having Whiz ask about Gregory Franklin?
 ...having all the robots read the plaque in the Sterilization Chamber?
 ...having Poet look while he's in the same room as Fred?
 ...turning all the Hydroponics Levers down to zero?
 ...attacking the people with the wire cutter?
 ...having Auda go to the Activities Area and wait for the people to get
    there after they fix the acid leak?
 ...having Auda hang around with the people while they wait for the car?
 ...asking the robots to kiss one another?