Full walkthrough for rematch.

REmatch, as you know, is a one move game.  If you and your friends survive this one
turn, you will win. However, it takes exactly nine moves minimum to deduce the
information needed for the winning move.  This walkthrough shows you alll nine



You will see a guy get mad at his table number being called, and get ready to smash
his cue stick into a control panel.  However, someone else will stop him, and tell
him that it wasn't his table, which it wasn't. Write down the number of that table.

Nick and Ines get killed. You lose.  type "auto"



You will see that one ceiling fan is very rickety, and right in front of the pane
of glass where the SUV goes through. if someone could just make it fall, it would
scare people away from the front, and save lives...

All three of you die. You lose. Game auto-restarts.


Here you see a distracted cashier, who hears someone shouting a number, and then
mistakenly calls to that table, saying that their time is up. This is why the
person got mad earlier. If you could just get her to say the number from

Nick and Ines get killed again.... you know the drill.



Here, you see the loudmouth, who shouts a movie name with a *number* in it. Funny
enough, the cashier lady call *that number*.

You know the drill.


> look in ines's knapsack.

You see a cellphone, some tennis balls, and a far-side calendar.  perhaps the
calendar deserves a closer look.

You know the drill...


>look at farside calendar

Unlike most of them, this one has each day with it's own number, so it has all the
numbers from 1 to 365 on it.  Aha!  This calendar has the number from earlier.  But
now what?


>ask ines about loudmouth.

They talk about how annoying he is, and how she'd like to throw something at him.

By now, you should realise a few things.  Ines will do *anything* that Nick dares
her to.  Trying to dare Ines yourself doesn't work. Nick must do it. But if you
tell nick to do it, she'll hear. So you must whisper to nick to dare ines to...

>whisper to nick to dare ines to throw eight ball at loudmouth.

Well, just as they predicted he says the number on the ball. Aha!  So if you could
get the calendar page to him, he'd probably make a remark like "Far Side Calendar
page <XXX>, the best cartoon of all time?!?!?"  But those calendar pages are too
flimsy to throw. You'd need to throw it with a ball. But he always says the number
on the ball... what do you do?


>.whisper to nick to dare ines to throw cueball at loudmouth.

Right, the ball with no number on it!  This is what you will use to send the
far side page!

About here you get told the Deja vu message.  This time, the table number you got
from step one will be the one near the panel! So now, we know what to do to break
the cycle.


> whisper to nick to dare ines to throw page <xxx> at loudmouth with cueball

If you were to try this on any other time in the cycle, it would fail, and you'd
need a different number.  Congrats. this is probably the longest adventure game
sentence you've EVER had to type to complete a game. :)