Rakish Walkthrough
          By Anon

      (written with the invaluable
         aid of Nigel Downes)

Rakish is a TADS text adventure of an adult nature, written by Nigel Downes.
The introductory paragraph says it best, so here it is:

 In this adventure you take the role of a flirtatious and somewhat
 notorious english nobleman on holiday in France.  As well as all
 the typical Adventure commands (Take, Give, Examine, Look) you may
 well need some slightly less obvious instructions (especially those
 regarding the fairer sex...).  One other point to bear in mind,
 Gentlemen may Fence but they rarely simply Attack.  On with the show....

A few things not mentioned in this paragraph are two very important
commands.  The first is common in TADS games, which is "TALK TO X"
where X is a character name.  With this command, you can figure out
the game and complete it, but most likely not score above 50/100 points.

The second is a special command for this game, that being "SPANK X", where
X is again a character name.  With these two commands you should be able
to complete the game with a full score of 100 points...  However, if you
are stuck, a blatant walkthrough is listed below.

Also note that there is a bug in the game which allows you to amass a
score well above 100.  Giving anything to Alicia will increment your
score by +15 points (possibly dependent on TADS runtime version) while
only one particular item in the game should give you 15 points when
you give it to Alicia (don't worry, YOU'LL KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT,
and it's in the walkthrough).

Blatant Walkthrough

(Darcy's Home)

take letter
read letter

(The Crypt)

open coffin
take key

(Outside the Cardinal's Residence)
talk to claude (until you read the "cat" responses)


unlock cabinet  {flirt with, then spank countess when you see her}
open cabinet
take book
read book

(Throne Room)
give silk drawers to king

(Tavern Yard)

open bin
take bottle
open chest
take dildo     {Give dildo to Alicia when you see her}

(Apothecary's Shop)

talk to alchemist (until you read the "potion" and "if only" responses)
give book
give bottle

(Upper floor of Tower)

give bottle to guard

(Queen's Bedroom)

talk to queen


talk to cat (until you read the "learn" and "bauble" responses)
spank cat
give brooch to cat

(Outside the Cardinal's Residence)

fight claude

(Cardinal's Study)

take book
open desk drawer
take garter, note

(Queen's Bedroom)

{You should have 65/100 points here.}

give garter to queen

{You should have 100/100 points here.}


 spanking the queen?
 giving the dildo to the alchemist?
 spanking Alicia?