Solution to photopia
By Graham Pearce

About Photopia

Photopia is a text adventure similar to zork. I'm not going to tell you
what the real story line to this adventure is -- it will spoil the fun of
finding it!

There are two main differences between Photopia and a traditional adventure
like zork. And you need to know them to solve the game!

1. In photopia, the verbs ask and tell have been replaced by the command
  talk to. An example of the syntax of this command is talk to
  salesperson. After you have written the command talk to, you will be
  presented with a menu of things you can say -- for example, ask
  salesperson about shop.
2. If you try to move around and the game responds "you are not carrying a
  compass", you can still move around with the command exit.

In the car with Rob

For this scene, just wait around. You can talk to Rob if you want, but I
wouldn't recomend this for children because it contains strong
language. (I did talk to Rob once just to see what would happen, and I'm
only twelve years old)!

On the red planet

Well, the solution to this is extraordinarily easy as well. Just go down
from the spacecraft, and go any direction you want until you get to the
greenhouse. I recommend you keep your directions simple, because you'll
have to go back with the opposite directions. For example, if you went
northwest, north, northeast, southwest, south then southeast, for example,
you will have to go back back southeast, south, southwest, northeast, north
then northwest. Oh, buy the way, to get the container type get undamaged
container or get unbroken container, I've forgotten which it is, now. Once
you've gotten back to the landing site, just go up to the spaceship and
you've finished this section of the game!

Saving Allety's life

Just exit twice, get in the pool, and follow Gabby's instructions!

When you are evacuating from the space ship

Just press the blue button and go down.

In the Undersea castle

Now the sollution to this section of the game is quite tricky and I only
got it by accident. Just explore the casttle for a bit and then you'll find
the throne room. Get the pickaxe and the shovel. Read the description
carefully when you try to get the pickaxe -- it's a hint on how to get out
of the castle. Now, how do you get out, I hear you ask. Now rumbling coming
from the keep sounded suspicious. In fact, it was the roof of the castle
falling off! So head to the keep and go up the stairs. And while you're at
it, read the vivid descriptions of you being pulled out by the waves, and
your tenacious strugggle to get to the shore.

IN the dark

Just wait around. This is not the sequel to The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the

The golden beach

First of all, the obvious thing to do is get up. Get your seed pod and
your shovel. Then get a gold coin. You can try getting the nuggets or the
rings -- although it won't work, It's actually quite ammusing! Go north and
then dig with the shovel. The shovel might have broken, but now you can get
a treasure chest! Go north again, (you can't take the platinum seashell)
and go northwest, and you've finished the gold scene.

In the garage
Just exit, tell Alley to come inside, tell her about astronaut selection
then tell her about space camp!

Sky blue

Take off your spacesuit, go up twice and go down twice.

Queensport Middle School Gym

Turn off the spotlight and ask Alley if she can come to the dance on

In the car
Just wait around, or, to enhance the flavour of the story somewhat, talk to

The forest

Examine the trees, wait till the wolf starts wimpering, open the tresure
chest, get dirt then drop it, ask the weather man for some rain, and give
the coin to the weather man.

In Alley's bedroom
Ask Alley where she gets her ideas from. After the long transcript, just
turn off the light.

In Alley's nursery

Just follow instructions!