Step-by-step Solution for Unnkulia One-Half

Q.: What's the difference between the solution already available at the Archive, and yours?
A.: The current solution isn't coplete. It doesn't mention a crucial object, which, as it
   turned out, can be very irritating for players.

Q.: Why bother?
A.: This solution is a result of an exchange at rgif, were a player said she might play Unnkulia One-Half
   if there was a step-by-step walkthrough. And since (at least in my eyes) the promotion of Unnkulian
   games is among the noblest tasks for a mmember of the modern IF-community...;)

>w //receiving a pickaxe and a yellow ball
>get egg
>move floorboard
>get belt
>wear belt
>put cheezdom on funnel
>ne //flying up
>get crown
>drop cheezdom
>l  // Getting full description of the room - otherwise, it doesn't show up
>attach cord to hook
>attach cord to belt
>get copper key
>detach cord
>put cutter in pool
>get gold key
>put acmid in slot
>kick machine
>get coin
>flip coin // getting the silver key
>unlock padlock with cheez key
>unlock padlock with copper key
>unlock padlock with silver key
>unlock padlock with gold key
>w  // Since there is an invenotry limit, we'd better give items no longer needed to the innkeeper
>give copper key to man
>give gold key to man
>give silver key to man
>give crown to man
>give belt to man
>give coin to man
>e  // The gate has been removed after we unlocked the padlock
>put egg in box
>push button
>get egg
>get mask, feather
>n  // This move must be made immediately, or you die
>climb tree
>put egg in nest
>get chick
>give pillow to patrol
>give coin to man
>give feather to man
>show chick to statue
>show cheez key to bicorn
>nw  // girl is gone, the sieve remains
>get sieve
>put sieve in water
>give pyrite to man
>give egg to man

You win

Fun things to do:

calling the "fabled bicorn" a goat
wearing the ceremonial mask while trying to communicate with the innkeeper