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TIP #1:
In the NUCLEAR SUBMARINE ADVENTURE, you will find 3 different colored
keys (RKEy, WKEy, BKEy) along your way, and these keys will let you OPEn
lockers to GET important clues. After using a key, you can DROp it as
well as the clue you found in the locker.

Additional clues will be found behind the hatches and water-tight doors
which do not need to be CLOsed after they are OPEned.

TIP #2:
To prevent falling in the dark and killing yourself while aboard the
NUCLEAR SUBMARINE, you must GET the WREnch behind the hatch in the
forward torpedo room, and use it to FIX the drive TRAin in the lower
deck of the engine room.

To OPEn any hatch or water-tight door, you must first LIFt some WEIghts
in the health room to get stronger, and you must GET the SALts in the
infirmary and WAKe the crew in the crew's mess so they will accompany
you on your journey.

TIP #3:
When the CLAXON sounds aboard the NUCLEAR SUBMARINE, this warns you that
the nuclear reactor is getting too hot, so go directly to the main
control room and PUSh BUTton to cool the reactor down.

TIP #4:
To keep from starving to death while looking around the NUCLEAR
SUBMARINE, GET the frozen TV DINner from the frozen stores room and PUT
the DINner in the stove in the galley. Then COOk the DINner, GET it from
the stove, take it to the crew's mess and EAT it.

While in this area, you might want to go to the Captain's Stateroom,
OPEn the Captain's LOCker and GET the video CASsette. Then proceed to
the Crew's Mess where you can PUT the CASsette in the videocassette
PLAyer and WATch the T.V. To get the combination to the Captain's
LOCker, try SAVing the game at any time, and scan the generated .DO file
for clues.

TIP #5
In order to surface and solve the mystery of the Nuclear Submarine
Adventure, you must...
(1) Be wearing the Captain's uniform.
(2) Have the remote microphone.
(3) Have set the ballast setting to `surface'.
(4) Be in the main control room.
(5) SAY SURface, the magic word.
(6) Escape thru the hatch in the sail.

By now you must agree that the Nuclear Submarine Adventure is a very
challenging mystery! The better games of this type generally take more
memory than available on a M100 with 24K of free memory, however, NSA
has proven to be an exception! We hope you have enjoyed your experience
aboard the sub!

The Danville Tigers, and all of us at CLUB 100, wish to thank Steve
Neighorn (wrote the original program), and Leonard Erickson (converted
program to M100) for making this program available to us via
CompuServe's M100 SIG.

Happy Adverturing...   Bill Templeton

..and, good luck!     Rick Hanson