** Moor Dale - Village of Moon
>stand.get knife.e.s.d.d.e.n.sit.stand
>s.w.u.u.n.n.n.open closet.z.get bowl
>eat swill.drop bowl.s.w.nw.open chest
>get all.wear armor.ne.drop pack.n.n.n
>n.e.open desk.get match and candle.w.w
>open door.light match.light candle with match
>s.x barrels.x fuse.light it with candle.drop candle
>u.u.z.n.open north door.n.close door.move bolt
>x desk.open it.get all.open window.d.s.s
>get pack.s.w.get coin.n.put coin in slot.n
>enter booth.exit.move altar.d

** to Red Dale - Red River Castle
>ne.n.n.x tapestries.u.n.e.x pedestal.read book
>w.n.n.n.give letter to king.give documents to king.z.s.s.s.s.u.x table
>x mirror.enter mirror.x device.type 538 on keypad.press enter.touch pad
>n.x altar.x shimmering.get hilt.n.u.e.n.u.n.n.n.n.s.s.s.e.read book

** to Crest Falls - River Hawks
n.w.w.n.sit.yes.stand.nw.move rug.open pack.open cabinet
>open door.get horn and torch.rensal.d.sw.s.get carving.s.sw.rensal.w
>s.blow horn.n.put carving in depression.pray
>s.get vial.blow horn.give locket to arten.w.d.ne.ne.e.e.sw

** back at Castle
>ne.n.n.u.n.n.n.n.s.s.s.e.read book.w.s.d.s.s.se

** to Fire Mountains
>e.rensal.e.d.clean moss.x castle.e.e.e.push beta.l in pool
>get beef [ eat it when hungry ]  drop pack.w.sw.s.rensal.s
>enter portal.ne.se.enter portal.break lock with sword
>open chest.z.z.z.z.get blade.enter portal.enter portal.nw

** back to Castle
>ne.n.n.u.n.e.read book.w.s.d.s.s.se

** to Black Moor - Dark Fortress
>se.w.w.get uniform [ not really needed ]  wear it
>s.w.w.n.n.get skull.s.s.s.u.press panel.e.s.get idol
>n.u.throw skull at lever.u.lift sword.z.get idol
>put it on pedestal.enter portal