Duck Soup is an AGT freeware game by C.Evans   1993
Solution written by A.De Lisle <[email protected]>       9/4/97

There are 36 locations and (it says) 550 points.
AGiliTy will show 64 rooms, but many are blanks.

You are a detective and start in your garage.  You have several
choices.  You can go north to the alley, enter your car or go upstairs
to your office.  If you go upstairs, you will find the door is locked
and you have no key.  Enter your car and there is your house key.
Go upstairs and unlock the door with the key.

There is nothing in the office, so go west to the kitchen and let your
dog out.  You can try to go up to the roof, but it is not time yet and
the game will not let you.  You should try anyway.  Open the door and
you are back in the kitchen.  Examine the fridge and open it.  You can
get a steak, but you will not need it until later.  When you get back
in your office, you will find a pooper scooper has been delivered.
Get the scooper and go back west to the kitchen and open the door.
Now you can go up to the roof.  Scoop the doo and get the whistle.
While you are up there, you can hear the doorbell.  Go down and let
the woman in.  She is Flood and she wants you to find her missing
ducky.  You agree and show her out.  Then go down to the car and
find that you cannot drive without the key.  Examine the whistle and
it is a key finder.  Blow the whistle.  The sound will be loudest in
your office and your key is in the sofa.  Leave your office again, go
down and enter the car.

Examine the car.  The stereo has a knob and a dial.  Turn the knob and
the stereo goes on.  Turn the dial and there is a commercial.  Turn
the dial again for another commercial.  When you do that, something
falls out.  The item is a card that reads go s, go p, go c, go g.
[Warning: current AGiliTy will not accept go S, but you can go store]

At the store, read the sign and then go north.  You will be in the
Novelty section where you can get a yellow rubber ducky.  Go checkout
2 (checkout 3 is too busy).  There will be several announcements and
if you move to the other checkout, auntie will beat you to it.  The
secret is to STAY AT CHECKOUT 2 (or checkout 3 if you have moved).
You will find yourself outside the store without the duck.  The
manager is just posting a new sign that says the store is closed until
further notice and all items in the store will be dumped.

The logical place for the items to be dumped is in the dumpster to the
East, but if you try to get inside you will die.  However, there is
another dumpster near your garage.  Enter the car and type go g or go
garage.  Go north to the alley and east to the dumpster.  Enter the
dumpster and dig in the garbage.  Hooray, a yellow rubber ducky!

You can take the duck to the park and try to race it, but rubber ducks
are not allowed.

Go back west, south and enter car.  Go C or cottage.  Knock on the
door and Flood's joy will soon turn to rage.  She destroys the duck
and tells you to put the cover on the drain at the park.

There is a trap in the glove box of your car.  Open the box and get
the trap.  Drive to the park (go park) and read the sign.  Go north
and open the gate.  On Winchester Blvd. there is a drain.  If it is
not covered, set the trap and put it in the drain.  Then put the cover
on the drain.  There is a gully to the west where you will find an old
rusty door.  If you have the end of the chain, you cannot open the
door.  If you find this before you put the trap down the drain and
open the door, you will be trapped.  If you are not holding the end of
the chain, but you did put it down the drain, you will not be able to
climb the chain to freedom.  Either the kid has the end or the drain
is closed and you bump your head.  Either way, you die.

When you cover the drain, there will be a glob where the cover was.
You need this glob.  Enter your car and go store.  To the west is a
building housing the dog trainer's office.  Go west and north.  Ask
Pop for a ticket and he will give you a ticket and some popcorn.  Put
the glob on the popcorn and make a popcorn duck.  Go south and east
where you find the kid standing around outside the store.  Show him
the end and he will take it.  That is all you need to do with him.

Enter your car and go cottage.  Knock on the door and show the popcorn
duck to Flood.  She will give it back and tell you it is the wrong
one.  She might tell you to cover the drain again.  Be sure to keep
the drain covered.  Enter the car and go park.  At the park, read the
sign and GO CREEK.  Put the duck in the creek and cheer the duck.  The
duck will win and you will get a BIG duck.  Time out here while you
hunt for you car key.  Blow whistle and find it in the tree.

Drive back to the cottage and show the duck to Flood. She will laugh
and deflate it because it is not the right duck. She will drop
something which you will find is a paper memo for the dog trainer.

Drive back to the store, go west and north to the Dog Trainer.  Ask
Pop about a ticket (Pop also can tell you about Flood and the kid),
then show the memo.  Pop will send you right in.  Ask Nedly about the
dog and he will give you a training manual.  He is sorry he is out of
diamond studded leashes and collars.

Go back to your garage, read the manual, go upstairs and TRAIN DOG.
Now you can use that steak.  SPEAK PANSY and the dog will gobble the
steak.  STAY PANSY and the dog will come with you.  Go to the park,
north and open the gate.  When you looked at the drain earlier, you
saw a clump with a yellow center.  Say JUMP PANSY and the dog will
jump down the drain (which you opened) and will get the clump.  It is
still a mess and needs washing.  Close the drain and go back to your
car.  Enter car and go cottage.

Knock and Flood will be overjoyed that you have found her duck, but
you say you must wash it.  She tosses the clump into the house and
jumps in your car.  The two of you go in search of a bucket.  Go
Store.  To the East is a dumpster which would have killed you had you
used it earlier alone.  You climb the dumpster and Flood holds the
lid.  When you climb out, you have a bucket stuck on your foot.  You
go west to the dog training place, north to talk to Pop, but this time
you call him Lollypop, ASK LOLLYPOP ABOUT BUCKET and he will get
angry.  He will hit your foot and knock the bucket off.  Get the
bucket and go to the park (if that drain is open, you will die).  GO
CREEK and FILL BUCKET.  Go back to the car and on to the cottage.

Get the clump and POUR WATER ON CLUMP to free her ducky.  She will be
delighted and invite you in.  I won with 615 of the 550 points.