Deep Space Drifter step-by-step solution by pjg
with help from Giovanni Maga
comments and earned/total points are in ()

push distress
push autonav
z.z.z (5/5)
unfasten belt then get off
push eject then get all
open hatch. W,W
get all
S,S. drop all
get cushion then drop it (4/9)
get key, remote
(when robot is in the room then)
touch copper
N. open refrigerator
get bologna, ham, light
eat bologna
unlock drawer with key
drop key
open drawer
get blue
get in bed
sleep. N, N
get up
open drawer. Get all
examine robot
get orange, vacuum
E, S, S
drop all
save game

get bulb, blue
N, N, U
get burned then drop it
put working in socket
get tank
D, W, U
get red, supply
save game

plug cord
put blue in reader
push continue
g.g.g.g.g.g.g.g (3/12)
get blue then drop it
put yellow in reader
push continue
g.g.g.g.g.g (2/14)
unplug cord
D, D
plug cord
put red in slot
type 1701
get red
unplug cord
plug cord
attach hose to valve
turn knob (3/17)
remove hose
open compartment
get fuse
drop supply
W, U, E, U
attach tank to suit
get suit then wear it
push red
push white
save game

E, S, S
open compartment
get blown then drop it
put working fuse in compartment
N, N, W
push red (18/35)
drop suit
W, D, S, S
put red in slot
get in pilot seat
fasten belt
save game

push launch
unfasten belt (10/45)
get off
get ham, remote, orange, vacuum
N, W, W, W, W
get all
E, S
read book
N, N, W
touch copper
examine robot
get black
put orange in slot
drop black, vacuum, remote
touch copper
W, W
read note
get unit (20/65)
examine unit
turn off alarm
E, E, E, N
enter car
turn dial to 4
save game

touch silver
turn dial to 3
pull ripcord
get out
touch silver
examine lights
(should all be red)
push 2,1,4,2  (10/75)
S, S, D, S, W
save game

(This is a long maze
so please be patient)
W, W, NW, NW, W, NW, U
D, SE, E, NW, NW, NW, U
D, NW, N, N ,NW, U, Z
save game
D, SE, SE, SE, N, NE, U
D, S, NE, NE, N, U, Z
D, NW, N, NW, N, NW, U
save game
D, NE, NW, NW, NW, S, U
D, SE, S, S, NW, N, U
D, S, S, W, NW, U, Z
save game
D, NW, N, N, N, NW, U
D, NW, W, NW, U
get xenite (20/95)
save game

D, D
(no points for dry xenite)
save game

push call
E, N, E, U, U, U, S, S, D (5/100)
(should land in shuttle car)
get out
W, N. read paper
S, E. enter car
turn off autopilot
save game

touch silver
center joystick
move joystick west
move joystick east
center joystick
(should enter the east center hole)
z.z.z (5/105)
drop xenite
turn dial to 4
turn on autopilot
drop unit
get out
S, W, W
eat ham
save game

(please be very, very patient
 with this maze)
S, S, SW, S, W, W, W, W
push red. NE
push red. SW
push blue. E
push red. E, N
push red. E, NW
push blue. SE, N
save game
push blue. S, E, N
push red. S, E
push red. W, NE
push red. N
push red
S, SW, S, W, W, W, W
save game

push blue. E
push red. E, N
push red. E, NW
push red. SE, N, N
push red. S, NW
push red. W
save game
push red. S
push blue. S, SW, N
push red. N
push red. N
push red. N
push red. N, W
save game
push red. N
push blue. S, E
push red. SW
push red. S
push red. SE
push red. N
eat ham
save game
push red. N
push blue. E
push red. E
push red. N
push red. E, S
push red. S
push red. S, NW
save game
push red. W
push red. S
push red. S, E
push red. W, NE
push blue. SE, N
push red. N, E, E, N
save game

push red (50/155)
E, E, N
touch silver
S, E
z.z.z.z (30/185)
save game

push launch
z.z.z (15/200)