Solution for Cave Adventure

there r 3 separate areas - the wellhouse, stream & cave.
u start out in the wellhouse area.
map ur own way to the rest of the areas (too many dummy rooms).

wellhouse area
 get saw, axe, plank, bucket.

stream area
 fill bucket with water at stream. drop plank to cross stream.
 get rock, key & torch.

cave area
 tree - climb tree. get match. climb. chop tree with axe
 chasm - drop plank.
 rusty grate - oil grate.
 glass block - cut glass with diamond. get chest combination.
 chest - open chest. 56294
 barbed wire - cut wire with saw.
 weed - wear mask. kill weeds with weedkiller
 basilisk - mirror.
 plant - fill bucket at east/west end of stream. water plant.
 maze - climb plant. swnsenwnwnwsesenwwe<bullet>ssen<bracelet>snne. climb.
 toad - forget it.
 vampire - crucifix.
 werewolf - load gun with silver bullet. shoot werewolf.
 ogre - wear ring of invisibility. don't try to hurt him.

return to wellhouse area, drop all items, type "score".

                   ******* DONE ********

Partial Cave-In