Walkthrough for "Danger! Adventurer at work!", a Quill game by Simon Avery
Based on Duncan Cross' Inform port

(Actions in brackets aren't mandatory, but help the general understanding of the game.)

take stool
throw it at window
go window

take head
go booth
take rope
out. n. e
take torso
take bull

w. s. e. s
take cutters
n. w
go booth
(x phone)
cut wire
take phone

out. e. e
take lleg
(x witch. talk to her)
give phone to witch
take broom

n. e
(read sign)
(x kipper. take it. eat it)
(x lady)
take tube

u. w. w. w. w. w. w
(x hedgepig)
give broom to hedgepig
take needle

take bucket
take rarm
(x dragon)
lobe dragon
take rock, gold, game

out. n. e. e. n. in
(talk to teacher. read sign)
give gold to teacher

out. s. e. e. e. e
(x fence)
kick fence
take seed

e. d
fill bucket

u. w. w. w. n
show needle to camel
x dung
take coin

take leaflet
(x it)
(x humpty. push humpty)
drop rock
push humpty
take shells

w. s. s. w. w. s
(x engineer. talk to him.)
give bucket to engineer

n. w. n
take rleg
(x man. talk to him)
give shells to man

s. w. s. s. in
take larm
(x bod. talk to him)
give leaflet to bod

out. n. n. n
(x angus. talk to him)
give coin to angus

n. n
make body
tie electrodes to body
turn on switch
loun bench
take pills

(x brick)
pull brick
take matches
(x chasm. x button)
throw seed
(look. x balrog. talk to him)
give game to balrog

e. e
cut rope
(e. x rug. loun rug)
pull nails
take flashlight
turn it on

(x river)
wear tube

(x sign)
drop dynamite
light it
z. z
e. s
(x fireplace)
turn bracket

e. e
(x pony. talk to it)
eat pills
ride pony