Solution to Adventurers' Museum

Lying around:
1  gold ring (entrance)
2  ivory dagger (cemetery)
3  silver key (mirror room)
4  glowing orb (beside small pool)
5  trident (under pool between garden and cemetery)

Witch's Cave
witch: fill bucket with water. pour water on witch.
magically sealed door: wave broomstick. s. open coffin. d.
6  silver bell
7  sapphire bracelet

Purple Room
wall: ring bell twice.

Frog Room
hole: put candle in hole. open matchbox. get match. light match.
     light candle. wait.
8  (sack of) gems

Pentacle Room
wear ring. zophia.
9  tapestry

look at ashes.
10 silver bars

Machine room
push blue, orange, red (as hinted in note in pentacle room).
unlock chest with silver key. open chest.
11 coins

Open area
feed hay to horse. put saddle on horse. ride horse.
12 platinum flute
wash flute (near river/pool or with bucket of water).

Garden (Tree)
play flute (to snake). climb tree.
13 emerald egg

put flower (from flower garden) on altar.
14 jewelry

open flask (from spell room). drink potion. push boulder.
15 jeweled sword

Large Cavern
unlock door with silver key.
16 ermine robe

Dragon's Lair
play flute/ring bell/hit dragon. walk away while dragon follows you.
return quickly, get painting and avoid dragon.
17 painting

Mirror room
open crate (from Dead End).
18 golden coronet
19 ruby (North/south passage)

open coffin > ghost gives instructions.
give flower to troll. open door (of hut).
w. get axe.
put axe in thorin's coffin. get diamond (treasury).
20 diamond

put all 20 treasures in case or give them to curator.


a  wearing the ring makes you invisible to the thieving imp as well.

b  lamp & painting get damaged by water.

c  glowing orb is an alternate source of light.

d  ways of returning to museum:
d.a  ride broomstick in open area.
d.b  swim.
d.c  kill troll! give him flower & lead dragon to him quickly.
d.d  get killed.

Solved by Ambat Sasi Nair