Official walthrough for
Aayela, an Interactive Vision.  Release 1.2 / 010815
Walkthrough written by Magnus Olsson ([email protected]) 040229.

[ We start inside a dungeon, outside a closed door. Let's see
 if we have any equipment and if there's anything special about
 the door ]
>x door
>open door
>x scroll
>read scroll
>x door
>open door

[ ok, so we're trapped in darkness. we don't seem to have much choice ]

>x wall
>x floor
>x object
>play flute

[ nothing more of interest around here ]


[ most exits don't lead anywhere, but don't give up! ]

>feel air
>x air
>x crack
>get paper

[ Let's go back to the junction; there's one more direction to explore ]

>x sand

[ Yet another dead end! ]

>x sand
>open cover
>enter manhole

[ It might be a good idea to save here ]

>x wall

[ Now we've walked around the entire room. Exploring further won't do
 much good right now. Just wait until something happens. ]


[ After a while, the music starts playing again. ]

>listen to music
>play flute
>play flute
>play flute


[ Wait for a while, and now you can finally see something! ]

>x spark
>touch spark
>take spark

[ Now it's light enough to read. Remember the piece of paper? ]

>read paper

[ Remember the magic word. Time to leave, perhaps? ]

>x heliax

[ This is a very good place to save ]

>ask heliax about crystal
>give crystal to heliax

[ Wait for Heliax to show you out ]


[ But that wasn't very good, was it? Time to restore. ]


[ Remember the magic word. ]


[ Better - but not really a happy ending, no? Maybe there's a better
 way? The paper said something about releasing the spirit from the
 crystal. ]

>break crystal

[ The End ]