Solution to The Paper Chase (also called Collegiate Capers)

Alright, you wanna start by actually going into the college by going
south (that's the only way you can go if you don't wanna lose the game
in one move). Keep going south until you get to the registration hall
(ignore the students, they won't help you). It seems as though the
receptionist and secretary are dying for something to do, right? Well,
why don't you ask them about registering for the college while you're
here? The secretary can't help you yet, but the receptionist with all
those forms can. Ask her about registering, fill out the forms, then
take the card. Now ask the secretary about registering and she'll ask
for the card. Show her your ID card and you're done! Well, not exactly.
Now go north, east, down, and then north (we'll deal with the rubbish
bin in a bit). You'll see if you try to take the book, the president
will ask for the ID card. Give it to him and take the book. Read the
book and you'll see all the things you'll have to do.

Well, we have quite a trek so let's get right to things. Go south and
open the bin. Looks like a magazine that might be of some interest so
take it. Go up to the second floor and go north. The officer seems
helpful so say yes when she asks about financial aid. Fill out the forms
and take the coins. Go south, east, down, and west to the Bursar's
Office. Give him the gold coin first and make sure to take the tuition
receipt. You'll need it for later. While you're here, might as well give
him the silver coin but don't bother taking the transcript receipt.
You'll have to take classes first.

The first class you'll take is english. To get there from here, go east,
south, and west. Sit down and start taking the quiz. In order to get a
perfect score in the game, you have to get a perfect score on the
english exam. The answers to the english exam: transparent, e, false,
incorrectlly (this is the tricky one), and a. Now we'll go east and
north to the psychology lab. Give the psychologist the magazine to keep
him busy and take the folder. If you examine it, you'll see what we'll
need it for: blackmail. So, now we go south, east, down, west, and west.
Ignore the ham sandwich; it does nothing in this game but you may pick
it up and eat it if you like or save it for later, whatever. Go south
and west into the gym. Don't worry about running the 5 miles, you can do
it. After you finish go east, north, east, east, down, and south. Try
and take the pin and Bluto will make you drink. So drink until Bluto
let's you have the pin. Take it and the bottle (if you haven't done so
already). If you examine the bottle and smell the rum, you'll notice
your, shall we say, inexperience with chemistry. If you check the book
out again you'll see that you'll need to pass chemistry to graduate
(which, if you haven't gotten it by now, is the point of this game). So,
how do you pass chemistry? Drink some more rum and Blute will give you a
lovely guide to passing the chemistry exam. Take it and go north, and
north again. You don't really need the book anymore, but you will need
your ID so give the book back and go south, up, west, west, south, and
south. Sit down and ace that chemistry exam and your done taking

Now all you need to do to finish is to get your transcript and show the
dean that you've graduated. So now, go back to the Bursar (from the
chemistry lab it's north, north, east, up, west, and west) and take your
transcript receipt. Go east, south, and east to the Records Office. Give
the secretary your transcript receipt and take your report. Go west,
north, east, up, and west to the dean's office. Don't give anything to
the dean before taking the degree or else he'll just pocket it. So, take
the degree, give him the ID, give him the tuition receipt, and the
report. Well, doesn't seem like you caught him in a good mood so let's
see how he reacts to the folder you got from the psychology lab. That's
more like it. Take the degree and you're done! Go back out to the forest
(east, east, down, down, west, north, north). Go north again and it will
ask if you want to leave. Say yes, and you've graduated!

This solution was written by Candyce Young-Fields. If you have any
questions/problems/concerns, e-mail her at [email protected].