HAUNTED HOUSE (Radio Shack) - the solution

GET PAPER / READ PAPER / SAY PLUGH (you're in the house, now) / E (be careful:
any move other than West to leave the room from the direction you came will
end in death! all you need to do here is just to get the knife) / GET KNIFE /
GET SCROLL / READ SCROLL (this is the clue that points you to the exit from
the second floor) / E / S (at this point you can either get the bucket of
water or not: it won't change anything, but you must not drink the water) / S
/ E (now you have to go in certain directions to get trapped in the room: when
this happens, open the cabinet and a key appears; Then you must go certain
directions to get out of the room with the key.) / S / N / W / OPEN CABINET /
GET KEY (now that we have the key we are ready to leave: as you can see our
exit from the room should be West, but when we go West we don't leave the
room. Now we must go in certain directions to leave room) / E / S / W / N / N
/ W / W / W / N / GO PANEL / GET ROPE (now we have the rope: we need to
proceed to the hallway door that is locked) / W / S (at this point if you
didn't have the key in your hand you wouldn't pass, but since you do have the
key from the servants cabinet you can go South) / S (here the author is just
trying to scare you out of the only real direction to go, which is East) / E /
YES / (now since you have the rope we can get to the second floor of the
Haunted House: just drop the rope and it will via magic extend up through the
hole) DROP ROPE / CLIMB ROPE (now it's time to kill the ghosts: get the sword)
GHOST / W / KILL GHOST (ok: we came to the head ghost here. You need to go
South to get out of the house, but we need to out smart the immune ghost
first: get rid of the sword to pass the ghost and then a tricky combo
direction move and you're by the immune ghost) / S / E / E / DROP SWORD / W /
W / S / N / W / S / GET SIGN / READ SIGN (the final trap by the author to get
you killed: you can leave this room from any exit W, E, S, but if you have the
sign with you then you fall to your death) / DROP SIGN / S.