"Enemies" step-by-step solution by pjg
This is not the "official" solution
Feel free to write and upload a better solution if you want.
Otherwise, corrective modifications to this
solution are welcomed and encouraged.

For game version 4 / Serial number 990115
Other game versions may be slightly different.
This game will crash on some Inform interpreters.
You may have to download the JZIP interpreter to complete the game.

You may also want to play the game author's previous
efforts, "Time: All things come to an end (tatctae.z8)" and "heist.z8"

If you get stuck then consult the relevant
section of the solution for help.
Save game files are named according to the score.

Takes about 570 moves
Comments and points are in ()
(your purpose in this game is to "rescue" your date
Joanna from a psychotic killer)

(you begin outside a cinema)

Princess Street Cinema
What date
(a motorcycle will, eventually, appear)
x cyclist
(your portable phone will beep)
Answer phone (1/1)
(the psycho!)
say "Joanna" (1/2)

Apartment Entrance
X gnome. X base
Turn ring. Open head
Look in gnome. Get key (1/3)
Unlock door with key. Open door
N (1/4)
(you can explore the apartment if you want)
X Jacuzzi. Pull lever (1/5)
(remember the method of death, place of victim, and color scheme)

E. X intruder
What date
Get certificate (1/6)

Apartment poison
(what do you desire most?)

N. Get knife
Look in oven
I. X photo
Put photo on knife.
Burn photo
S, E
(you don't want to touch the vine...)
Burn vine (1/7)
save "s7"

x canister
(you must spell out "Please Return Joanna")
(the letter sequence may be different)
Touch first pad. g
Touch second
Touch third
Touch sixth. g
(the lights should flicker green)

Touch first
Touch second. g
Touch third. g
Touch fourth
Touch fifth
Touch sixth
(green once more)

Touch first
Touch second. g
Touch third. g
Touch fourth
Touch fifth
Touch sixth (1/8)
(the antidote)

Get vial then open it
Drink antidote (1/9)
save "s9"

The girl on College Road
What date
Read sign
X girl
Girl, hello
z. g
(the girl will, eventually, point to the ball)

X tree
X fence
X railing then get it (1/10)
Climb tree
Hit ball with railing (1/11)
(ouch, I hope she's going to get help...)

College Storeroom
save "s11"

(you must gather 7 coloured plastic figurines.
the puzzles in this section are obscure, but logical)

What date
X bracelet then look under it
X shelves then climb it
Get screwdriver, key (1/12)
Get bulb
X bulb then get tungsten (1/13)

(you will gather some clues)
Search easel then get tracing (1/14)
N, E

(listen to the clues)
z.z.z.z (1/15)
Get music
W, N
save "s15"

The Projector
(a possible bug, you must turn the large century
dial to 1 more than the century that you actually want)

X projector. Push advance. X projector
Turn large to 20. Turn small to 69
(moon landing in 1969)

X projector. Push advance. X projector
Turn large to 18. turn small to 89
(start of the French revolution in 1789)

X projector. Push advance. X projector
Turn large to 13. turn small to 15
(signing of the Magna Carta in 1215)

X projector. Push advance. X projector
Turn large to 20. turn small to 63
(Kennedy assination in 1963)

X projector. Push advance. X projector
Turn large to 20. turn small to 12
(sinking of the Titanic in 1912)

X projector. Push advance (2/17)
Get green plastic (1/18)
S, W
X boards then read it (1/19)

Get satchel
Put all in satchel
save "s19"

(the cloak room is the center of the school,
we will save the game in this location.
the remaining plastic figures can be
gathered in almost any order)

Headmaster's Study
N, W
X desk
Open drawer then look in it
Get invoice. (1/20)
X bowl then x hand
Get lamp.
Unscrew screw with screwdriver
Drop screwdriver
Get screw, lamp (1/21)
(notice what kind of metal the screw is made from)

Turn on lamp
Put lamp in bowl (1/22)
Turn off lamp
Get purple (1/23)
E, S
Put all in satchel
save "s23"

The Clock/Spring/Test
N, E
X clock then open it
Get spring

What date
(notice what Colin did...)
X desk then get pen, pack
Drop pen
(Big Jim will, eventually, pick up your pen
the game is very forgiving about timing here)
Look under paper
X pack
(wait until Smith is level with your desk)
Cough (1/24)
Throw pack at Colin (2/26)
W, S
Put all in satchel
save "s26"

The Locker and Key
X locker
Get tracing then read it then drop it
(the tracing paper contains a "formula"
for making a locker key. It must be modified
to open this locker)
Read sticker
(remember the 3 digit locker number, it's random)

(the formula for this locker is
metal We (tungsten) prong length is first 2 digits read left to right
metal Fe (iron)     prong length is sum of the locker digits
metal Cu-Sn (bronze alloy) prong length is last 2 digits read right to left)

W, N, N
S, S
X pipes
Look in kiln then x mould

Get tungsten, spring, screw
Get key then X it
save "s27"

Set scale to 99
Put tungsten in mould
Turn on gas then turn it off
Set scale to ##
Turn on water (1/27)
Get tungsten then put it in outer hole

Set scale to 99
Put spring in mould
Turn on gas then turn it off
Set scale to ##
Turn on water
Get iron then put it in center hole

Set scale to 99
Put screw in mould
Turn on gas then turn it off
Set scale to ##
Turn on water
Get bronze then put it in inner hole

N, N
W, S, E

Unlock padlock with key then drop key
save "s28"

Chinese Restaurant date
(if you made the key correctly,
then the locker will open)
Open locker (3/30)

What date
Pour wine in glass
(Look under table)
(you can ask Sarah lots of questions)
Ask Sarah about sapphire
Kiss Sarah
Ask Sarah about apartment (1/31)

Look in locker
Get blue plastic (1/32)
Put all in satchel
save "s32"

The Canteen/Kitchen/Freezer area
X refrigerator.
X dispenser then push tap (1/33)
X head
(remember the method of death, place of,
and color scheme of all of the victims)

At the cinema with Sarah
What date
X screen
Get up. S
x toilets
Knock on female toilets door
Open it (1/34)
Look in mirror
Look in sink then get file (1/35)
X cubicle then knock on it
Open lock with file (1/36)
X body
(notice that her blue sapphire is gone...)
Get paper then unscrew it (1/37)
save "s37"

Look then x table
X body then x uniform (1/38)
Open door. N
X bag then clean it
Read label then x body (1/39)
Open freezer then search ice
X body then read book (1/40)
Close freezer. S
S. Close door
E, E
save "s40"

(you now know of 6 deaths:
Rose, Jade, Sarah, Wood, Violet, and Amber
and 6 colors:
Red, Green, Blue, Brown, Purple, and Orange
and 6 locations:
Apartment, Nightclub, Cinema, Shopping, Industrial, and Business
and 6 methods:
Poison, Blade, Tie, Knife, Torch, and Crossbow)

The Telescope/Globe/Slab
S, U, SE
X photos
(notice that Mars through Pluto are missing...)
Look at slabs
(a book on Greek and Roman mythology is needed here)
(War, Rain, Life, Stars, Sea, Death)
X lava then push it
X concrete then push it
X granite then push it
X marble then push it
X obsidian then push it
X limestone then push it (2/42)
(the globe should open)
Get red plastic (1/43)
Put all in satchel
save "s43"

The Bomb
(starting from the Lab wing)
Search equipment then get printout (1/44)
(you will do the blackboard later)
Get cube, sphere
Look under bench then get graph
X device
X board then get chip
X tube then search positive
X switch box
X lamps
X scales

(there is a lot of equipment here but
the solution is logical)

Read printout
(you may want to ignore the second line,
it just confuses things)
(notice that the chip must be charged to 4C)
Put chip on negative
(you have to pretend that electrical charge
requires only one connection to flow)
X chip
(the tube will transfer charge from + to -)
(the chip is now charged to 12C,
you must reduce it to 4C)
save "s44"

Get battery then drop it
Get chip
Read cube then connect it to negative
Connect chip to positive
Get chip then X it
(should be at 12-5=7)
Get cube then drop it
Read sphere then connect it to negative
Connect chip to positive
Get chip then x it
(should be 7-3=4)
Put chip in board
Get sphere then drop it
save "s45"

Read printout. Read graph
X switch box
(the defuse code is in Hexadecimal, base 16
and is random. Remember that A->F is 10->15.
The Octagon is 8, Square is 4, Cross is 2, and Circle is 1)

Push <Octagon,Square,Cross,Circle>
(push the required switches to make the box represent
the first digit in the hexadecimal defuse code)
Turn on green lamp
X box. X lamps
Push enter
Turn off green

Push <Octagon,Square,Cross,Circle>
(push the required switches to make the box represent
the second digit in the hexadecimal defuse code)
Turn on amber lamp
X box. X lamps
Push enter
Turn off amber

Push <Octagon,Square,Cross,Circle>
(push the required switches to make the box represent
the third digit in the hexadecimal defuse code)
Turn on red lamp
X box. X lamps
Push enter
Turn off red

Drop printout, graph
Get orange plastic (5/49)
(you should still be alive)
Put all in satchel
Get invoice, music
save "s49"

The Keypad/Blackboard
(you start in the lab wing)
X blackboard then read it
(the cost of a necklace made from a given metal
is the sum of the costs of an earring and bracelet
made from that same metal)

Turn blackboard then read it (1/50)
(any item made in
platinum is 6 times the cost of that item made in bronze
    gold is 4 times the cost of that item made in bronze
  silver is 2 times the cost of that item made in bronze)

Turn blackboard then read it
(the cost of
an emerald is the cost of a ruby*ruby
 a diamond is the cost of a ruby*ruby*ruby)

Read music
(you must figure out the cost of the 3 items;
a gold earring with a diamond, a bronze bracelet,
and a platinum necklace with 3 rubies)

Read invoice
(the prices are random)
(you may want to make a chart with the
rows labeled Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze.
and the columns labeled Earring, Bracelet, and Necklace)

(the invoice gives the cost of 2 silver earrings.
divide this cost by 2 and enter the amount in the
Silver/Earring box. Fill in the rest of the Earring column
using the 2,4,6 ratios from the second blackboard)

(the invoice gives the cost of an emerald.
the cost of a ruby is the square root of the emerald cost
the cost of a diamond is the cube of the ruby cost.
record these values in a separate table)

(the invoice gives the cost of a gold bracelet with
a diamond. Subtract from this number the cost of a
diamond to get the cost of gold bracelet. Enter this number
in the Gold/Bracelet box. Fill in the rest of the Bracelet column
using the 2,4,6 ratios from the second blackboard)

(fill in the Necklace column as the sum of the Earring and
Bracelet columns for each metal)

(you now have all the cost data that you need to
open the display case)

Drop invoice
S, D, W
X case then look in it
X keypad
save "s50"

Read music
(compute the cost of 1 gold earring with 1 diamond)
Type #### on keypad
(look up the cost of a bronze bracelet)
Type #### on keypad
(compute the cost of platinum necklace with 3 rubies)
Type #### on keypad (1/51)
(the display should open for you)
Drop music
Get yellow plastic (1/52)

E, E
Get all from satchel
Drop satchel
Get gun
save "s52"

The Sports-Center/City-Map
X gun
X map then X screen
(a katana is a Japanese fighting blade)
(you must match the method, location, and color of each victim)

Shoot red plastic
Shoot needle
Shoot apartment (2/54)

Shoot blue plastic
Shoot tie
Shoot cinema

Shoot yellow plastic
Shoot question
Shoot college

Shoot purple plastic
Shoot torch
Shoot industry

Shoot orange plastic
Shoot crossbow
Shoot office

Shoot green plastic
Shoot katana
Shoot nightclub

X plan then x screen
(you must get 1 more figure)
Drop gun
W, U, N, NW
save "s54"

The Optics lab
X chandelier
X outer
X inner
(you may want to draw a picture of this assembly)

(this is a simple color mixing puzzle)
(you first install your 3 "primary" colors)
(think in terms of paint...)
Put red plastic on top hemisphere
Put blue plastic on left hemisphere
Put yellow plastic on right hemisphere

(red and blue mix)
Put purple on left cone
(blue and yellow mix)
Put green on bottom cone
(yellow and red mix)
Put orange on right cone (1/55)
(the pyramid should open)

X pyramid then get brown plastic (1/56)
SE, S, D, E
Get gun

Shoot brown plastic
Shoot knife
Shoot shopping (5/61)
(the steel shutters will open)
X plan
Drop all
save "s61"

The Steel-Shutters/Pool/Gym
S, S
X south wall
X panel
Push button
Get cover

E (1/62)
Get knife
Kill tony with knife (1/63)

The Van
(now the game starts to get hard and timing is critical)
save "s63"
X trolley then x handlebars
Search handlebars
Get screw then x it (1/64)
Get washer then drop screw
(the washer will save your life 3 times)

(you may as well look around)
X bench then look under it
X tank

X equipment then x stereo
X buttons

X grille then look through holes
X dashboard then x device

X passenger seat

(if you have time any time then)
(X mirror then x dice)
(Look in mirror)
save "s64"

The Blindfold
(wait until your enemy says
"... no idea who I am -- do you?")
Say Joanna to enemy (3/67)

(wait until your enemy says
"... see a pattern form here...")
Nod head (1/68)

(you must stop the bracelet needle...)
Put washer under bracelet (1/69)

The Water Tank
save "s69"
Feel water
(notice the ice)

Feel water (1/70)
(you will grab Sarah's brooch)
Break brooch (1/71)
Unlock irons with pin (1/72)
Get ice (1/73)
Cut blindfold with ice
Remove blindfold (1/74)
(notice the screws on the grate)
Put blindfold in inlet pipe (1/75)
Get washer
Unscrew top left with washer
Unscrew top right with washer
Unscrew bottom right with washer
Move grate
E (1/76)
save "s76"

X pumps
(you must wait until the pumps
are in the "Raise" mode)
E, U, U (1/77)
save "s77"

The Gate
X gate then x lock
Pry panel with washer (1/78)
Look under panel
(hard to find!)
save "s78"

(you will need some time to figure
out the lock combination, after
you do then "RESTORE" the game
and punch in the unlock sequence)

(there appears to be a short way and a long way
to figure out the combination...)

(Long way)
Look in lock
(notice the angular positions of the marks on the cogs)
(you may want to make a table with the rows labeled
Gold, Silver, White, Black. And the columns labeled
Outer, Central, Inner)
Push Gold
(record only the CHANGE in angular position for each of the three cogs)
(usually the outer and inner cogs move)
Push Silver
(record the changes)
(usually the center cog moves)
Push White
(record the changes)
(usually the center and inner cogs move)
Push Black
(record the changes)
(usually the outer and center cogs move)

(you will usually find that 1 or 2 of the cogs
will be correctly lined up. If the center cog
is not correct but the other 2 are, then pushing
the Silver button will usually fix it.
If 2 cogs are wrong then pushing Gold, White, or Black
should fix them. Your table should be able to guide you
as to which button to press)

(Short way)
restore "s78"
(the order of pushing the buttons
does not appear to matter)
Push Gold
Push Silver
Push White
Push Black
Push <Gold or Silver or White or Black> (2/80)
(If the gate does not open then UNDO
or RESTORE and try a different fifth button)
(the gate will, eventually, roll to one side)

(remember what was under the panel...)
Pull cable (1/81)
(gotta slow your enemy down...)
Search snow (1/82)
(you will find a manual close slot)

Look in tool cabinet then get handle (1/83)
Put handle in slot
Turn handle (1/84)
Get handle
save "s84"

The Crane
SE (2/86)
(your enemy will appear and be stopped by the
disabled gate, you will get 2 points)
(your enemy is busy cutting open the gate)

Put sapphire under cabinet
Hit wrench with handle (1/87)
(guess Sarah was a fake after all)

Get glass (1/88)
Get unit then x it
Move joystick SE
Move joystick S
Put glass under crane (1/89)
Move joystick E
X crane
(notice that the crane forks are pointing west...)

(don't let her cut the cable)
Throw unit over crates (1/90)
(your enemy will soon appear)
save "s90"

The Fight
(this section is VERY tightly timed)
(you must wait until your enemy says
"... advantage of a better weapon ...")
Joanna, give me the katana (1/91)
X katana then move hilt

(you must wait until
"... flash from her right wrist...")
Press serpent
(her wire cord trick should fail)

(does she have something in her mouth...)

(you must wait until
"... bending her arm ...")
Hit knife with katana

SW (6/97)

Get unit with katana
(you should hear her step on the glass in front of the crates)

(do you remember where you put the crane?)
Move joystick W
Drop unit
save "s97"

What date
NE (3/100)

A few unanswered questions
-- How long has she been out to get you?
  You were dating Sarah almost 5 years before dating Joanna
-- You were friends with her in school, what made her change?
-- How was the knife in the gym thrown?
-- What made her turn against "easy" woman?
-- What made her turn totally psycho?