This is a walkthrough for Cold As Death, by Gorm.

At the time of the walkthrough creation, this game could be played at .

Since actions are timed, you have 20 seconds between run or jump
actions; if you don't take one of these actions every 20 seconds, you'll
freeze to death. So if you're a slow typist, you may want to add "jump"
as needed.

pick up parachute
run south
run south
pick up pebbles
run north
run west
pick up sweet mushrooms
run east
run east
run east

(There seems to be a bear in the way. Maybe we could lure and poison it?
[No, this puzzle doesn't make sense to me either. Let's just go with

drop sweet mushrooms

(Of course, dead would be better than sleeping. What would make a noise
to knock down those spiky stones?)

use pebbles with sleeping bear
run east
pick up knife
pick up axe
pick up rope
run west
use knife with dead bear

(Notice what this does to our turn time limit!)

run west
run west
run south

(That's really begging to be chopped down...)

use axe with tree-sized mushroom
use rope with wooden board
pick up snowboard
run north
run east
run north
run north

(We're about to go snowboarding, so we'll have an even smaller time
limit than usual. Type fast!)
