Walkthrough for PunyInform versions of "Alien Research Centre 3".
Solved by Denk, November 2020.

1. Maximum Points Solution - score 55, turns: 45+
2. Speed-Run (minimum points) - score: 30, turns: 16

Maximum Points Solution - score 55, turns: 45+
There is a random element in the game, so the solution might take more than 33 turns. It is your pet, the snurl, which walks around randomly in your "house". Note that when you open a container (e.g. a box), you can SEARCH or LOOK IN the container to see what it contains without taking it. To make the walkthrough shorter, I don't do that. I just TAKE ALL FROM BOX (fictive example). Here we go:

open desk, get all from desk, wear pass, east, east, x work-surface, open oven, get all from oven

Now you must walk around the house until you meet the snurl again. Sometimes the snurl leaves as soon as you enter a location (e.g. "The snurl hops away despondently). If so, keep following it, until it stays in a location (e.g. "The snurl sits cleaning between its toes").

Now you can: feed snurl   (you must have the carcass - 5 points)

Then go to the hallway and follow this solution again.

x sheet, x panel, go up, open cabinet (5 points), get all from cabinet, open wardrobe, get all from wardrobe, x jacket, open pocket, get all from pocket, x wardrobe, turn on light, go west, x shimmering, go south, go south, go west, open dispenser (5 points), get all from dispenser, go east, go east, x bronze-key, unlock locker with bronze-key (5 point), get all from locker, go west, go south, x holocube, turn on holocube (you must be wearing the pass - 5 points), look, x beam, turn on beam, look, go east, go south, talk to Alice (keep talking to Alice until you ask "Alice do I just press 'D' to beam down?" - now you know you just have to type 'D'), d, go east, go north, kill hograt (must have rifle - 5 points), look behind queen (25 points)

Speed-Run (minimum points) - score: 30, turns: 16
Open desk, wear pass, go east, go up, go west, go south, go south, go south, turn on holocube (5 points), turn on beam, go east, go south, down, go east, go north, look behind queen (25 points)