# ---------------- TADS ----------------
# FED text editor syntax highlighting
# configuration data for the TADS
# interactive fiction authoring language.
# FED - MSDOS&Linux executables & source
# http://www.talula.demon.co.uk/
# Please email me when you find corrections
# or improvements for this data so I can
# publish them for other TADS users.
#                            [email protected]
# Thanks to Ted Hwa
# whose Ultraedit syntax highlighting file
# I used as a starting point for this FED file.
# Use a text editor to add this whole file
# to the end of the FED.SYN file which you
# should find in your FED program directory.
# (You can delete these informational lines
# starting with hash symbols if you want to.)
Keywords=and break case class construct continue debugTrace default delete
Keywords=destruct do else for function goto if inherited isclass local
Keywords=new nil not object or pass return self switch true while
Keywords=abort addword againVerb argcount askdo askfile askio
Keywords=car caps cdr commandAfterRead commandPrompt compoundWord cvtnum cvtstr
Keywords=datatype defined delword exit exitobj find firstobj formatstring
Keywords=getarg getwords incturn init initRestore input length locationOK
Keywords=logging lower modify Me nextobj notify pardon parserGetMe preinit
Keywords=proptype quit rand randomize remdaemon remfuse restart restore
Keywords=save say setdaemon setfuse setit setscore setversion specialWords
Keywords=substr undo unnotify upper yorn
Keywords=actorAction adesc adjective article cantReach contents
Keywords=doAction doDefault ioAction ioDefault isEquivalent isHim isHer
Keywords=isVisible location multisdesc newNumbered nilPrep noun numObj
Keywords=plural pluraldesc preferredActor prepDefault preposition
Keywords=roomAction roomCheck sdesc statusLine strObj takeVerb thedesc
Keywords=validActor validDo validDoList validIo validIoList value verb
Keywords=Actor addbulk addweight
Keywords=basicMe basicNumObj basicStrObj beditem behindHider buttonitem
Keywords=chairitem checkDoor checkReach clothingItem container
Keywords=darkroom darkVerb darkTravel decoration deepverb dialItem distantItem
Keywords=doorway fixeditem follower fooditem goToSleep hiddenItem hider
Keywords=incscore initRestart initSearch isIndistinguishable item itemcnt
Keywords=keyedLockable keyItem
Keywords=ldesc lightsource listcont listcontcont listfixedcontcont
Keywords=lockableDoorway lockable moveableActor nestedroom obstacle openable
Keywords=Prep qcontainer qsurface reachableList readable room
Keywords=sayPrefixCount scoreRank searchHider seethruItem surface switchItem
Keywords=terminate theFloor thing transparentItem turncount
Keywords=underHider vehicle
Keywords=disambigDobj disambigIobj dobjCheck dobjGen iobjCheck iobjGen
Keywords=parseAskobj parseAskobjActor parseDefault parseDisambig parseError
Keywords=parseError2 parseErrorParam parseNounPhrase parseUnknownDobj
Keywords=parseUnknownIobj parseUnknownVerb preparse preparseCmd