Sample Transcript from Arthur, typed in by Tom Schaefer
Comments in {} are mine, sentences in [] are in the original.

This transcript is not from "Arthur", but it will give you a good feeling for
how Infocom's interactive fiction works. It contains some simple puzzles and
their solutions. The player's commands appear in capital letters after each
prompt (>).

{Map of 5 rooms that can be reconstructed from the transcript}

 Your quest for the Seven Lost Jewels of Nimnul has brought you to a path,
deep within a dark forest. The path goes north and south from here.
 You see a small box half-buried beneath a pile of leaves.

Succumbing to the thieving instinct that drives adventurers such as yourself
to steal anything that isn't tied down, you take the box.

You open the box. Inside is a small scrap of paper.

Most of the writing is illegible, but you can make out the following words:
 "When thou wisheth to cause something to lose dimension, utter the ancient
word 'Twerplotz' Contrariwise, if thou desireth to cause a thing to become
enlarged, then shalt thou say 'Blimpsnarf.'"
{sic - Punctuation as printed in the original manual}

 You come to a clearing in the woods. A path leads to the south, and the way
to the east is blocked by a thick hedge of thorns. There is a woodsman here,
roasting a deer over a huge fire. You haven't eaten all day, and the hunk of
meat he holds in his hand looks particularly appetizing.

"Well now," says the woodsman. "There's enuf 'ere for two, but me father told
me never to give up sump'n for nut'n. 'Ave ye got anything to offer?"

You are wearing an expensive cloak that is fastened at your neck with a copper
 You are carrying a sword, a small box, and an incredibly battered brass
lantern that is so banged up from past adventures that it's a miracle it gives
off any light at all.

You give the box to the woodsman and he gives you the meat. You wolf it down
and your hunger disappears.


"No need for thanks," the woodsman says, holding up the box. "It's a fair
enough trade."

You wave a jaunty farewell to the woodsman, turn, and walk face-first into the
hedge, impaling yourself on the thorns. You pry yourself free and do a quick
impression of a sieve leaking blood, then fall to the greensward, dead.

 ***** You have died. *****

[Do you wish to RESTART, RESTORE, UNDO, QUIT, or get a HINT?]



You hack away at the hedge with your sword. For every branch you chop off, two
grow back in its place. The woodsman chuckles knowingly.

"Oh, that there's an enchanted 'edge, that one is. On t'other side is a
beautiful girl locked up in a tower. Legend 'as it that once a year - at the
stroke of midnight on St. Winget's day - an 'ole opens up in the 'edge." He
pulls his Old Woodsman's Almanac out of his back pocket and consults it. Then
he licks his finger, holds it up to the wind, ponders a moment, and continues,
"As luck would have it, today 'appens to be St. Winget's day."

"A lovelier lass never breathed. They say 'er skin is fair as heifer's milk,
'er neck is graceful as a swan's, an' she's lively as a young colt. Mind you,
I've never seen 'er, but if I was twenty years younger, I wouldn't mind 'aving
a go at 'er meself."

[Time passes...]

In the distance you hear the sound of a church bell striking the hour. As you
idly wonder if the hour ever strikes back, a hole opens up in the hedge
leading to the east.

You are too big to fit through the hole.

You shrink to half your original size.

 You walk through the tunnel and emerge into daylight on the other side.
There is a perfectly round tower here that has no doors or other openings,
except for one tiny window at the very top. To the north is a large tree with
a huge trunk.

The walls are to smooth to climb.

Meadow, behind the tree
 You walk behind the tree and peer around the trunk at the tower.

[Time passes...]
 Suddenly an old crone comes up to the base of the tower and cries,
"Grizlbut, let down thy hair."
 Moments later, a mass of golden hair cascades out of the window. The witch
climbs up the hair and disappears into the tower.
[Do you want to continue waiting?]

>Yes  {sic}
After a while, the crone emerges from the window, climbs down the hair and
disappears into the forest. The hair retreats into the window above.

 You step out from behind the tree.

A clump of hair falls from the window above, hitting you squarely on the head
and knocking you unconscious. After a few moments, you recover and stagger
groggily to your feet.

[You don't need to use the word har.]

Tower Room
 Ignoring the shrieks and cries of pain from above, you climb up the side of
the tower.
 Climbing through the window, you discover to your dismay that the legend
got the animals right, but the particulars wrong. The girl has the face of a
horse, the figure of a cow, and the voice of an enraged swan. She looks at
you as she hauls in her hair and squawks, "You're awfully small to be going
around rescuing maidens."

Poof! You regain your original size.
 The girl smiles at you demurely, bats her one eyelash, and rasps, "Hello,

Tower Room
 You are in a small room at the top of a tall tower. The only escape lies
through the window to the west or the locked door to the east.
Imbedded in the doorknob is one of the Seven Lost Jewels of Nimnul.

You tug at the jewel, but it refuses to budge.

The door is locked.
The girl strokes her moustache meditatively and brays, "The witch who
imprisoned me here told me that the door would open only if I would speak
aloud the answer to the following riddle: Forward I'm heavy, backward I'm
not. What am I?"

The door springs open, and the jewel pops out into your hand.
 [Your score just went up by 5 points.]
 "Darling!" the girl honks. "I'm yours!" She leaps into your arms. You
 stagger backward under the tremendous weight and crash into the wall.

The girl thuds to the floor and everything else in the room jumps. She wraps
herself around your leg and beseeches you to take her with you.

 Dragging Grizlbut behind you like a ball and chain, you leave the room to
explore the rest of the tower.