28th of July 2023, Friday

Hello Gophers!

I really feel I should write a phlog entry today. But I do not have a real rea-
son to do so: I am quite boring and nerdy as a person, and therefore do not have
too much to say to the public that I find interesting enough.

I have been thinking to stop my gopher server and move on to Gemini. I really
like the format, and SkyJake's Lagrange browser is very, very good in my opinion.
But I have not taken the plunge yet, and I am thinking of keeping the gopher
server running with a minimal page pointing to the gemini server...  but maybe
that would be a hassle, as both protocols run on port 70...

Well... We'll see. At least I get to enjoy the weekend now, and I am cherishing
the free time it brings. In a few weeks we'll go on holidays in France. Looking
very much forward to that.

Anyway. Have a nice weekend all.


