7th of January 2022, Friday

Hello Gophers!

First and foremost I wish all lovers of our little web a very fruitful and
happy 2022. Gopherers and Geminiers alike, I hope we all will produce and
consume good content that is actually about real thoughts and not about
consumption, commercials or other useless stuff.

Having said that, I would like to share a small observation with you all. As
you may or may not know, I think I am always finding out these things a bit
late, but at least I am finding them out ;-)

I was investigating a bit about the term "The great reset" that you see so much
nowadays in the media. And of course it was a rabbithole. The thing that I
wanted to know is "Where does the term come from, and what was it's original
meaning?", but it was very hard to find that. Instead I was bombarded with many
half-truths (from either side) that tried to sway my opinion to one or the other

And then it hit me: I could not get to the real meaning without wading through
all that half-truth, and carefully disseminating what was true and complete.
Especially that last combination: true AND complete was something severely lack-
ing in most publications. The use of half-truths to sway my opinion was rife.
And I disliked it a lot. Coming to the real deep and complete truth about things
is simply not easy, and the way is paved with potholes that you easily fall into.

Also something else came up that I already suspected for a while: It is very,
very hard to communicate a whole truth with all its implications, boundaries and
exceptions. It just takes so much text, time and careful thoughts to really get
an idea across to someone else, it's staggering! (Even getting this message it-
self across in this phlogpost is hard to do...)

So: Communication of a well-balanced, well thought-out, complete truth is very
hard, and therefore the chances of people misunderstanding each other are quite
high, leading to more discussion and confusion itself and so ad infinitum.

I am wondering whether it would be possible to find a new way of communication
that is in itself complete, thruthful and understandable. I think this will be
in my thoughts for a while in the coming months or even years...

Well, I hope you did not hate my rant. I just need to get things off my chest
once in a while, and then I am happy I have my trusty phlog waiting for me to
take it all in.

Have a nice weekend all!


