3rd of July 2021, Saturday

Hello Gophers!

To start with the main thing I want to say today: the Foscam R2 camera sucks!
I bought two of them the other day as they were advertised as being RTSP compa-
tible (which they apparently are). But when I tried to set up one of them by
connecting to the internal webserver of the thing, it refused to let me in!
It even told me that it would only function if I downloaded a Windows .exe file
from an unknown place and install it on my machine. I am a Linux-only guy, so
that was not possible, but first and foremost wholly unacceptable. Then the ma-
nual told me I would need to set up the camera first via a iOS or Android app.
So I tried the app, and it needed my email and a password etc. etc.
I was getting more an gry by the minute. Finally I got some video on my phone.
But I still could not enter the web interface after setting all this up.

I finally packed the item back into its case, and today I brought both cameras
back to the store for a refund. I deleted the Foscam app from my phone.

I surely understand that Foscam is Chinese, and therefore after my private data,
but I want to have an option not to play that game and use the ^&%^&^# item
that I bought without going with that scam. I paid my money for the product and
that should be it. Simply said, if the camera needs to be more expensive in
order to make money on the camera itself, then I will gladly pay the premium if
that also means that my camera's data stays mine if I choose to do so.

Anyway, I am looking for a simple Full-HD PT (pan-tilt, no zoom) camera with a
WiFi connection and RTSP streaming capability. If you find one that is not try-
ing to sell my private data, I would be very interested. Drop me a line if you
have a good suggestion, please!

Have a nice weekend!


