
Began work on this. Setup inetd service, can connect via telnet.



 Serving a main index now. No selector handling.


 I added a bit more file i/o functionality and now can serve a main
 index and a directory index. Also, text files.


Lots of cleanups. Now serving its own source.

Added support for reporting nothing on invalid selectors instead of
crashing or returning the main index.

I was able to successfully transfer a binary file.

Next goal: support at least a subset of a gophermap or similar instead
of manually creating the index with all of the tabs, selectors, etc.


Implemented a very minimal subset of gophermap support.


Morning: I decided to implement an HTTP server so I can drop pygopherd.
The pygopherd works, but it's much bigger than Atua and it's GPL'd, so
I'm reluctant to even look at the sources.

During lunch I started working on this. I was able to get it to
transfer the indexes and pages via a subset of HTTP/0.9.

In the evening I made a lot more progress. Atua-WWW (as I'm calling
this) now parses the gophermaps and generates an HTML page with links.
In some limited testing it works on Chrome for Windows 7 & macOS. It
didn't work with Safari on iOS. I fixed this by having it claim to
support HTTP/1.0 (though it doesn't).

At this point it's slow, but functioning. So I've dropped pygopherd
and will be using this on port 80 and atua-gopher on port 70.


Began work on Retro-2016.6. This will include a move to have `rre` use
the literate sources, so I've adapted Atua and Atua-WWW to work with
this model.