 title: Hello, World... Again!
 date: 2024-01-01 16:00:00

Guess it's time to give this gopher thing a try again.

I had a passable setup at one point, but my familiarity with Jekyll
plugins was pretty nonexistent, which ultimately resulted in me
just duplicating my Jekyll setup to serve up a phlog.

It worked, for a while, but hopping back and forth between the two
had more overhead than was worth it.

Well, I've been able to figure things out a hell of a lot better
lately, so now I have a very Jekyll-friendly setup that allows me
to write all my posts in one place, and then have Jekyll
automatically divvy things into the appropriate directories for me.

And thanks to fly.io [0], I've been able to setup a pretty
low-stress hosting setup as well that allows me to serve up both my
gopherhole and my website from the same domain. No weird subdomains
or other annoying workarounds.

Managing a virtual machine become a bit tedius in the past, so I'm
experimenting a bit with Fly to see how I like it (so far, so good).

I hope I can keep things up a bit better this time. I doubt I will
publish *too* often here, but when I do I expect it will be as an
outlet for things I want to share but would rather weren't served
up in a "Google Alerts" friendly format to my corporate overlords.

Let's do this thing.

[0]: https://fly.io

>> This is post 016 of #100DaysToOffload