_     _
                       _ __ | |__ | | ___   __ _
                      | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |
                      | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| |
                      | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
                      |_|    ...2024-01-02 |___/

Happy y++;
I guess that needed to get out of the way before continuing to the reason
I wanted to write this entry.

I bought new speakers a while back
I was pretty happy with my Eris E5, for what they were, they were good!
But I was not totally satisfied, there was a slight difference between them
and they didn't quite have the lows I want, which is reasonable for their
size. So I bought some Genelecs, and because those are digital, I also
bought the controller box with calibation microphone and a rather expensive
"USB to digital XLR" sound... device.. and the 100 euro potmeter to control
the volume.. I'm just a guy who enjoys listening to music, so this is pretty
out-there, it's the kind of setup a lower-midrange studio might have.
But I appreciate the simplicity.
My computer pumps 96khz 24 bit PCM at 0dB into the USB device, and the USB
device pumps 96khz 24 bit PCM over the XLR AES-EBU cable, directly into
the DSP of the monitors, which apply the room-correction curve, adjust the
volume before pushing it to the dac and into the amplifier to make sound.
That means there's a minimum of conversion going on, and no analog loss except
between the internal DAC and AMP in the Genelecs.
It sounds very nice indeed. I probably can't hear the difference between the
anaog xlr out of my scarlett and this setup, but I _know_ it's more correct and
that accounts for something too.

So why did I buy it a while back ?
Because I heard a song from french singer "Pomme", that song was called
"Sans Toi" and I had to listen to that song with something better..
It was so beautiful on the Eris E5, and in the DT990 250 Ohms.. But I had to
get closer, and so I spend a few moths salary on some new speakers, I figured,
going end-game would be better than slowly building up, it'd be cheaper in the
end. Yeah, I'm heappy I did, no buyers remorse there.. Only.. Now I'm trying
to convince myself that I don't need to invest  in subs.
I know I'll lose that battle eventually.. But for now, I'm good.

Thanks, Pomme, for making me upgrade my audio setup..
