_     _
                       _ __ | |__ | | ___   __ _
                      | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |
                      | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| |
                      | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
                      |_|    ...2019-01-02 |___/

Old tech as plot devices
If you're any sort of cultured, think back on past movies and stories,
now, remove the parts of the story that wouldn't have to happen because
People have cellphones
The Internet does is there
Traveling almost anywhere in the world is accessible and affordable
DNA evidence is a thing
Everyone has a high-resolution video camera in their pocket
Military grade encryption is available to anyone

Even something like the game 007 for Nintendo 64 would have
some difficulties, "take photographs of documents" and "bug the phones",
are already outdated, the documents would probably be encrypted and stored
digitally, and the phones would be in the pockets of the targets, and they'd
be difficult to bug unless you bring them into a lab (or, alternatively, you
don't have to bug them because you can just issue a request to tap them at
the service provider level, the infrastructure for that is there).

I'm kind of fearing that in the future
we will start to see more and more media working awkwardly around it,
probably using maagic or senselessness "magnetic interference" or some
crap like that.. or they will have inconsistencies, where, in THAT particular
situation, the main character will totally ignore that he has a cellphone,
or if it's out of battery, that he can charge it anywhere, or jsut borrow
someone elses. Even worse, set the movies in the past, so we can have limits,
but then they will be misused and misunderstood, like a rotary phone with DTMS
or, this has already happened now that I think about it: digital video with
bad connection glitching like analog video would..  I'm sure there will be more
instances of this as the next generation of filmmakers and storytellers won't
have any actual experiences with the technology they use as their plot devices.