_     _
                       _ __ | |__ | | ___   __ _
                      | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |
                      | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| |
                      | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
                      |_|    ...2017-08-21 |___/

It's over
It's been over for 55 minutes, the weekend, that is.
It was a good one, but too short, about a day too short, that day I spent doing
practical stuff. Now I'm just sitting and listening to the soundtrack from
"The Time Machine" (2002), it's such a great soundtrack, should watch the movie
again soon. Watched "New Kids Turbo" (2010) today, that was.. Odd.

Hopefully tomorrow will be the beginning of a better week than the previous one.

Session started: 2017-08-20.

                                                                         - OUT