_     _
                       _ __ | |__ | | ___   __ _
                      | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |
                      | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| |
                      | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
                      |_|    ...2017-05-16 |___/

Open letter to Elgato
I bought your "Game Capture HD" today, it's not the newest, or or most expensive
of your devices, but it has the following features that I need:
--> It can be made to work on Linux <--

Now, a guy over on github has already done the hard work of figuring out how to
talk with one of your devices, the "Elgato Game Capture HD", his driver has some
rough edges, but it works well enough that I put my money on it, literally,
and bought your device. Now, understand, that all the time and money you spent
on that nice GUI application, it did nothing to push the sale to me, if it was
not for that guy, his hard work and his software, I'd not have bought your
device at all.  I'd have bought one of the higher end ones, but they're
not supported yet... My point is, this sale, at least this sale, is on him.

I'd like to make an argument for you supporting this project.
Grant him permission to distribute your binary firmware, or make links to just
those files, so we don't need to download hundreds of megabytes just to extract
them from the .msi files..

At least a mention on your driver download page, so Linux users can see that it
is in fact possible to use some of your devices.. We're not just going to switch
to windows to use them, either we will buy something else, or just live without
the possibility to use a capture device like the one you make..

Not doing that's almost as silly as Razer lying that their microphones doesn't
work on Linux (which they do, since they're just standard USB audio devices).
Now, your capture card is not a standard USB video device, because then V4L2
would have worked (hint hint), but at least acknowledge that your hardware does
actually work with Linux, and invest the tiny bit of time that it may take to
help the open-source driver development, they need some assistance with making
support for some of the newer devices, so go go go! :)

Help this project: https://github.com/tolga9009/elgato-gchd

I shouldn't have to mention why it makes sense to invest the time to get it
working in Linux.. We're not as picky a crowd as the Windows and OSX guys when
it comes to features, we don't need some fancy GUI application, we just need
something fairly standard that we can then make to fit into our own setups..

It's totally okay if all we have is a FIFO file or a socket from which video can
be read, we'll make do! Just throw us (the Linux crowd) a bone, we'll catch it.
I mean, think about it, the driver is almost done, support for some things could
be better, give one of your engineers a google-day and let him help out, for one
or two days of pay, you're essentially opening your product to a whole new
market, one where your customers are generally very skilled people who won't
require a fraction of the support that you're used to having to give.
Do yourself a favor, and support your own devices on Linux, you won't have to
even do that much, we're used to making our own stuff work, we're used to
putting in the hours it take, to debug, to get stuff working.. Little effort and
big profit, almost too good to be true, but that's how it is with niche markets.
Just spend a bit of time to look around, people are spending their time making
your stuff work, we're buying your hardware, we're paying customers who does not
even expect you to support our operating systems, so hey..
Why not surprise us and involve yourselves a bit, you'll be warmly greeted.

                                                                        - OUT