_     _
                       _ __ | |__ | | ___   __ _
                      | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |
                      | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| |
                      | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
                      |_|    ...2017-04-30 |___/

I'm in the airport only, a stop between Tallinn and Aalborg, it's a pretty busy
airport, but still manages to be kind of charming and reasonably comfortable,
also if you don't stay in the lounge. It IS truly an astonishing experience how
bad people are at flying in general.. Somehow I can't stop being surprised.
But that is a rant I've already made, though, this time I did see two new
behaviours worth mentioning: The first was the guy in security who tried to
bring two large bottles of soap in his carry-on. While I do not agree with
policy on their immense fear of liquids (or creams, if expensive), I do find
it surprising that people haven't learned this by now, there are signs about it
everywhere you go!

In Time & Django
I watched these during the weekend with my girlfriend. In time was a lot better
than the title suggests, it's a science fiction movie built on the premise that
scarcity econmy and dealing with over-population have found symbiosis in a
world where time is literally money, so you pay with life-time, and you earn
time as well. It's something new, and it was excuted pretty well too! 6.5/10.
Then there was Django, which I heard about a long time ago, and didn't think
it'd be much good, oh boy was I wrong! While we agreed to disagree on how good
this movie was, I absolutely loved it! Maybe a slight bit too long, but there's
magic about the way Tarantino manages to orchestrate violence, grit and cliche
in perfect harmony. Surely Django was not a deep movie, surely the story is not
a big mystery (he's awesome, he'll win), but I think it was well told, and had
some good twists nevertheless. I'm going to give it 8/10, no, 8.5/10 because of
the motherfucking cool shot of smilling Django, burning ruins reflected in his
awesome round shades at the very end of the movie.

It used to be almost nobody had a voice, now everyone has a megaphone, and it
seems like neveryone is using it. Maybe we are destined to drown in a sea of
screams. It used to be that almost nobody had a voice, so when they spoke,
the rest listened. Their voice bore signifigance. Now everyone has a megaphone
and they are screaming "Look at me! See me! I exist! I live! I have worth!" and
noone has time to think deeply, for "Likes" are the social currency and deep
things take time, both to say and to hear. I don'tthink I'm going anywhere with
this, for I am one of the screaming voices, though, maybe I'm screaming in a
different megaphone, maybe not even that. Still, it numbs the mind to try to
phantom the immense amount of information we produce every day, and to
grasp how eternally shallow and meaningless it is. Is this another example of
ever-increasing entropy? Is this data-thermo-dynamics ? Are we moving past
the sweet-spot of volume/signifigance density? Maybe we're only just started.
Concecpts, buzzwordy as they are, such as big-data, they grow from this drastic
increase of data volume. The signifigance is no longer primarily in what is
said, but how many said it, where and when. It is no longer about understanding
the message, but about finding the pattern. It is no longer about an individual
or their ideas, but about the collective mind of a group. What used to be full
frame images are now blips on a multidimensional radar screen, and the blips
are becoming denser, they are static snow, like that on a tv-screen those of us
old enough to remember know them. Looking around society, it looks as if we've
become hyper-developed, but behind it all are mostly the same instincts that
made us survive until now. Survive, proccreate, kill competition, help
offspring succeed. I'm going nowhere with this, so stop reading. :)
Who am I kidding, people are not reading websites anymore. People consume
streams of pre-digested, target-group specific entertainment sludge. It happens
that I examine the logs of my servers, I'm interested, it's data, I like data.
It's a guilty pleasure, though, I'm not sure on the pleasure part. Still.
Most of my visitors are robots, and I wonder if they understad to proccess
anything I put out here into entertainment sludge. I wonder if they really are
liking me into the web. This kind of thing I'm doing here, I don't know how
rare it is, I some times stumble upon another personal website, and I most
often make the effort to look around, and often, I am rewarded with
things that I wouldn't ever have thought I found interesting. Things that I may
in fact wouldn't find interesting except for the interest in whomever put it up
there. Paragraphs are a foreign concept to me. They delimit things, they put
things into boxes, and I'm no good at that, either I will end up having a deep
nest of boxes inside boxes until there's only one item in each, or I will have
one box with all things in it, which gives the same result so why bother.
Anyway, I'm out of things to write, neat.

Got home alive!
A bunch of stuff was waiting for me, exciting! A PlayStation2, works! Great! The
controller needs a loving hand, the buttons are a bit weird and sometimes are
inputting the wrong data.. Hopefully I can fix it, otherwise, I'll need to get a
new one.. Oh well, I'm just happy to finally own a PS2 :) I also got about 10
webcams, one of them not working at all (will try and repair), and one of them
exhibiting a very interesting visual artifact that looks almost like a circuit.
Other than that the webcams are very unremarkable, they seem to be the exact
same electronics all of them, that's a bit sad, but oh well... The picture they
make is surprisingly good, so I'm not complaining. :) I'll waste the rest of the
evening now.. :)

                                                                          - OUT