_     _
                       _ __ | |__ | | ___   __ _
                      | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |
                      | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| |
                      | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
                      |_|    ...2017-03-31 |___/

I was looking around for cheap webcams, for low-priority surveillance, and one
thing that annoyed me a lot, is that most of those very cheap webcams have not
a single test-picture on the Internet, not from a reliable source at least. So I
decided that I'll be that weird guy who buys a bunch and does some test-shots.
So.. I bought... 19 visually-different webcams.. I expect that most, if not all
of them contain the same hardware.. 19 is maybe enough that I'll be able to get
2 or 3 generations of the hardware.. Time will tell.. I'm planning to do some
test-shots in different conditions, and make a table showing pictures from each
of them, so that there is at least one online resource showing what these cams
can (or can not) do...

My very first gist
https://gist.github.com/DusteDdk (suboset.js)
Wrote a short node script to re-time/offset srt files. Thing is, I had a movie
that was in 4 parts (no worries, it's public domain), and I couldn't find any
subtitles for it in 4 parts, but I found a single srt file, so I had to cut it
up into separate files.. Then the IDs and time-stamps were off... So after a
quick look around for a utility to painlessly subtract "some time" from all
entries in an srt file, I decided it'd be easier to just write one. So I did,
it was easy and it works, for the files I needed to cut anyway...