_     _
                       _ __ | |__ | | ___   __ _
                      | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |
                      | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| |
                      | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
                      |_|    ...2017-02-04 |___/

Retro stuff
I like old stuff, mostly the old stuff that looks futuristic, I also like new
stuff that look futuristic, but there's not that much of it around.
I found the "Vault of the Atomic Space Age" site, and it's pretty entertaining.

The Weekend Curse
It's 11:41, I've done nothing but watch 2 episodes of an Anime. It's not that I
don't have anything to do, or that I don't want to do anything. It's that there
are so many options, and so many things I'd like to do that I become paralyzed
by the choice. It takes a day or so, before I get into the mood where I can
naturally choose the thing I want to do. I'd prefer if weeks were arranged so
there's 5 working days and 5 recreation days. My girlfriend suggested that I
make a list, I wrote it off quickly because I have an aversion to being forced
to do anything, even if it is something I'd otherwise enjoy. But I think she is
right about the list, I should do that. I haven't streamed for some time. Maybe
I should try and get further in Hotline Miami tonight. Maybe I should spend the
day making the HTML renderer for my website. But I ran into some trouble, mainly
finding a consistent way to render monospace and preserve spaces.. I tried using
<pre> but then I wouldn't be able to inject links and images, which is something
I want to do. Maybe the mood for fixing that will hit me after a few more anime
episodes. :)

SIDs are good for coding
I'm listening to my SIDs with sidplayfp, because I've not yet built the hardware
SID play that I've thought about so many times.. The design has changed in my
head too many times to count, but some day I'll build the box. I think I want it
to be network attached, maybe one sends SID files and playback commands to it so
it can be used from the computer (command station).

Well well well
Fancy HTML we have here.. Or, rather, on http://dusted.dk/pages/phlog/
I decided to write the HTML renderer for my plaintext files. Did not inline
images because it wouldn't have looked as good, and I'm being quite tough on
the browser with regards to use of the &nbsp; entity, but I want it looking nice
and that was just the easiest way I could think of. I spent way longer writing
it, but I do have a habit of underestimating time. Anyway, it went well enough.
So now, the weekend coding has ended, and I will  waste the rest of the time
mindlessly consuming media of various kinds, and I think I will start by
finishing the brain-dead anime that I started on before I started coding.
It is called "I don't understand what my husband is saying" and it's fun enough.