_     _
                       _ __ | |__ | | ___   __ _
                      | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` |
                      | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| |
                      | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
                      |_|        ...indeed |___/

Why not write something
First of all: Write off the instigating premise for the following to the
eccentricity of myself and my friend. Today I was jokingly told to pull myself
together and, (in the case of failure to comply, or success to do so, I don't
know; maybe either case) write a 200 word essay on the subject. Like any proper
narcissist I enjoy writing, and reading, my own drivel. So I decided to humor
myself (and who knows, maybe him) and do just that. 200 words is a bit less
than I usually need to treat any subject, concise articulation has never
been a talent of mine, but here goes nothing (truly).

Pull yourself together
What motivates us to pull ourselves together must surely differ widely between
people. The idea that economic incentive is the primary instigator of work
activity has long been disproved for non-mundane tasks. The idea of fear as a
primary instigator of work-activity might have stand up better, most are, after
all, driven by a desire for self-preservation. However, for myself, what fear I
may have for the future has less to do with my personal income, and more to do
with psychopaths with access to nuclear weapons, religious fanatics, and
antipathy of the pursuit of knowledge. For myself, I do not think that I am
driven by economic incentive, nor by fear to any significant degree, except,
maybe, the fear of failing. Another way of putting this, would be to say that I
am driven by the desire to succeed, the desire to achieve perfection, to improve
endlessly. So what does it mean to pull yourself together? It can be understood
on several scales. In the long run, it might mean to achieve personal
satisfaction, order and stability in life. In the short run, it might mean to
bring emotions under control, become able to focus and work well. Who knows?

Improved my write script
Now adds a header with the date, and checks if anything has been written in the
file, if not, it removes the file again.

Looking for keyboard
I'm growing tired of my SteelSeries 6Gv2, now, it's generally a well made board,
but I feel that the keys are a bit too hard.. I'd like something a bit smoother,
maybe try some red cherries.. Now, the problem is that, the only keyboards I've
found have had weirdness, like the SteelSeries Apex M500, looks promising, it
seems like the only way to turn off the light, there's no online manual, and you
have to register and sign-in to their website to ask, so there's no way to find
out if the light can be turned off. The source-code for the software that seems
to run only on Windows or Mac (they write PC, but show a Windows logo) is
nowhere to be found, so I can't be sure that it can be turned off. Then there is
the Corsair boards, and while they seem nice, there is some weird pattern on the
space-bar, I don't want some weird bumps on my keys, except for the home-keys,
where the bumps are usually not large enough.. I actually took those two caps
from my Filco Majestouch when it died, and I use them on my SteelSeries now,
because the bumps (I am annoyed that I've forgotten their name) are much nicer.
They may be called "fijs" but I'm not entirely sure.. I just asked on Twitter.
Anyway, maybe I really need to build my own, but I don't hope so! I just want
a really high quality keyboard with good debouncing, very light and consistent
mechanical keys, nordic layout, no extra buttons, no light, no weird texture,
no bullshit, no wrist rest, no strange shapes. Pretty much like the 6Gv2 with
a fixed layout, other switches and better firmware.
