A LudumDare entry from 2013 that I made with my home-grown hacked-together
incomplete "game engine" (excessiveOverkill), the theme was "You get only one".
I didn't know what to make, so I made a side-scrolling game where you have only
one life, and you die from one shot or if one rock passes you.

You play as a mechanical space-goat (the goat model from another LudumDare game
I made) who has to find his girlfriend (a pink metallic goat) who was for no
particular reason transported far away from you......

Linux: LD28_GoatLove_linux_b0021.tar.bz2 [LD28_GoatLove_linux_b0021.tar.bz2]
5.50 MiB

Windows: LD28_GoatLove_windows_b0021.zip [LD28_GoatLove_windows_b0021.zip] 6.77
MiB (SHA256:92479e110c8bdc862322f60aa88f083a8953782db3be1c117bd0cbe6151e9573)

Objective: Shoot everything that comes towards you, avoid hitting anything,
avoid anything flying past you.

Controls: ctrl - shoot.
Arrow keys - move your goat (left=slower, right=faster)
esc - quit
f1 - engine console

Screenshot [s0s.jpg] [s0.jpg]Screenshot [s1s.jpg] [s1.jpg]Screenshot [s3s.jpg]
[s3.jpg]Screenshot [s4s.jpg] [s4.jpg]Screenshot [s5s.jpg] [s5.jpg]Screenshot
[s7s.jpg] [s7.jpg]Screenshot [s8s.jpg] [s8.jpg]Screenshot [s9s.jpg] [s9.jpg]

Last edited: 2016-07-29 - No need for a disclaimer, I've done nothing wrong!

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